11 Results
first Pesach Moshe’s Powerful voice explained Pesach procedures, Pharaoh’s voice proclaimed freedom
first Pesach Moshe’s Powerful voice explained Pesach procedures, Pharaoh’s voice proclaimed freedom
four who merited the world to come because they gave up positions of Power (one who didn’t), Yonasan son of Saul, Elazar ben Azaryah, elders of Beseirah, Rabbi Chaninah of Tzippori, one who didn’t is Rabbi Yoshua ben Kovsai
four who merited the world to come because they gave up positions of Power (one who didn’t), Yonasan son of Saul, Elazar ben Azaryah, elders of Beseirah, Rabbi Chaninah of Tzippori, one who didn’t is Rabbi Yoshua ben Kovsai
greatness and Power over divine decrees by the ones who give maaser
has the Power to declare property to be ownerless, to exempt the property from maaser
Hugdas the levi, singer, Powerful voice, made unusual sounds by putting his thumb in his mouth
husband revoking or a sage annulling must use the proper legal words corresponding to their legal Powers
in the future wheat and fruit will ripen faster, leaves will be edible and have curative Power, open the wombs of barren women, open mouths of the mute
שוחדא דדייני - the discretion (toss, bribe, Power) of the judges, same as שודא דדייני