45 Results
applies to Plants which are eaten
Bais Nayin - using the greens of Plants without deducting maaser
barley harvest in spring, wheat in summer, grapes in fall, olive in winter
barrier specifications required to separate between vines and other Plants
caper bush, tree or vegetable?
carrying wood, spices, combination of spices, walnut husks, pomegranate peels, dyes, urine, nitron, sulfur, salt marsh Plants, alkali
cleared area within vineyard, size needed to be considered a separate field to be planted with other Plants
digging up luf, other Plants on shemittah that had completed their growth prior to shemittah, type of shovel
each sub-region of Israel does biur based on the Plants in that sub-region
Egyptian bean, seed or vegetable?
food, animal feed, dye from Plants, which decompose are subject to shemittah laws
if Plants endure in the ground and wouldn’t rot, certain shemittah laws are lenient
impurity doesn’t attach to replanted Plants (owner wanted to replant them), stored onions that took root, are they considered replanted in regards to laws of shabbos (since the owner had no intention to plant them)?
inedible seeds not subject to maaser, may be bought from anyone, even if seeds that produced these Plants were terumah
laws related to the Greek gourd
minimum size, where we learn this halacha from, configuration of surrounding work area, no other Plants there
non Jew who Plants kilayim, Jew replant from a cutting off of the kilayim tree?
only applies to Plants which are planted and grown
parts of Plants or trees that are either forbidden or permitted in regard to orlah, neta revai, nazir, asheirah
parts of Plants or trees that are either forbidden or permitted in regard to orlah, neta revai, nazir, asheirah
parts of Plants or trees that are either forbidden or permitted in regard to orlah, neta revai, nazir, asheirah
parts of Plants or trees that are either forbidden or permitted in regard to orlah, neta revai, nazir, asheirah
perforated or unperforated flowerpots, plucked near or away from hole, pot in Israel hole outside, pot near Plants that may be kilayim, susceptible to impurity?, plucked on Shabbos liable?
planted Plants on Purim
planting grain in a vineyard, or the opposite, obligation to remove the fold Plants, weeding out kilayim Plants
Plants - forbidden to plant, keep, permitted to eat or enjoy
Plants not in the earth are exempt from shemittah laws
Plants that are layered, if sustained by the parent plant the leaves will face away from the parent plant as if embarrassed to be sustained by others
Plants that are or aren’t kilayim, other names that they are known by
Plants that can become edible if sweetened
Plants that grow wild, therefore can be bought from an am haaretz without concern about shemittah
Plants that produce more than one edible part, maaser obligation for each? intent for use of plant changed
Plants which came from inedible terumah seeds
Plants, various, shemittah applies? money exchanged for them acquires shemittah sanctity? shemittah requirement to dispose of fruits which are no longer available in the fields ">biur? mixtures?
plowing was done for Plants needed for dyes and the anointing oil
Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi planted Plants on Purim
responsible for indirectly bringing about a loss by causing someone else’s Plants to be prohibited as kilayim
rules of halachic separation between vineyards and other Plants
saplings and gourd Plants can combine to become a ten sapling field which is more lenient
seeds of one variety can change to produce something else
storing Plants/food underground, planting grain kernels together
the identification of the Plants and grains listed in Kilayim 1:1
tree or vegetable, halachic definition, how to classify
wind blown or Plants that lean into each other, obligation to remove