29 Results
binding lulav with lulav leaves, or with anything? when to shake the lulav, shaking lulav after missing proper time, take lulav, shofar when traveling, reciting shema Prayer when traveling
botched circumcision, Rabbi Adah bar Ahavah prays for the death of the child, child died
botched circumcision, Rabbi Adah bar Ahavah prays for the death of the child, child died
close to minchah Prayer time don’t begin haircut, bath, tanning, eating, and judging, if he already began
come late, leave early
convert reciting the text of bikkurim and shemonah esrei which refers to Jewish ancestors, permitted?
differing customs on where to pause during hallel at the seder, Prayers of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, celebrating Purim on different days are acceptable
don't pray in a high place
husband and wife match is preordained, yet someone else can overcome that with Prayer
husband and wife match is preordained, yet someone else can overcome that with Prayer
interrupt Torah study to say shema, shemonah esrei, ordinary person, one always studying Torah, scribe
Moshe had to lead the Jews in Prayers of thanks at the Red Sea, all Jews raised their voices and wept after hearing the slanderous report of the spies
next to or touching excrement
personalities in the Bible that praised God in their own unique way
Prayer for a permanently injured child to die
Prayer of the kohen gadol upon exiting the holy of holies, short Prayer, Shimon Hatzadik predicted his own death after Prayer
Prayer, biblical obligation or rabbinic?
Prayers reference that it is Rosh Chodesh? reference that Rosh Hashanah may be only one of the two celebrated days?
praying after drinking wine, while drunk, or naked
Rav answered a question during Prayer by signaling with his fingers
recitation of shema has fixed time under biblical law, Prayer does not have fixed time under biblical law
shaking lulav, wearing talis garment, learn Hebrew language, eating pure foods, leading Prayers, work of kohen, levi
started with minyan, then one left
the following are said in the language the person understands : sotah, maaser declaration, shema, Prayer, blessings after eating, oath of testimony, oath of a deposit
urinate prior to Prayer
which Prayers can he or can't he lead for the congregation
which Prayers can, or can't he lead for the congregation
within four amos of spitting or urinating