363 Results
a level of impurity that would cause a nazir to shave, compared to coming into the Temple, and impurity of creePing creatures
a man gifted assets to 2 people with a contract that has 2 signers, one of which is related to one of the reciPients, does the invalidation of one reciPient cancel the contract for the other reciPient as wee?
adding sPices to pan removed from the fire, adding to a bowl, pouring onto sPices, pouring with stream of broth, is pouring called cooking on Shabbos? would he be liable for cooking milk and meat together? adding sPices to salty food or wine
agent given money or object, can sender renege?, if sender or reciPient dies who gets the item?
Akko - keePing customs, grain pounders of Akko, no work on chol hamoed
allowed a woman to sPit in his eye to promote peace between the woman and her husband
am haaretz gifted figs, reciPient’s maaser obligations based on the language of the gifting and other factors
amounts of money and quality of money tyPically found in the kesubah of various types of women
analysis of the relevant Torah verses restricts when we proceed with the ‘decaPitated calf’ procedure
animal feed in a trough, sweePing it, moving it around, moving from one animal to another
animals designated as maaser desPite being number 9 or 11, but not 10
anointing with oil massage, scraPing skin, going to Plum valley, medication to induce vomitting, straightening limbs of infant, setting bones, setting dislocations, rinsing in cold water
anonymous Mishnah is assumed to be the oPinion of Rabbi Meir, and we usually follow it
area under invalid schach sometimes counts to achieve minimum sukkah size yet that area may not be used for sleePing, compared to mud in a mikveh which counts towards minimum mikveh size yet may not immerse in the mud itself
ate an olive sized raw Piece or broke a bone of the Pesach offering during the afternoon of erev Pesach, liable
avoiding susPicion from people as well as being pure from viewpoint of God, proof from Torah, Prophets, and Writings
back of neck near slaughtering location, must sever majority of trachea and windPipe
Bais Mayan - situated between Piltasah which was more uphill, and Tiberias below
baker intends to divide dough into small parts, women who gave their small Pieces of dough to a baker who combines them
baker’s water should be sPilled out because it becomes chametz
be above susPicion in the eyes of God and fellow man
beginning fifteenth of Adar, repair roads, tend to public needs, court cases, redeem vows, give sotah bitter waters to drink, burn parah adumah, decaPitated calf, bore ear of Hebrew slave, purify metzorah, locks removed from water cisterns, mark graves, check fields for kilayim
bereirah will determine which part of a Pitcher of wine is maaser sheni or chullin based on who drinks it
better to be not born if four toPics are contemplated
blessings, setting up one’s own lulav, for other people, Picking up lulav, praying with lulav, first day, later days, no blessing after first day, comparison to the blessing on lighting Chanukah menorah
blood of decaPitated calf renders food susceptible to impurity? decaPitation removes status of neveilah?
blood of sin offering, only valid if poured on west side of altar base? valid if done at night? need new sprinklings if new animal was slaughtered because the original animals blood sPilled? do laws of Piggul apply? poured only part of remaining blood?
blood service of bull and goat, stirring, sprinkling in whipPing motion procedures, counting
border towns, conquered by those who came from Babylon : Chomas road, Migdal Shid, Shinnah Dror, wall of Akko, fortress of Galilee, Kfar Asah, Bais Zevisah, Kuvaya, Milsah of Kir, Greater Burai, Taffies, Sanpatah, Mecharta of Yatir, road to Abathia, headwaters of Gaaton, Gaaton, Mei Sfar, Marcheshes, Migdal Charuv, greater Ulam, Nukbesa of Iyon, Yukras, Bar Sangara, upper Tarnegola of Caesarea PhilipPi, Trachon, Melach of Zarkai, Nimrin, Bais Sechel, Kenas, Refiach of Chagra, the great road to the desert, Cheshbon, Yabbok, Zered, Yigar Sahadusa, Rekem of Goah, gardens of Ashkelon
bought one tree with its land or two trees or sharecropPing on another’s land, is bikkurim declaration read?
