113 Results
  • accidentally or on purpose used maaser sheni funds to buy Produce, if no Temple Produce should rot

  • am haaretz was seen redeeming an amount of maaser sheni, how much Produce can one buy from him and assume that maaser was deducted?

  • biur obligation when Produce is finished in fields, certain types of fields may be exceptions, walled, guarded?

  • bought with maaser sheni funds, water, salt, Produce attached to the ground, fruits that won’t be edible if brought to Jerusalem, purchase doesn’t take effect

  • buying Produce with Torah granted rights (eating while working) doesn’t cause an obligation of tithes, parameters of rights to pick and eat while working

    • Perek / Halacha: Maasros 2:4
    • Oz Vehadar / Artscroll: 18a 18b-20b
    • Vilna Shas: 11a 11a-12a
    • Academy of Hebrew Language: 271-2
    • Venice / Bomberg: 49c 50a
  • challah obligation on Produce which came from outside Israel, exited from Israel, dough found when Joshua conquered Israel?

  • coins of one person being deconsecrated onto Produce of a different person, coins and Produce in two different locations

  • coins, completed Produce of maaser sheni, untithed Produce entered Jerusalem, may they leave? must they be returned?

  • completing biur obligation when traveling and not near one’s Produce

  • designating higher quality for similar or lower level, Produce that wouldn’t be crossbreeding can be terumah as long as the terumah part is equal or better quality, mevushal or non mevushal wine? chate melon and muskmelon are 2 different species

  • destruction of Temple, the shamir and nofes tzufim stopped, and people of trust ended, Produce quality decreased, promiscuity and sorcery ruined everything

  • does premature deduction of terumah trigger restrictions or further tithing obligations on the Produce?

    • Perek / Halacha: Maasros 2:3
    • Oz Vehadar / Artscroll: 16a 16a-b
    • Vilna Shas: 9b 9b-10a
    • Academy of Hebrew Language: 270
    • Venice / Bomberg: 49b-c 49d
  • does the blur requirement include unprocessed or tevel Produce?

  • does the viduy of the fourth year include the Produce of that year

  • doesn’t release untithed Produce from his possession

  • father’s rights to minor daughter’s kiddushin money, findings, earnings, vows, divorce, but not Produce of her property

  • field of trees, amount, type, spacing, quantity of fruit Produced, size of tree if not fruit bearing

  • field owned by a non Jew, Produce permitted on shemittah

  • gifting Produce doesn’t cause a tithe obligation, selling does, variations of gifting and selling

  • greatness of work, despite world being destroyed in time of Noach due to stealing, workers can take Produce while working

  • hevker Produce exempt from tithes, found Produce in a basket not exempt and must be returned to owner, eat and repay or sell to preserve the owner’s interests, tevel or demo?

  • houses, buildings, structures, huts, porches, rooftops which triggers a maaser obligation when Produce is brought there

    • Perek / Halacha: Maasros 3:3
    • Oz Vehadar / Artscroll: 27a-28a 28b
    • Vilna Shas: 16a-b 16b
    • Academy of Hebrew Language: 275
    • Venice / Bomberg: 50b 50d
  • if a person can only Produce impure bread, is it better to bake small loaves that are below the minimum size of the challah obligation, or is it better to create impure challah which will then have to be burned? baker impure, pure person exactly 4 mil away?

  • in our time, an attempt to redeem maaser sheni Produce onto money is ineffective

  • inedible seeds not subject to maaser, may be bought from anyone, even if seeds that Produced these plants were terumah

  • Jerusalem is like a protected courtyard, creating tevel for finished Produce

  • Kosnayin - Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi had tevel Produce there

  • laborers may use money earned picking shemittah Produce depending on the words used by their employer

  • laborers may use money earned picking shemittah Produce depending on the words used by their employer

  • laborers may use money earned picking shemittah Produce depending on the words used by their employer

