17 Results
attempts to see Rabbi Chiyah in a dream
burial chamber of Rabbi Chiyah
burial chamber of Rabbi Chiyah
daughter of Rabbi Chiyah would puncture figs to make it look like a snake punctured them so the scholars wouldn’t eat them
Elijah appears in the form of Rabbi Chiyah Rabbah
greatness of Rabbi Chiyah
greatness of Rabbi Chiyah
had Torah thoughts in the bathhouse
Rabbi Chiyah and his sons moving to Israel brought blessings to the land and produce, but they didn’t personally benefit
Rabbi Chiyah, a kohen, stepped on graves and became impure for the mitzvah to see the emperor Diocletian
respect for Rabbi Chiyah
respect for Rabbi Chiyah
tying a cord around the feet of Rabbi Chaggai while burying Rabbi Chiyah
Tzippori - Rabbi Chiyah, a kohen, lit a lamp of oil that required burning, for a non kohen
Tzippori - town of Rabbi Chiyah of Tzippori
Tzippori - town of Rabbi Chiyah of Tzippori who was a kohen let his yisrael worker use impure terumah oil