bowed down to grain Pile then smoothed it out, became object of idol worship prior to tithe obligations, or opposite order, warned for one or the other, strict prohibition over a less strict prohibition
bull and goat, rules of Piggul
burning impure sacrificial meats together desPite them being different levels of impurity, impurity lands of the nations, glassware
burning impure terumah foods together desPite them being different levels of impurity, tevul yom, biblical, rabbinic
buying produce with Torah granted rights (eating while working) doesn’t cause an obligation of tithes, parameters of rights to Pick and eat while working
calf that never worked brought to hard valley , decaPitated, location should never be planted or worked
calf that never worked brought to hard valley , decaPitated, location should never be planted or worked
came prior or post the giving of the Torah, what insPired him to convert
carrying by oneself or two carrying an item together, less than the minimum of food in a container, live or dead person, Piece of a corpse, Piece of animal carcass or a sheretz, item with a foul odor, item that is forbidden to benefit from
carrying from the bank of a Pit down to the public domain
carrying hide, parchment, ink, eye paint, Pitch, sulfur, wax
carrying pepper, tar, sPices, metals, earth or stones from the altar, decaying scrolls or covers, accessories of idolatry, substances that give off a bad smell, forbidden items
carrying Pieces of pottery
carrying rope, reed grass, paper, palm leaves, grape vines, hairs of horse or cow tail, Pits, pennyroyal, hyssop, savory, receipt for toll payment, loan documents
carrying underneath a tree with drooPing branches
carrying wood, sPices, combination of sPices, walnut husks, pomegranate peels, dyes, urine, nitron, sulfur, salt marsh plants, alkali
catching sPilled terumah wine in an impure container to prevent it falling into a vat of chulllin wine
catching sPilled terumah wine in an impure container, compared to bloodletting to save a first born, thereby invalidating it, burning terumah chametz
challah taken desPite it being below the minimum size, if two such doughs are later combined
chametz stuck in the cracks of a trough, obligated to dispose of? do different Pieces combine to become a minimum size? does the dough prevent the removal of impurity when the trough is immersed in a mikveh or sprinkled with purifying water?
seder">charoses dip mitzvah? seder, beets, sPices, thick, runny, remembrance of clay, blood
cleaning a Pillow
coins found between Piles of chullin and maaser sheni
continuing to carry a circumcision knife and a Piece of matzah in a public domain after completion of the mitzvah
contracting on shemittah to rent a plowed field after shemittah, encouraging non Jews who work their field on shemittah, helPing the non Jew detach his beehive
cooking before Shabbos, must be somewhat done before Shabbos, keePing a fully cooked pot on (or returning a pot to) the coals on Shabbos
cooling food in a Pit or cool water, warming food in warm water
corpse or Piece of corpse missing, assumed to be taken away? searches necessary?
costus and other sPices, buy with maaser sheni money?, conveys food impurity?
covered corpse in the law of the decaPitated calf treated differently than covered produce in the law of shikchah
covered corpse in the law of the decaPitated calf treated differently than covered produce in the law of shikchah
covering a lit lamp, excrement of a child, a scorPion, protecting a newly laid egg
Cuthi oPinion that yibum only applies to an arusah, and never to a nisuah
cutting a sycamore beam liable to three melachos, reaPing, sowing, striking the final blow (when smoothing the beam through cutting)
date measurement, includes Pit? large date?
declararion of ‘our hands did not sPill this blood, and our eyes did not see’ refers to the murderer or the victim?
declared Hillel, Shmuel Hakatan, and Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus worthy of the divine sPirit
declared part of a Pile to be terumah, without specifying exactly which part of the Pile
delays saving a drowning child to remove his tefillin, giving away a fig to the next person he meets, refuses to kill a raPist or a killer to save the victim
designating terumah requires assigning a specific place in the grain Pile?
destroyers of the world are a foolish Pious person, cunning evildoer, ascetic woman, wounds of the ascetics
details about the chalitzah shoe, saying the words properly, seeing the sPit, blood instead of sPit, amputee doing chalitzah
details about the chalitzah shoe, saying the words properly, seeing the sPit, blood instead of sPit, amputee doing chalitzah
difficulty of keePing hands raised for lengthy blessing in the Temple
diligent study of Torah can bring the truth, desPite not being taught that exact information, examples include 20 percent to be spent on mitzvos, Betzalel, Joshua, Aaron, saves from sin, taxes, fines and demons
dipPing eizov intio the purifying water twice water, oil of eizov may seep into the water
dipPing into purifying water, done during daytime
discovered that he (the kohen) or the terumah was invalid, or bug in the food, while it was in his mouth, sPit out?
does a Pilegesh get a kesubah? if yes, how does differ from an ordinary wife?
does a Pilegesh set a kesubah? if yes, how does differ from an ordinary wife?
dough forming into clumps or larger Pieces, challah obligation?
