40 Results
amulet, wearing a pRoven amulet on Shabbos
bais Rova (an area of about 10.5 square amos)
Ben Zoma says a person will receive a portion that God pRovides, money or status can’t be taken from him, God never forgets
benefactor pRovided for a woman whose husband is traveling, is he reimbursed? paying of debts of others?
benefactor pRovided for a woman whose husband is traveling, is he reimbursed? paying of debts of others?
building new grave, impRoving an existing grave niche, building a coffin
cooking accidently is treated more strictly if it a type of food that impRoves as it cooks longer, eggs impRove as they cook
cooking foods that impRove as they condense, cabbage, peas, minced meat, turnip tops, leak, eggs, hot water?
cooking wine impRoves it or reduces it? (reduces the numbers of those who will drink it or reduces it through evaporation)
dealing with contRoversial biblical verses
garments of kohen and kohen gadol, pRovides repentance for specific sins
husband obligated to support his wife, but not obligated to pRovide a house
kesubah of Rabbi Yehoshua the son of Rabbi Akiva pRovided that his wife support him so that he can study Torah
land stolen, resold, buyer impRoved land, claims against thief and buyer
maaser sheni produce may be redeemed onto other produce pRoviding that it is the same type of produce
mevushal wine is impRoved or diminished by being made stronger or in quantity
moving heavy boxes to accommodate guests or pRovide access to the house of study, size of boxes
moving heavy boxes to accommodate guests or pRovide access to the house of study, size of boxes
obligation of father, community, and groom to pRovide dowry and clothing for the bride
one can borrow on Shabbos pRoviding that they avoid the word ‘lend’ but they may use a similar word
one can borrow on Shabbos pRoviding that they avoid the word ‘lend’ but they may use a similar word
people returning lost objects, or admitting to part of a claim of a debt against them which couldn’t have been pRoven, aren’t forced to swear that they didn’t keep some of what they found or saved
people who trust that God will pRovide while they teach Torah without interruption
permissible if the act is pRoven to heal, permitted after three events
plowing, anything that impRoves the earth for planting, digging, breaking up earth, clearing stones, hoeing
rabbis in diaspora would separate terumos and maasros until the Rovin came and stopped them
rights of widows to sell husband’s property to collect her kesubah money or for food support, in some cases bais din appRoval needed, retaining or losing right to food support, divorcee, selling it in parts, when sale may be voided, if wife sold properties to satisfy her kesubah and one sale is invalid, does it cancel all of them?
son may use the offerings or money for offerings his father left over pRoviding certain conditions are met
the Torah’s references to the husband’s showing a non bloody sheet and the father of the bride dispRoving his claims by showing a bloody sheet are merely graphic hints to both sides bringing witnesses to their claim
thinning a gRove of trees, cutting firewood, burning an area of reeds, cutting wood
Tiberias - Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai wanted to impRove Tiberias the way Jacob impRoved Shechem in Genesis 33:18
victim was expected to die, his condition impRoved, then he died, attacker liable?
villagers can pRovide food, yet work is forbidden
villagers can pRovide food, yet work is forbidden
wanted to impRove Tiberias the way Jacob impRoved Shechem in Genesis 33:18
while discussing fish, Kahanah dispRoves Reish Lakish, Reish Lakish caught in Kahanah’s net
witnesses of new month were pRoven false after new month was already declared, the ruling stands
woman who appoints an agent to receive divorce needs to pRovide witnesses who saw the divorce
work permitted with shemittah produce pRovided that it is done in an unusual way