153 Results
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how People speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how People speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how People speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how People speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how People speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how People speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how People speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how People speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how People speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how People speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how People speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how People speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how People speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
a lost divorce document that was found, People passing by, non Jew passing by, identifying marks on the document
a man gifted assets to 2 People with a contract that has 2 signers, one of which is related to one of the recipients, does the invalidation of one recipient cancel the contract for the other recipient as wee?
administrator of the Temple Pesachyah was Mordechai, spoke seventy languages, stories of understanding People who couldn’t speak normally
am haaretz gives figs to a People in house or gate owned by one of them, bringing into his house causes tithe obligation?
an unintentional killer who the townsPeople want to honor, should tell them that he in unworthy due to being a killer
ark faces the People, the kohanim face the People, the People face the ark
avoiding suspicion from People as well as being pure from viewpoint of God, proof from Torah, Prophets, and Writings
Bais Shamai and Bais Hillel declared certain marriages to be producing illegitimate children, yet they married into each other (when illegitimate People weren’t suspected)
Ben Beivai took care of the wicks, Rabbi Yosah used Ben Beivai as an example to the People of Kufrah to take positions of leadership
blessings, setting up one’s own lulav, for other People, picking up lulav, praying with lulav, first day, later days, no blessing after first day, comparison to the blessing on lighting Chanukah menorah
brings closeness (or war) between People
brings closeness (or war) between People
brought in a state of impurity, People impure, kohanim impure, vessels impure, hands impure, knives impure
building stone walls by two People, one placed the stones, the other placed the cement
came to rule by tricking David, the courts, and the People of Israel
carrying a circumcision knife or keys to the study hall using an enclosure of People as an eruv
cases where ignorant People are trusted with holy things, and trusted (to a lesser degree) with terumah, differences in trust between People from Galilee and Yehudah, and various seasons, the ramifications of vessel’s purity status changing
caused by God giving People gold and silver
yibum)">chalitzah over yibum, annul vows, promote peace between People, don’t perform miun, don’t be a guarantor, or holder of a security
Chikuk - Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish saw People eating mustard during shemittah
committments of support to a wife’s daughter from a previous marriage, how this was stipulated, how it is treated if he divorces her and she or the daughter remarries, she requests cash instead of food, if the husband dies, how smart People wrote this condition, collectable from his properties?
consecrated land, or of a person, needs nine People plus a kohen, slave appraisal needs only three People
consecrated land, or of a person, needs nine People plus a kohen, slave appraisal needs only three People
deaf, insane, minor, woman permitted to write a divorce document? can they (and blind and non Jew) deliver it? Any of the above People whose classification changed (a non Jew who converted) is accepted
death of righteous People is as difficult as the shattering of the tablets
death of righteous People such as the sons of Aaron or Miriam atone for the sins of Israel
destruction of Temple, the shamir and nofes tzufim stopped, and People of trust ended, produce quality decreased, promiscuity and sorcery ruined everything
dogs and snake that saved People’s lives
donations to build the Tabernacle, beam foundation blocks, shekalim, for the needs of the Tabernacle, for the offerings, some donations are equal for all People
excluding certain People who she may not marry anyway
excommunicated to certain People will automatically include and exclude others
extra funds remaining, collection for captives, poor People, burial for dead, collection one who was thought to be poor
first day of Sukkos fell out on Shabbos, bring lulav to Temple before Shabbos, People recognize and take their own lulav, personal ownership required, forgot to bring it before Shabbos and accidentally brought it on Shabbos no chatas offering is required since he is involved with the performance of a commandment
folding clothing, making beds, preparation on Yom Kippur for Shabbos, two People folding one garment
funds of hekdesh or poor People should not be involved in business investments
given by God to the Jewish People in the time of Abraham, based on Genesis 15:18
giving up ownership if the poor People take too much, giving up ownership to someone who takes a lulav that isn’t his
group of People declare conditional nazir based on factors which may or may not be verifiable
half the People are impure and half are pure, which is considered the majority? making someone tamei to force a true majority
Hillel forgot the law, he said ‘leave the People of Israel, if they are not prophets they are sons of prophets’, he observed the deed then recalled and said ‘thus I heard from Shemayah and Avtalyon, any Torah that does not have tradition is not Torah
honor of escort determined by the amount of People, not their stature
how and where People were certified as kohanim
husband directs specific People to write or sign divorce, those People assign others to do it, valid?