drawing and sPilling out water through a hole in a balcony over water, partitions, surrounding mountains acting as partitions
drawing Picture on a utensil is considered writing
dried terumah figs into fish sauce, terumah wine into fish sauce, sPicing terumah oil or wine, cooking terumah wine, cooked dill, terumah benefit from wine in fish sauce compared to wine of idolators in fish sauce, cooking out terumah wine
drinking the four cups at once, drinking them slowly, using shemittah wine, kunditon (sPiced honey) wine, diluted, pure wine, red wine, mevushal wine,
early righteous ones wanted to bring a sin offering desPite not having sinned, accepted nazir status on themselves which has a sin offering as part of the process
earthenware Piece of the urinal of a zav, how to remove the impurity
eating a snack, drinking, napPing outside the sukkah
eating an olive sized Piece of Pesach ">chametz on Pesach is punishable by kares
egg cooked by being next to kettle, on hot cloths, buried in hot sand, cold water Pipe running thru a natural hot spring, use on Shabbos, Holiday, used for drinking, bathing, crushed apple which leavened dough
eggs, premature, started develoPing embryos, fertilized, blood in yolk or albumen
Egyptian bean planted in 6th year, Picked in 7th, planted in 7th, Picked in 8th
eighteen decrees, bread of non Jews, cheese, oil, daughters, semen, urine, baal keri laws, impurity of lands outside Israel, eating or drinking foods of impurity, rules about mikveh, holy scrolls are impure, unwashed hands, tevul yom, liquids that made other items impure, giving a non Jew his purse to carry on Shabbos, zav not eating with a zavah, items covering an impurity spreads the impurity, harvesting grapes in a bais hapras, mikveh water unwittingly collected in a Pipe, wine, vinegar, brine and sauce from fish, preserves, cooked foods, salted foods, split kernels, foreign languages, testimony of idolators, their gifts, sons, and daughters, and their bikkurim
eligible to become kohen gadol as happened to Pinchas
encounter deadly snake, scorPion, deserved to die, saved by heavenly mercy? opportunity to merit ridding the world of a danger?
EPiphasros - bandits died there from curse of Rabbi Yochanan
esrog defects, boils, broken Pitam (crown, stem), punctured, peeled, split, missing a Piece, black or green esrog, only invalid for the first day
exempt and permitted, passing an object from the bank of a Pit less than ten tefachim to the public domain
exempt and permitted, trapPing a snake
exemption due to fear, different oPinions about what type of fear would cause an exemption
Ezra didn’t allow idolators or Cuthi to help build the Temple, source, building or up keePing the Temple
feeding camels or calves into their mouth or by force, chickens into their mouth, putting water on bran, giving water to doves, bees, geese, chickens or Herodian Pigeons
fell into a Pit on holiday, owner wants to save or slaughter one or both
fertilizer, when and how much can be placed in Piles on the field
fig tree in courtyard, branch in garden, may eat, exempt from tithe, tree in garden, branch in courtyard, may eat one at a time, where was the man standing? did he Pick them with a pole while standing in a different domain?
fire on Shabbos, may a non Jew or minor put it out?, must one refuse help?, hinting, parent may allow minor, or insist that he doesn’t put out the fire, minor Picking grass, difference between a minor Picking grass and extinguishing a fire
fish and grasshoppers of kosher and non kosher varieties Pickled together
food that nauseates may be sPiten out even if it is terumah
forbidden to drink or eat due to the susPicion that a snake left venom in them
forbidden to drink or eat due to the susPicion that a snake left venom in them
forbidden to Pick up and have benefit after mitzvah was completed and lulav was put down
fruits that were permitted in the bikkurim basket desPite not being bikkurim, not being from the 7 species, or not from Israel
fulfill matzah obligation by eating an olive sized Piece made from 5 grains or any of them
garments, new from the tailor, caught in thorns, mud fell on clothing, folding, drying body with towel, water or sPit on clothing
Gerariko and Gaza were never considered impure desPite being beyond the border, partial reason
greatness of work, desPite world being destroyed in time of Noach due to stealing, workers can take produce while working
grinding, sifting, kneading, smoothing, shaPing
grouPing mitzvos together cancel each other out?
grouPings of pesukim and how the reader and translator interact
halacha follows lenient oPinions
harvest produce, trapPing fish?
hekdesh treasurer smoothed the Pile of grain after it was donated, an act usually done by the owner, is his act recognized?
hot bread unhealthy, bee sting drink cold water, scorPion sting drink hot water
how long a man can claim to not have had relations desPite living together with a woman
how long a man can claim to not have had relations desPite living together with a woman
how to deconsecrate and reconsecrate incense to make them usable for another year after its usable date exPired, leftover tamid, chatas, olah offerings
in what way was he qualified to have an oPinion about the time needed to have relations, since he wasn’t married
incident with King Yannai, refusing to properly lead the blessing after the meal, joining desPite not eating together
information about mamzer families was tyPically forgotten over time, but was passed along quietly by some
Jew working in non Jews field, eating tevel for a snack according to all oPinions
Jonah visited Jerusalem for the holiday, insPired to divine insPiration from the hapPiness of simchas bais hashoevah celebration, reason he traveled to Yafo port which was closer to Jerusalem and not to Akko port which was closer to where he lived, divine insPiration only comes to a person with a happy heart
karmelis, walkways between Pillars in the market, flower designs on the bases of Pillars, thorns, glass, thresholds, poles
karpaf, the oPinion of Rabbi Yehudah
keePing a mixture containing Pesach ">chametz of the five grains is forbidden on Pesach
keePing customs, fishermen of Tiberias, bean grinders of Tzippori, grain pounders of Akko, no work on chol hamoed
keePing the kohen gadol awake on Yom kippur night by snapPing figs, making other noises, walking on a cold floor
kernels of grain found in ant tunnels near a Pile of grains that are obligated in maaser, are also obligated in maaser
kohen reads Torah first, eruv chatzeros kept in original house, priority of water rights for upstream cisterns, finding of minor or deaf mute protected, prey in traps are protected, olives on the ground while Picking, poor idolators who Pick leket, shikchah and peah
laborers may use money earned Picking shemittah produce depending on the words used by their employer
laborers may use money earned Picking shemittah produce depending on the words used by their employer
laborers may use money earned Picking shemittah produce depending on the words used by their employer
leniency to pay for stolen beam rather than demolishing building only applies to Israel, keePing structures to help the cause of develoPing the land
levi continually separating terumas maasar from impure Pile of tevel on behalf of pure Piles, inadvertently? deliberately?
