16 Results
convert who owned holy items from prior to conversion
eating pure food all year or at least during the week between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
Hezekiah purified the Temple for eight days, not fully cleansed
ignorant merchant may complete sales of wine barrels and dough that started during holiday (when he is trusted about purity), reason for this rule, limits to this rule
ignorant person is believed about the status of kodesh and terumah only when all tribes are assembling in Jerusalem (holidays)
ignorant person who is believed on a part of a barrel's status, believed on the other contents of the barrel? believed during wine-pressing and olive-pressing season and prior to the season
lenient rules regarding relaxation of purity rules and ignorant people extends to a Shabbos which follows a Friday holiday
one who is pure for terumah is the same as one pure for holy offerings
process of purification needed based on level of holiness
purifying vessels in a mikveh in certain situations on Shabbos
sequestration for kohen gadol before Yom Kippur is due to holiness, sequestration for parah adumah is due to purity, reason for the difference
Temple vessels cleaned after holiday, process of cleaning
thieves and tax collectors are believed to say which vessels they touched, and are further believed on kodesh items in Jerusalem, and even for terumah at holiday times, limitations on this rule
using a shell of a gourd for sanctification purposes
wife of an am haaretz grinding grain with a wife of a chaver