  • lowland in mountainous region, mountain in lowland region, treated same as region it is in, Suria, Meron, Gush Chalav, biur times for various regions and Produce

  • maaser sheni money deconsecrated onto Produce while Temple stood, then it was destroyed, Produce should be left to rot

  • maaser sheni Produce may be redeemed onto other Produce providing that it is the same type of Produce

  • mushrooms and truffles not considered Produce of the land

  • one may not deconsecrate one’s maaser sheni coins onto the Produce of an am haaretz unless they are demai

  • owner of maaser sheni Produce and another potential redeemer place competing bids, owner must add one fifth to his bid

  • ownerless Produce exempt from maaser

  • passes through a courtyard, tithe obligation? picked Produce before Shabbos to eat after Shabbos, tithe obligation?

  • paying workers who work with shemittah Produce, limitations

  • permitted to muzzle animal if the Produce he is working on is forbidden to eat?

  • permitting Produce or bitter vetch to leave Jerusalem for the purpose of processing

  • pious orchard owners set aside money for people took Produce without the proper procedure, done at morning or night?

  • plants that Produce more than one edible part, maaser obligation for each? intent for use of plant changed

  • Produce (but not the land) of Suria owned by Jew, sharecropper, what is his maaser obligation?

  • Produce becomes level and therefore obligated in maaser, pickling, cooking, salting, squeezing and collecting oil in one’s hand, skimming wine in a cooked pot, purchased, separating terumah, Shabbos food, entering a protected courtyard

  • Produce grown in courtyard, ate at top of tree, figs fell into courtyard, branches or roots inside courtyard or inside Israel, the rest outside

    • Perek / Halacha: Maasros 3:4
    • Oz Vehadar / Artscroll: 28b-29a 29b-30a
    • Vilna Shas: 16b-17a 17a
    • Academy of Hebrew Language: 276
    • Venice / Bomberg: 50b
  • Produce grown in overseas soil from that was brought into Israel, obligated in maaser, shemittah, challah?

  • Produce grown in overseas soil from that was brought into Israel, obligated in maaser, shemittah, challah?

  • Produce grown in overseas soil from that was brought into Israel, obligated in maaser, shemittah, challah?

  • Produce that only grows outside of Israel is exempt from maaser, and may be bought from anyone

  • Rabbi Chiyah and his sons moving to Israel brought blessings to the land and Produce, but they didn’t personally benefit

  • reacquiring ownership for Produce that was ownerless at the time of biur

  • restriction on selling attached Produce to untrustworthy people when maaser stage is reached

    • Perek / Halacha: Maasros 5:2
    • Oz Vehadar / Artscroll: 41a 41b-42a
    • Vilna Shas: 22b 23a
    • Academy of Hebrew Language: 280
    • Venice / Bomberg: 51c 51d
  • sale of Produce triggers an obligation to tithe?

  • selling Produce from outside Israel, may not be sold by measure, weight, number

  • selling Produce, forbidden by weight, size, amount, reasons

  • shemittah Produce, when exchanged, still retains its holiness, exchanges with non holy, will transfer shemittah status to those items, further exchanges will transfer, the second (and further) items in a chain of transfers, will not retain their holy status, except the last

  • taking terumah from olives or grapes for Produce that will be crushed for oil or wine, terumah will need to be taken again, when reconsidering to crush them, when not reconsidering terumah valid but must separate again

  • temed Produced from sediments that were untithed, fermented, not fermented

  • using maaser sheni money to buy animals or Produce outside Jerusalem

  • what happens or should be done with Produce in one’s possession after the time of biur, who may eat it?

  • when selling maaser sheni Produce, the Produce should be represented as if it is chullin

  • work permitted with shemittah Produce provided that it is done in an unusual way

  • workers eating Produce they are working with, depending on if it’s part of their pay, or not included in their pay

  • אין דרך חבר להוציא מביתו דבר שאינו מתוקן - it isn’t the way of a chaver to release untithed Produce from his possession