lighting the Temple fires just before Shabbos, fires of olive refuse, fertilizer, fats, dried date Pits
location of celebration called bais hashoevah (drawing), due to drawing divine insPiration from being in a state of hapPiness
Lod - walled city, tribe of Binyamin, destroyed during Pilegesh bigivah and rebuilt, part of Gei Hacharashim, near Kfar Luddim
Lod - walled city, tribe of Binyamin, destroyed during Pilegesh bigivah and rebuilt, part of Gei Hacharashim, near Kfar Luddim
made the incense for the Temple, smoke raising plant, didn’t want to reveal their secrets, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Avtinas at very high wages, kept secret to prevent it being used for idol worship, praised for their women not wearing perfume to be above susPicion, stories about Avtinas family, sages remove censure of Avtinas family
made the incense for the Temple, smoke raising plant, didn’t want to reveal their secrets, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Avtinas at very high wages, kept secret to prevent it being used for idol worship, praised for their women not wearing perfume to be above susPicion, stories about Avtinas family, sages remove censure of Avtinas family
made the show bread for the Temple, wouldn’t share the secret, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Garmu at very high wages, kept secret to prevent it being used for idol worship, praised for not eating white bread to be above susPicion
made the show bread for the Temple, wouldn’t share the secret, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Garmu at very high wages, kept secret to prevent it being used for idol worship, praised for not eating white bread to be above susPicion
matzah made with juice, oil, sPices, sesame, walnut
measuring techum, ropes of linen, iron, fifty or four amos, measuring hills, valleys, mountains, gullies, Piercing mountains
melachos while processing flax, threshing, grinding, winnowing, selecting, combing, reaPing, completing final blow
methods of trapPing mice and moles
minor change of language causing no shemittah sanctity on money earned Picking vegetables of shemittah
mishnah which records a dispute, a later mishnah records an anonymous oPinion, we follow the anonymous
mishnah with a dispute and Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi taught a later mishnah with an anonymous oPinion, we follow that oPinion
mixing of the dough or crusting while baking is when status of challah obligation is determined, compared to maaser status when the Pile of grain is smoothed
mixtures of foods which can leaven, sPice, or impart taste aren’t necessarily nullified, and may transmit impurity
mixtures of foods which can leaven, sPice, or impart taste aren’t necessarily nullified, and may transmit impurity
mixtures of foods which can leaven, sPice, or impart taste aren’t necessarily nullified, chullin added to mixture and terumah no longer imparts flavor, permitted, amount needed to permit mixture increases over entire mixture or only against what is forbidden?
Moshe had to lead the Jews in prayers of thanks at the Red Sea, all Jews raised their voices and wept after hearing the slanderous report of the sPies
Moshe had to lead the Jews to Mount Sinai, Jews all came together on their own to promote the evil of sending the sPies
moving broken Pieces of utensils that still have a practical use
moving pure terumah, demai, maaser whose terumah was taken or not taken, maaser sheni or hekdesh that was or wasn’t redeemed, dried luPines, tevel, luf, mustard, terumah mixed with chullin">dimua
murrderer was found prior to or after calf was decaPitated
must be usable as Shabbos begins, tvul yom Pitcher with tevel contents designated as terumas maaser at nightfall
Nadav and Avihu the two older sons of Aaron died while serving incense and leaving out the maaleh ashan sPice, they were previously warned about this
no caPital cases on Friday, monetary cases on Fridays?
non Jew given Piece work to do, must he be given time to complete the task prior to the start of Shabbos?
non Jew working for Jew on Shabbos, Piece work, salary, work connected to the ground, in or out of Jewish neighborhood
not to eat ‘cooked’, food from a pot, boiled, Pickled, partially cooked, roasted, salted, fish fishes
omer that became impure, omer barley that was harvested early, reaPing the barley override Shabbos?
on a field done by Picking fruits, or weeding and hoeing?
