64 Results
anonymous Mishnah is assumed to be the opinion of Rabbi Meir, and we usually follow it
answered the question that the students had been asking, that age takes precedence over knowledge
Bais Sharai - town of Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
called ‘our teacher’ in three cases, divorce, oil of idolators, abortion of ‘sandal’ shaped fetus
called ‘our teacher’ in three cases, divorce, oil of idolators, abortion of ‘sandal’ shaped fetus
daylight extended on the day of Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi’s funeral
deathbed directives, widow remains in his house, no eulogies in certain towns, who may attend to his burial needs, less shrouds, holes in coffin bottom, residents of Tzippori threatened to kill the person who announced the death of Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi, buried in Bais Shearim, daylight of the day of his funeral which was on a Friday miraculously extended,
deathbed directives, widow remains in his house, no eulogies in certain towns, who may attend to his burial needs, less shrouds, holes in coffin bottom, residents of Tzippori threatened to kill the person who announced the death of Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi, buried in Bais Shearim, daylight of the day of his funeral which was on a Friday miraculously extended,
entered paradise, abandoned Torah, killed or had a bad influence on rabbinic students, betrayed the Jews to the Romans, expounds Torah verses with his student Rabbi Meir, story that happened at the party celebrating his circumcision, why he didn't return to Torah, reasons why he left Torah, on his deathbed, his grave burning, rescued by Rabbi Meir?, his daughters request charity from Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
Ephras - Yosef of Ephras who served Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
Ephras - Yosef of Ephras who served Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
events that occurred at his time of death and burial
events that occurred at his time of death and burial
explanations of words and sayings
explanations of words and sayings
Germany - German student of Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
greater than Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi, his widow rejected a marriage proposal from Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
Haifa - town of Yosah of Haifa who served Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
Haifa - town of Yose of Haifa who served Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
honored his wealthy but unlearned son-in-law, Bar Kappara instigated which led to not becoming an elder
interpreted 3 verses in a favorable manner, Tamar at the crossroads, sons of Eli with women, sons of Samuel straying
Kosnayin - Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi had tevel produce there
lenient ruling regarding a woman who engaged in questionable behavior which could have led to divorce
lived in Tzippori for 17 years just as Yosef lived in Egypt for 17 years
lived in Tzippori for 17 years just as Yosef lived in Egypt for 17 years
maidservant of Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi taught
maidservant of Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi taught translation of words
mishnah with a dispute and Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi taught a later mishnah with an anonymous opinion, we follow that opinion
never looked at his circumcision
never looked at his circumcision
one may bring terumah from Suria to Israel, but not from outside Israel into Israel
permitted bringing shemittah fruit to Suria
permitted bringing vegetables from outside Israel despite the possibility that contaminated earth might be attached
permitted eating vegetables immediately after shemittah
permitted three things for his family, use of a mirror, a Greek style Komi haircut, learn Greek
planted plants on Purim
Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi and Rabbi Yishmael ben Rabbi Yose describe greatness of Rabbi Yose of the previous generation
Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi planted plants on Purim
Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi showered on seventeenth of Tammuz
Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi tells midwife to follow the local custom rather than giving his own opinion
Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi wanted to cancel Tisha Bav which fell out on Shabbos
Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi wanted to cancel Tisha Bav which fell out on Shabbos
Rabbi Yehudah was the halachic authority for the household of the nasi
Rebbi and Rabbi Chiya the great and Rabbi Yishmael the son of Rabbi Yosah were sitting and explaning the scroll of Lamentations on erev Tisha Bav which fell on Shabbos, Rebbi injured his finger, placed a dry sponge on the wound and tied a grass reed around it, from the conduct of Rebbi we learn three things
Rebbi was a student of Rabbi Yaakov bar Kudshai and not of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, Rabbi Elazar the son of Rabbi Shimon said to Rebbi ‘I studied under my father while standing more then you studied under your teacher while sitting’
referred question about correct text of a mishnah to Rabbi Yitzchak the Great
respect for Rabbi Chiyah
respect for Rabbi Chiyah
rules written by Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi in the mishnah are not absolute rules
showered on seventeenth of Tammuz
six pesukim that made Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi weep
strict against rabbi who kept his class late after dismissal time
students of R Lazar ben Shamuah refused to allow Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi to hear certain halacha from their Torah teacher
students of Rabbi Lazar ben Shamuah didn't want his teachings about an androgyne revealed to Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
supported thirty six children of one yavam for one month
teeth pain for 13 years, reason, no childbirth deaths or miscarriages, why and how he was healed
teeth pain for 13 years, reason, no childbirth deaths or miscarriages, why and how he was healed
Tzippori - Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi lived in Tzippori for 17 years just as Yosef lived in Egypt for 17 years
wanted to cancel shemittah
wanted to cancel Tisha Bav which fell out on Shabbos
when yovel isn’t in effect, shemittah is a rabbinic law (not a biblical requirement)
whenever Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi quotes a dispute and elsewhere quotes an anonymous opinion on the same subject
whenever Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi uses the phrase ‘it appears to be’