husband directs two or three People, or a court to give or write a divorce
ignorant People are taught to treat vows seriously
kohen gadol said name of God ten times on Yom Kippur, People bowed down, said ברוך שם, tried to forget pronunciation, People improperly used the name, stories
learning warfare necessary after righteous People (such as Saul and Jonathan) die
leniencies for poor People without food, not at the eruv location, traveler, establishing an eruv with their feet (by being there)
lenient rules regarding relaxation of purity rules and ignorant People extends to a Shabbos which follows a Friday holiday
limited lifespan of a mamzer family, plagues, good People taken as well
Lod - a place more than day distance from Jerusalem, yet People got there quicker
maaser sheni of unknown value is assessed by three People, one of who may be the owner or a non Jew
Mahalul - a place more than day distance from Jerusalem, yet People got there quicker
mating animals on chol hamoed, bloodletting of People or animals, medical treatment
may two People who may not marry ordinary Jews marry each other?
Media - most People had proper genealogy, but some not
Meisha - proper genealogical purity but some kohanim married divorcees, some said the People were mamzerim
Migdal Tzevayah - a place more than day distance from Jerusalem, yet People got there quicker
mitzvah to mark graves, source, warn People about the nearby impurity
mitzvah to mark graves, source, warn People about the nearby impurity
mitzvah to mark graves, sources, warn People about the nearby impurity
Mount Gerizim and Mount Eval - specific information about the count and division of People on the two mountains
must know litigants to prevent plots against innocent People
new curtains were displayed to the public because of their beauty, details, size and description of curtains, many People needed to dip it in the mikveh, lion eagle images
one man stole from one of five People, he wants to return what he stole, isn’t sure which person it was, other similar cases involving stealing or deposits
one or two People reading and/or translating
one or two People reading and/or translating
one the way to do a mitzvah, sick People (even mildly sick) and their attendants,, exempt from sukkah obligation, sanctifying new moon, members of wedding party, guards, visiting one’s Torah teacher, Torah scholar shouldn’t travel, eating prior to massif
Panyas (Banyas) - Diocletianus persecuted the People of Panyas
People called to Torah, Torah usually not brought to them, exceptions, king, kohen gadol, assistant kohen gadol, Reish Galusa
People come late to synagogue
People follow Rabbi Meir in regard to Megillah, eruv, and taanis, even though the halacha doesn't follow him
People gazed at Moshe for denigration or praise, embezzled wealth from the People or admired how righteous and just he was
People in threatening situations are assumed to have escaped the danger, once threat happened we assume that they were a victim
People likely to be confused an not correctly remember what work was done inside or outside the azarah, Rabbi Tarfon was also confused
People of Bais Shemesh gazed at the ark
People of Galilee were careful about their honor but not their money, People of Judea were concerned about their money, but not their honor
People returning lost objects, or admitting to part of a claim of a debt against them which couldn’t have been proven, aren’t forced to swear that they didn’t keep some of what they found or saved
People who act in a way that leads to suspicion of heresy
People who burn the bull and goat become impure as they leave the Temple courtyard or when fiire engulfes the limbs
People who trust that God will provide while they teach Torah without interruption
People who were blessed due to their Temple donations, Ben Gamla, Ben Katin, King Monbaz, Queen Helena, Nikanor
People with differing areas of permissibility sharing food in their common permitted area
People with illnesses or ritually unclean are exempt
People, similar to weasels spend their whole life amassing wealth that others will enjoy
pious orchard owners set aside money for People took produce without the proper procedure, done at morning or night?
promote peace between People
punishment of sotah matches her crime, so to how God deals with People measure for measure
pure Jerusalem People would sign their name and family name rather than their father’s name
Rabbi Yitzchak ben Elazar chastised the People who forgot to bring the circumcision knife saying ‘you didn’t forget the wine spice’
Rabbi Yochanan didn’t want white shrouds (dress of righteous People) or black (the dress of the wicked) but a neutral color
Rabbi Yochanan was offended that Rabbi Elazar didn’t greet him, People realize that the Torah of Rabbi Elazar came from Rabbi Yochanan therefore he was appeased
reading the Megillah - one or two People reading and/or translating
redeeming People who sell themselves or their children to non Jews
redeeming People who sell themselves or their children to non Jews
restriction on selling attached produce to untrustworthy People when maaser stage is reached
reward of People of Israel who do great kindness is greater than Canaanites who didn’t fully exert themselves
Sadducee kohen mocked the water libation and poured the water on his feet, the People threw esrogim at him, mocked the proper procedure of the parah adumah and the procedure of the incense on Yom Kippur, all done by one kohen or two?