one who empties shekel from collection boxes must be above susPicion, no long hair to hide coins, none in weave of woolen garments or in mouth
one’s property that was seized to repay another person’s debt, collectable from debtor? seized by government because the occuPier owed money, or confiscated for no reason
one’s property that was seized to repay another person’s debt, collectable from debtor? seized by government because the occuPier owed money, or confiscated for no reason
Ono - walled city, destroyed during Pilegesh bigivah, rebuilt, part of Gei Hacharashim, tribe of Binyamin
ownership claim on land which the claimant occuPied for 3 years, but previous owner had occuPied it until his death
partial of planned melachah completed, scraPing wood or parchment, drills, cuts down branches, blacksmith striking, Picking up a sickle
passes through a courtyard, tithe obligation? Picked produce before Shabbos to eat after Shabbos, tithe obligation?
penalties for a raPist or seducer
people who act in a way that leads to susPicion of heresy
permitted bringing vegetables from outside Israel desPite the possibility that contaminated earth might be attached
Pi, size and dimensions of Solomon’s pool
Picking and Pickling grass
Picking with the intent to nullify, milling grain intentionally to nullify prohibited part?
Pickling terumah and chullin olives together
Piggul and nosar combined together and eaten, is he liable?
Piggul and nosar combined together and eaten, is he liable?
Piggul and nosar combined together to the size of a kezayis renders hands impure, renders terumah impure?
Piggul and nosar combined together to the size of a kezayis renders hands impure, renders terumah impure?
Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, women, wife of the prophet Jonah
Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, women, wife of the prophet Jonah
Pinchas was in charge of dressing the kohen gadol, story of kohen who was paid well after dressing a military officer
Pious digger of ditches, daughter swept away by a river before her wedding, saved by miracle
Pious fool, hypocrite, self-righteous woman, use Torah knowledge to harm others, fasting ‘virgin’, troubled widow, mature minor
Pious orchard owners set aside money for people took produce without the proper procedure, done at morning or night?
Pitasah - near Tiberias
Pivot of cabinet door, reinserting, top, bottom, inside or outside the Temple
placed on tree above ten tefachim, below ten, in deep Pit, on top of a pole, in locked closet with lost key
placing a vessel under a burning oil lamp to catch dripPing oil before or during Shabbos, benefitting from the oil, muktzah, not aware that the light went out before Shabbos began or during the previous Shabbos, kernels in ground and eggs under hens are muktzah desPite being usable, sukkah fruit decorations, fruit that dried but owner unaware
placing seeds in a way that isn’t tyPical planting and therefore possibly not kilayim
plucking, pulling off, clipPing feathers of a bird, liable on account of shearing, smoothing, striking the final blow
pomegranate rind, walnut shells, fruit Pits, require biur?
pouring from a cooking pot onto sPices, liable for cooking on Shabbos? milk onto meat, liable?
pouring from a cooking pot onto sPices, liable for cooking on Shabbos? milk onto meat, liable?
produce becomes level and therefore obligated in maaser, Pickling, cooking, salting, squeezing and collecting oil in one’s hand, skimming wine in a cooked pot, purchased, separating terumah, Shabbos food, entering a protected courtyard
proper blessing for Pickled olives and cooked vegetables
prutayos, ramach, adnei hasadeh, hedgehog, weasel, marten, wild ox, dog, Pig, arod, elephant, monkey
putting coins in mouth, cooked food under bed, bread under armPit, knife in radish or esrog, non facial sweat
questions to urim vtumim in the story of Pilegesh bigivah in Judges chapters 19-21, answers accurate? were the Jews worthy?
