128 Results
Akrabas - one day journey south to JeruSalem
an ignorant potter is trusted on purity of his small vessels if he is located between Modiis (Modiin?) and JeruSalem, limits to this rule
animal found near JeruSalem, what offering do we assume it was designated for? who is responsible to bring the accompanying nesachim?
anoint with maaser sheni oil in JeruSalem? situations where maaser sheni is more strict than terumah
anoint with maaser sheni outside JeruSalem
anointed with maaser sheni oil outside of JeruSalem
anointing with maaser sheni outside JeruSalem forbidden, source
bartering maaser sheni in JeruSalem
bought with maaser sheni funds, water, salt, produce attached to the ground, fruits that won’t be edible if brought to JeruSalem, purchase doesn’t take effect
branches extending outside JeruSalem are considered part of JeruSalem
branches extending outside JeruSalem are considered part of JeruSalem
bring this maaser sheni to JeruSalem and ‘we will divide it’ as compared to ‘we will eat and drink it’, difference unclear
bring this maaser sheni to JeruSalem and we will divide it, is forbidden
carrying Pesach offering from outside JeruSalem, from outside Temple courtyard
coins found near animal dealers, Temple mount, JeruSalem, are they maaser sheni? chullin?
coins of all nations accepted for maaser sheni in JeruSalem
coins of all nations accepted for maaser sheni in JeruSalem
coins, completed produce of maaser sheni, untithed produce entered JeruSalem, may they leave? must they be returned?
collection chests outside JeruSalem were only for new shekalim, meaning not shekalim that were owed from before Sukkos
collection of the kesubah is secured by the Sale of inferior land
collection of the kesubah is secured by the Sale of inferior land
compelling a spouse to move to Israel or JeruSalem or to leave Israel
cow bought, buyer says for plowing, seller says he sold the wild cow for slaughter, fraudulent Sale?
debtor produces document against borrower, does a subsequent Sale of land undermine his debt claim?
designated person becomes impure upon exiting JeruSalem or upon pushing the goat off the cliff
differences/similarities of Shilo and JeruSalem
differences/similarities of Shilo and JeruSalem
door jambs area of city wall, Temple courtyard, houses considered as inside or outside sanctified JeruSalem? refuge from rain, sun for metzorah, zav
dying, hitting animal to make skin red, drawing on a stencil, filling in a stencil, completing a design, dyers of JeruSalem
eating maaser sheni outside JeruSalem, liability only if it is pure and had once been in JeruSalem
Eilat - one day journey (?) north to JeruSalem
enactment limiting the owner’s ability to redeem grapes when they are close to JeruSalem, reason
escort needed when husband and wife travelled to JeruSalem so that husband and wife weren’t together alone?
exiles of the north will rebuild the Temple in the south (JeruSalem)
exiles of the north will rebuild the Temple in the south (JeruSalem)
exiles of the north will rebuild the Temple in the south (JeruSalem)
exiles of the north will rebuild the Temple in the south (JeruSalem)
Ezra commands Jews of JeruSalem and elsewhere to build sukkah
fasting upon seeing the ruins of JeruSalem
father motivating sons, i will slaughter Pesach for first one to JeruSalem, intends the others as well
faulty appraisal for a Sale by bais din for a kesubah, orphans, or holy items
funds from shekalim or funds for the upkeep of the Temple used for Torah teachers who taught kohanim, teachers who taught about blemishes, scribes who corrected the Torah of the Temple courtyard, judges of JeruSalem, women who weaved for the Temple, incense, altars, vessels, chambers, courtyards, walls of the Temple and JeruSalem,
future expansion of JeruSalem
gift of maaser sheni, is it the same as a Sale and therefore forbidden?