sages didn’t want to set a precedent of People doing Pesach Sheni for their wives and children thinking that it is an obligation
saving extra food from a fire by suddenly inviting more People
saving large amounts from fire, basket of loaves, cakes of pressed figs, barrel of wine, People helping, demanding pay after Shabbos, can it be saved into a courtyard without an eruv chatzeiros?
selling farm equipment or a plowing cow during shemittah to People suspected of farming or a non Jew
Shallum, Tzidkiyahu, Matanya, same person, reasons for the 3 names
signed by People with non Jewish names was considered valid with pretext that they were Jews with non Jewish names
simchas bais hashoevah ceremony, torches, music, Psalms, statements by pious People. People of great deeds, People who repented, Hillel condemned bad behavior. praised good behavior. God prefers praise form Israel rather than from angels, if we are not here who is here?
six practices of the People of Jericho, three the sages opposed, three they didn’t oppose, grafting dates trees on erev Pesach, wrapping shema, reaping stacking omer, benefit from hekdesh branches, eating fruit fallen from trees, peas from vegetables
some People (these witnesses) recognize People visually, but not by their name
speaks in ordinary language of how People speak, or in Torah language
speaks in ordinary language of how People speak, or in Torah language
speaks in ordinary language of how People speak, or in Torah language
speaks in ordinary language of how People speak, or in Torah language
standing to honor a sage, how many times a day, when to stand, sage should not cause People to stand up excessively
tefillin, pressed clothing, covering face, eating at a different house the yours, washing, wearing shoes, cutting hair, doing laundry, reading Torah, midrash, halacha, aggadah, greeting People, working
three times a year, we don’t impose on People more than that
transferring an item from one domain to another, half the amount to be liable in each hand, is it as if done by two People?
trapping deer that entered a house on its own, one person, two People that did the act together
travelers set up makeshift eruv, amount of People using the eruv changed on Shabbos
travelled in groups on the way going, People would not deal with them on the return trip as on the journey to Jerusalem
travelling in wet clothing, drying them out, concern of People thinking he washed them on Shabbos?
tunnels allowed People to get to Jerusalem faster than regular roads
two People sitting in doorway of newly trapped animal, feeding that animal, covering a trapped bird or newly laid egg, tying up a newly trapped deer
two People who assisted each other in a forbidden act
Tzippori - a place more than day distance from Jerusalem, yet People got there quicker
verses within the narratives of ‘calf decapitation’, ‘Yehudah and Tamar’, ‘spies of Israel’, ‘Sisera’ that seem to have been said by one person, were said by different People
vow against grain includes bread due to how People speak
vow against various categories of People, analysis of which People are considered a part of each category
wealthy People generally
when there aren't enough People who know how to read the Torah
where the People stand relative to the kohanim who are blessing them
who use their Torah knowledge to harm others
will happen in Israel first, others roll to Israel first then later resurrected, evil People buried in Israel?
woman ‘speaking’ (having relations) with an unidentified man may become forbidden to marry a kohen, place of regular People or forbidden People, raped by unknown man, status of child, shesuki, baby found abandoned
Yehoachaz/Yochanan, same person, reigned after Josiah
zav counted towards creating a majority of impure People, but may not partake in eating the Pesach offering
אין מחזקין ידי עוברי עבירה - we don’t lend support to People committing sins
אין מחזקין ידי עוברי עבירה - we don’t lend support to People committing sins
יהו שוגגין ואל יהו מזידין - better to let certain People commit a sin accidentally rather than them being taught and thereby doing it on purpose
כשירים מזנין ופסולין משליכין - proper lineage People engage in immoral behavior, but only the unfit abandon their children
לא בשמים היא - the Torah is not in heaven (People need to make halachic decisions)