quoting a mishnah accurately desPite the fact that the halacha doesn’t follow that mishnah
Rabban Gamliel’s family donated by putting their shekel on the top of the Pile when it was being withdrawn for the boxes, reason
Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai lived in Arav for eighteen years and only two halachic inquiries were asked to him, he declared ‘Galilee Galilee how you desPise Torah you will eventually become occuPied with bandits’
Rabbi Akiva seemed to be disrespectful to his teacher Rabbi Eliezer, but was actually reminding him of his previous oPinion
Rabbi Eliezer was excommunicated desPite performing miracles, why he didn’t submit to the majority
Rabbi Imi didn’t want to rule in case where 2 previous oPinions ruled one way, and 2 other oPinions ruled the other way
Rabbi Lazar said an oPinion, but didn’t say that he heard it from Rabbi Yochanan
Rabbi Lazar said an oPinion, but didn’t say that he heard it from Rabbi Yochanan
Rabbi Pinchas ben Yair, diligence, cleanliness, purity, holiness, humility, fear of sin, Piety, divine insPiration, resurrection of the dead, Elijah the prophet,
Rabbi Shimon rebuked one who followed his view desPite it being a minority oPinion, person bitten by a snake
Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi tells midwife to follow the local custom rather than giving his own oPinion
Rabbi Yitzchak ben Elazar chastised the people who forgot to bring the circumcision knife saying ‘you didn’t forget the wine sPice’
Rabbi Yochanan revealed the secret cure of tzifdonah desPite being told it by the daughter of the Roman general Demityanus of Tiberias who demanded he not reveal it
Rabbi Yoshiyah requested white shrouds desPite being a student of Rabbi Yochahan who requested a different color
Rav says Gittin 9:3 follows the oPinion of Rabbi Meir who says that the signing witnesses validate the divorce
Rav says in case where two witnesses say that her husband died and she does yibum and the husband returns, we assume that he is not the same man, story about students of Rav beat up Rabbi Abba bar Ba for not fully accepting the oPinion of Rav as reliable
Rav says in case where two witnesses say that her husband died and she does yibum and the husband returns, we assume that he is not the same man, story about students of Rav beat up Rabbi Abba bar Ba for not fully accepting the oPinion of Rav as reliable
Rav says in case where two witnesses say that her husband died and she does yibum and the husband returns, we assume that he is not the same man, story about students of Rav beat up Rabbi Abba bar Ba for not fully accepting the oPinion of Rav as reliable
Rav says in case where two witnesses say that her husband died and she does yibum and the husband returns, we assume that he is not the same man, story about students of Rav beat up Rabbi Abba bar Ba for not fully accepting the oPinion of Rav as reliable
reaPing or stacking grain prior to bringing the omer offering, residents of Jericho
reasons for destruction of Tabernacle of Shilo, first Temple, second Temple, idol worship, illicit relations, murder, disgracing holidays and offerings, love of money and baseless hatred desPite meticulous observance of mitzvos and study of Torah
reasons why a kohen can leave Israel desPite the impurity outside Israel due to unmarked graves
reasons why a minority, cancelled, or rejected oPinion is still found in the mishnah
reciting incantations for the eye and for the stomach, for warding off snakes and scorPions
reed stem not to be used for slaughtering, circumcision, Picking teeth, cutting meat, wiPing oneself
refraining from doing a harmless act (taking a toothPick of wood) because if everyone did it harm would be caused
remarriage was permitted desPite a vow that the husband made
removed from Jerusalem, became impure, owners became impure or died, became Piggul, burned right away or next day?
removing a stone from on top of a barrel, money from on top of a Pillow
residents living in non residential structures in a chatzer, owner retaining rights to chatzer by keePing items there or retaining access rights
Rimmon - cast a dead newborn into a Pit
roasted over fire, sPit made of pomegranate wood, not metal, legs and entrails roasted inside animal or separate?
roasting on a metal sPit or grill not permitted, Rabban Gamliel instructed his servant Tavi to do so, why he permitted
roof of sukkah made of sPits and utensils with gaps the same size or bigger which can be filled with proper schach
sacrificial meat (what level of holiness was the meat?), Piggul and nosar that were together nullified by ordinary meat
sacrificial meat (what level of holiness was the meat?), Piggul and nosar that were together nullified by ordinary meat
sacrificial meat, Piggul and nosar that were together nullified by ordinary meat
saving large amounts from fire, basket of loaves, cakes of pressed figs, barrel of wine, people helPing, demanding pay after Shabbos, can it be saved into a courtyard without an eruv chatzeiros?
schach more than three tefachim from wall, invalid schach of more than four amos between valid schach and wall, gap of no schach three tefachim wide across middle of sukkah, sleePing under a gap of less than three tefachim
second day Holiday punishment for not keePing one day properly, yet only rewarded for keePing the first day
second day Holiday punishment for not keePing one day properly, yet only rewarded for keePing the first day
selling a Torah inherited from his father, benefit of keePing a Torah in one’s house
separated part of the amount of terumah, then taking from the same Pile a second time
separating terumah on condition that "I drew it up in safety" means safe from breakage and sPilling or from impurity?
seven types, some are sincere, some just acting Pious to gain a reputation
shape, dimensions, and capacity, Pi
shekalim and bikkurim are only when there is the Temple, what if a person declared these desPite no Temple? grain tithe, animal tithe, first born offerings are required even without the Temple
Shmuel required uncovering head, hiding torn garment, placing bed upward on Shabbos, he ruled that wearing shoes, marital relations, washing are optional, Rav says hiding garment tear and placing bed upward are required, uncovering head and wearing shoes on Shabbos is optional, other oPinions
shoes, sandals, scraPing, cleaning, oiling, wearing for first time, wearing torn, impurity, wearing one sandal, switching shoes from one foot to the other
sieged and occuPied
signatures in atyPical place on the page, signed in Greek language, signed by the scribe and one witness, without father’s name, only family name without father’s name, didn’t add the word ‘witness’ after his signature, used a nickname, signature using symbols rather than his name
simchas bais hashoevah celebration, one who didn’t see this celebration never saw true hapPiness
simchas bais hashoevah ceremony, jumPing, juggling, bowing
simchas bais hashoevah ceremony, torches, music, Psalms, statements by Pious people. people of great deeds, people who repented, Hillel condemned bad behavior. praised good behavior. God prefers praise form Israel rather than from angels, if we are not here who is here?