hallel loudly read from JeruSalem rooftops on the night of Pesach
ignorant merchant may complete Sales of wine barrels and dough that started during holiday (when he is trusted about purity), reason for this rule, limits to this rule
ignorant person is believed about the status of kodesh and terumah only when all tribes are assembling in JeruSalem (holidays)
Jericho - maamad could have had 24,000 members, but only had 12,000 out of respect for JeruSalem
JeruSalem is like a protected courtyard, creating tevel for finished produce
JeruSalem to Bais Choron is three mil
JeruSalem to Bais Choron is three mil
Jordan (River)- one day journey west to JeruSalem
Kiryas Yearim - town where holy ark was kept prior to it being brought to JeruSalem
lashes are only given for eating maaser sheni outside JeruSalem if it was first in JeruSalem and pure
laws which apply to maaser sheni and bikkurim but not terumah, bringing to JeruSalem, confession, and some say they are forbidden to an onen, must do biur, and once it came into and then left JeruSalem mixtures and additional growths are forbidden to eat, sources
laws which apply to maaser sheni and bikkurim but not terumah, bringing to JeruSalem, confession, and some say they are forbidden to an onen, must do biur, and once it came into and then left JeruSalem mixtures and additional growths are forbidden to eat, sources
laws which apply to maaser sheni and bikkurim but not terumah, bringing to JeruSalem, confession, and some say they are forbidden to an onen, must do biur, and once it came into and then left JeruSalem mixtures and additional growths are forbidden to eat, sources
leap year can be declared if those coming to JeruSalem for Yom Tov need more time
left over funds from shekalim used for building walls of JeruSalem?
Lod - a place more than day distance from JeruSalem, yet people got there quicker
Lod - one day journey east to JeruSalem
maamad of JeruSalem had 24,000 members, maamad of Jericho could have had 24,000 members but only had 12,000 out of respect for JeruSalem
maaser sheni that enters JeruSalem after the destruction of the temple
Mahalul - a place more than day distance from JeruSalem, yet people got there quicker
meat found in Temple courtyard or in JeruSalem, are they assumed to be olos, sin offerings, shelamim, neveilah? are they burned, forbidden, or permitted to eat?
meat found in Temple courtyard or in JeruSalem, attention diverted from meat, appearance of meat changed, meat burned
meat found outside JeruSalem, permitted? lashes? meat bought in store some kosher some not, found outside store, found in the hand of an idolater, stories
Migdal Tzevayah - a place more than day distance from JeruSalem, yet people got there quicker
Modiis (Modiin) - a city near JeruSalem
Modiis (Modiin) - considered far from JeruSalem to be exempt from Pesach offering and eligible for Pesach sheni
near ones brought fresh fruit, further ones brought dried fruit, escorts to JeruSalem with much fanfare
no overcharge claims on Sales of slaves, contracts, land and holy items, unless extreme overcharge
obligation to tear garments over the destruction of JeruSalem begin from the area called ‘Tzofim’
of JeruSalem obligated to separate challah?
one can say ‘bring maaser sheni to JeruSalem is that we can eat and drink together’
outside of JeruSalem
partitions for drawing water from wells, leniency, travelers to JeruSalem, Jews and non Jews sharing
permitting produce or bitter vetch to leave JeruSalem for the purpose of processing
pilgrimage to JeruSalem, women, wife of the prophet Jonah
pilgrimage to JeruSalem, women, wife of the prophet Jonah
places more than a day travel from JeruSalem yet were covered in a much shorter time
possessing Pesach ">chametz in JeruSalem while bringing the korban Pesach
prices set for thirty days to supply flour, oil, wine to Temple, price fluctuations or spoilage after the Sale benefits the Temple or the seller?
pure JeruSalem people would sign their name and family name rather than their father’s name
redeemed according to wholeSale prices, not retail
removed from JeruSalem, became impure, owners became impure or died, became piggul, burned right away or next day?
removing meat that exited JeruSalem without breaking bones, other offerings with breaking bones, thickness of walls considered part of JeruSalem
rights of widows to sell husband’s property to collect her kesubah money or for food support, in some cases bais din approval needed, retaining or losing right to food support, divorcee, selling it in parts, when Sale may be voided, if wife sold properties to satisfy her kesubah and one Sale is invalid, does it cancel all of them?
rooftops, top of walls, windows, tunnels, part of sanctified JeruSalem?
rules of sacrifices, maaser sheni, and sacrifices of lower level holiness from prior to the Tabernacle, thru the periods of Gilgal, Shilo, Nov and Givon until the JeruSalem Temple
sacrifice on behalf of all Jews but represented by 24 rotating delegations who travelled to JeruSalem, maamad
sacrificial meat that must be burned that one took while leaving JeruSalem, at what location and for how much meat is returning obligated?
