17 Results
anonymous Mishnah is assumed to be the opinion of Rabbi Meir, and we usually follow it
as strict with rabbinic law as he is with biblical law
Chamas, Chamsa, Chamsi - Rabbi Meir lectured there on Friday night before the meal
Chamas, Rabbi Meir lectured there on a Friday night prior to the meal
entered paradise, abandoned Torah, killed or had a bad influence on rabbinic students, betrayed the Jews to the Romans, expounds Torah verses with his student Rabbi Meir, story that happened at the party celebrating his circumcision, why he didn't return to Torah, reasons why he left Torah, on his deathbed, his grave burning, rescued by Rabbi Meir?, his daughters request charity from Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
halacha follows Bais Hilllel against Bais Shamai, halacha follows Rabbi Yose against Rabbi Meir
people follow Rabbi Meir in regard to Megillah, eruv, and taanis, even though the halacha doesn't follow him
Rabbi Meir died in Asya, outside of Israel, wanted to be buried near the sea or possibly transferred to Israel
Rabbi Meir died in Asya, outside of Israel, wanted to be buried near the sea or possibly transferred to Israel
Rabbi Meir died in Asya, outside of Israel, wanted to be buried near the sea or possibly transferred to Israel
Rabbi Meir fought against an attempt to excommunicate him
Rabbi Meir is strict with rabbinic laws just as biblical laws
Rav says Gittin 9:3 follows the opinion of Rabbi Meir who says that the signing witnesses validate the divorce
reading the Megillah - Rabbi Meir did by heart
smearing alintin (mixture of aged wine, balsam oil, water) on a sick person, prepared before Shabbos, story of Rabbi Meir
Tzippori - Rabbi Meir greeted mourners on Shabbos