sinned while attempting to do a mitzvah, limited to cases of a mitzvah without a limit, occuPied with a pending mitzvah
situations where the decaPitated calf procedure does or doesn’t take place
six practices of the people of Jericho, three the sages opposed, three they didn’t oppose, grafting dates trees on erev Pesach, wrapPing shema, reaPing stacking omer, benefit from hekdesh branches, eating fruit fallen from trees, peas from vegetables
size of cup of wine for the seder, measurments, drink all four cups at one time? drink a bit at a time? shemittah wine, sPiced wine, diluted wine, red wine, cooked wine,
skipPing from place to place
skipPing from place to place
skipPing from place to place
skipPing from place to place
skipPing from place to place, Torah, prophets, reasons
slaughtering the Pesach offering while in possession of two half olive sized Pieces of Pesach ">chametz, partially leavened dough
sleePing under a bed, a canopy, a sukkah, within a sukkah
smoothing the Pile of someone else’s grain, completes to process of making it tevel and therefore obligation of maaser
smoothing, rubbing animal skins, sprinkles water on dusty floor, makes cheese, strains milk, milks animal, removes honey from hive, squeezing oil from attached olives, scraPing poles, spreading medicine on wound
sotah scroll written by heart (not coPied)
source of his wealth, Pieces cut from second tablets, precious stones found by his tent
sourdough of combinations of terumah and kilai kerem that fell into dough or sPices into a pot of food, wasn’t enough of each to accomplish leavening or sPicing on their own
sourdough of combinations of terumah and kilai kerem that fell into dough or sPices into a pot of food, wasn’t enough of each to accomplish leavening or sPicing on their own
speech about weekday matters, unnecessary speech, requests from God, story of Pious man with a broken fence
sPinning yarn, setting up weaving loom
sPit of the yibum procedure must be visible
sPit, vessels, knife found in Jerusalem, impure? depending where and when it was found, reasons, blood of a neveilah or sheretz impure?
sPitting and pressing into the ground by foot, earth or stone floor, sPitting into the wind, winnowing
spreading salt or straw to prevent slipPing in the Temple, outside Temple on Shabbos, doing it with a shinui
standing in one domain and moving an object in another domain, urinating, sPitting into another domain
status of seePing water, waterfalls, pools that were once filled by streams which stopped, pools that later became filled by streams
steps to achieve closeness to God, diligence, cleanliness, purity holiness, humility, fear of sin, divine insPiration, Piety, revival of the dead, Elijah the prophet, sources
steps to achieve closeness to God, diligence, cleanliness, purity holiness, humility, fear of sin, divine insPiration, Piety, revival of the dead, Elijah the prophet, sources
steps to achieve closeness to God, diligence, cleanliness, purity holiness, humility, fear of sin, divine insPiration, Piety, revival of the dead, Elijah the prophet, sources
stories of creative ways to give charity, sensitivity to the poor reciPients, story of Nachum Ish Gamzu, income determined between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
Sub ToPic
suspected sotah can only eat terumah by being cleared of susPicion by drinking sotah water
taking bread from a baker on shemittah in exchange for ‘when i Pick vegetables in the field, i will give you some’
taking bread from a baker on shemittah in exchange for ‘when i Pick vegetables in the field, i will give you some’
taking bread from a baker on shemittah in exchange for ‘when i Pick vegetables in the field, i will give you some’
taking bread from a baker on shemittah in exchange for ‘when i Pick vegetables in the field, i will give you some’
taking item out of or into a domain are the same melachah desPite being listed separately in the mishnah, sources
taking olives that fell from a tree being Picked by a poor person
teaching toPics of forbidden relationships, creation of the world, maaseh merkavah, in certain sized groups, or sometimes not at all
temporary addition to an existing structure, Pitching a tent, opening and closing curtain for the Torah ark
terumah and chullin Pickled together, cooked together, with meat or liver, eggs with terumah sPices, water from cooking terumah
the following are only said in Hebrew language : bikkurim, chalitzah, blessing and curses on Mount Gerizim and Mount Eval, blessing of kohen gadol on Yom Kippur, passage read by king at hakhel ceremony, decaPitated calf speech by kohen anointed for war
three boxes of three seah, letters written on them, person who empties them no hems on garment or shoes, to avoid susPicion
three month gap required between marriages, related situations, reasons, and oPinions
three month gap required between marriages, related situations, reasons, and oPinions
three pairs of goats, sprinkled blood from one which was designated to God, if one becomes Piggul they all become Piggul, if sacrificial parts of one are lost, he can use from another, they are all one sacrificial entity
Tiberias - cold water Pipe ran thru natural hot springs
Tiberias - keePing customs, fishermen of Tiberias, no work on chol hamoed
took terumah from the same Pile twice
trapPing animals and birds that are already in one’s possession
trapPing animals that damage fields
trapPing animals that damage fields
trapPing birds, deer, wild animals, fish, inside what type of enclosures are considered trapped, slaughtering and using trapped animals on Holiday
trapPing deer that entered a house on its own, one person, two people that did the act together
trapPing fish while saving a drowning child, saving a person from under rubble while retrieving gold coins
trapPing, bruising, eight sheratzim mentioned in the Torah, other crawling things, for purpose, no purpose, domesticated animals and birds, hides of the eight sheratzim, hides of other creatures, of a human, impurity
trapPing, trapPing a chilazon, isn’t an animal that gets ‘trapped’, tachash trapped in the desert, became hidden, one horn
turning over beds, sleePing on overturned bed, bench, or floor, different types of beds, turning beds for Shabbos, turning them back after Shabbos, how many days, wife’s relatives
twice endangered himself to follow the oPinion of Bais Shamai, was saved due to his stature as a Torah sage, he regretted being saved for that reason, fasted to repent
two courtyards with a ditch in between filled with straw and a reed mat, twigs, or even sPit, making an eruv
two days of Holiday desPite fixed calendar, follow custom of fathers
Tzippori - keePing customs, bean grinders of Tzippori, no work on chol hamoed
used to calculate the weight of the fruits that the sPies brought back from Israel
using a broken Piece of pottery for the purification of the water, is it a vessel?
using shemittah wine for the four cups of the seder, sPiced wine, diluted wine, red wine, cooked wine, effects of wine
using the fields and keePing the produce of owners who went away and didn’t return (or soon to be divorced wives)
vegetables count based on the year they are Picked
verses read by elders and kohanim after calf is decaPitated
verses within the narratives of ‘calf decaPitation’, ‘Yehudah and Tamar’, ‘sPies of Israel’, ‘Sisera’ that seem to have been said by one person, were said by different people
voice from a Pit says ‘whoever hears my voice should write a divorce for my wife’, demon or person?
vowed to abstain from bread, gathered grain, Piled grain
washing dishes on Shabbos, sPilling water on dusty floor while washing dishes
washing, Pickling vegetables on Yom Kippur, asking non Jewish baker on Yom Kippur to bake loaves, preparation for breaking fast
we follow the rulings of Bais Hillel because they quoted Bais Shamai before their own oPinion and worked to understand their reasoning
wealthy woman who wasn’t satisfied with her marital wine allowance, at the time of the Temple destruction was Picking grains from below the horses hooves due to her poverty
wearing and transporting a needle, signet ring, brooch, sPice or perfume pouch, tailor with a needle, scribe with a quill, moneychanger with a coin
when maaser sheni money is used to acquire items not appropriate for maaser sheni, the transaction and holiness is transferred to the purchased items desPite that he needs to go out and buy new maaser sheni food
when murder increased, the decaPitated calf procedure was abolished, reason
when Picking two figs with an interval in between, is considered one Picking
whenever Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi quotes a dispute and elsewhere quotes an anonymous oPinion on the same subject
white parts, brain, bones, sinews come from the father, red parts, skin, flesh, blood from the mother, sPirit, soul, vitality come from God
whitening, disentangling, dying, sPinning, minimum amount to be liable
why Rabbi Eliezer didn’t accept the oPinion of the majority
wiPing oneself with stones, Pieces of pottery, stones that someone else used to wipe themselves, pool of water less than 40 seah, on Shabbos, water a dog drank from, mouth or face of a dog, water from cleaning a bath house, bathtub water
within four amos of sPitting or urinating
woman declares nazir, friend coPies, second woman drinks wine, first husband revokes her nazir status, ramifications for second woman
women obligated desPite no obligation for reiyah
worship of a building or the building materials prior to construction, Pieces of a destroyed idol
wrapPing shema, no pauses between words, leaving out the sentence of baruch shem, residents of Jericho
writing or scraPing letters onto skin
writing with ink, paint, Pigment, gum, ferrous sulfate, any item that leaves a mark, multiple surfaces that can be read together
written, not engraved, not dripped, not sPilled, not protruding letters, not ink that needs additional mixture to be read
yishuv eretz yisrael - exemption of serving in the army due to building a house only applies to a house in Israel due to the mitzvah of develoPing the land of Israel
yishuv eretz yisrael - second day Holiday punishment for not keePing one day properly, yet only rewarded for keePing the first day
אפילו חסיד שבחסידים אין ממנין אותו אפיטרופוס על עריות - even the Pious of the Pious aren’t appointed supervisors over forbidden women
כל השומע ליצרו כילו עובד עבודה זרה - whoever listens to their evil inclination is considered as worshipPing idols