Sale of produce triggers an obligation to tithe?
Sale of slaves, contracts, and moveable items don’t require announcements
second month of Adar can be added to accommodate those from outside Israel who are coming to JeruSalem for Pesach
selling or redeeming maaser sheni in JeruSalem is forbidden
shekel collected in towns to be transported to JeruSalem, transferred into larger denominations to make transport easier
Shilo or JeruSalem
signs deed of Sale then challenges ownership, prefers to claim against new buyer
sold ancestral field on the yovel year, Sale valid and land reverts to owner immediately, or Sale void?
sold property with lien, buyer gets it, then creditor gets it from him or Sale never happened, went from seller to creditor
spit, vessels, knife found in JeruSalem, impure? depending where and when it was found, reasons, blood of a neveilah or sheretz impure?
strip of Cuthi land separates Galilee from Yehudah, strip of Cuthi land separates Trans-Jordan Ragav from JeruSalem
Suria - acquiring land in Suria is like buying land on the outskirts of JeruSalem
take this maaser beheimah to JeruSalem and we will eat slaughtered meat there, permitted?
take this maaser sheni wine to JeruSalem and we will eat oil there’, permitted?
ten situations of obligation to tear garments (which may not be repaired), required upon death of sages or students, what status of Torah knowledge would trigger this obligation, upon death of Nasi, head of Bais Din, bad news, upon hearing one curse God or a secondary name of God, burning of a Torah (requires two tearings) , seeing the ruins of JeruSalem, and the Temple
that became impure can be redeemed even in JeruSalem, became impure prior to or after entering JeruSalem, higher level or lower level impurity
thieves and tax collectors are believed to say which vessels they touched, and are further believed on kodesh items in JeruSalem, and even for terumah at holiday times, limitations on this rule
time of announcements needed prior to a Sale of kesubah, orphans, or holy items
transported to JeruSalem by paid or unpaid watchman, responsibility, swear if lost or stolen, replacement shekalim, original lost shekalim found, old or new shekalim
travelled in groups on the way going, people would not deal with them on the return trip as on the journey to JeruSalem
trees, olives presses, partially inside and outside the city walls, is it considered in or out of JeruSalem?
tunnels allowed people to get to JeruSalem faster than regular roads
twenty fours gifts, ten in the Temple, four in JeruSalem, ten outside JeruSalem, some may not be given to an am haaretz
Tzippori - a place more than day distance from JeruSalem, yet people got there quicker
Tzofim - north of JeruSalem where Temple Mount is visible, obligation to tear garments begins here
using maaser sheni money to buy animals or produce outside JeruSalem
words which imply a sacrifice, JeruSalem, my mouth speaking to you, olah, like a flute, my hand working for you, pork, like my mother, will not sleep for 3 days, will not eat for 3 days, sacrifice i will not eat of yours, an oath i will not eat
words which imply a sacrifice, JeruSalem, my mouth speaking to you, olah, like a flute, my hand working for you, pork, like my mother, will not sleep for 3 days, will not eat for 3 days, sacrifice i will not eat of yours, an oath i will not eat
words which imply a sacrifice, JeruSalem, my mouth speaking to you, olah, like a flute, my hand working for you, pork, like my mother, will not sleep for 3 days, will not eat for 3 days, sacrifice i will not eat of yours, an oath i will not eat
Yavneh - academy there also known as Kerem B’Yavneh, place where Sanhedrin went after JeruSalem in the time of the destruction of the Temple
Yose ben Yoezer of Tzeredah, Yose ben Yochanan of JeruSalem
Yose ben Yoezer of Tzereidah and Yose ben Yochanan of JeruSalem
Yose ben Yoezer of Tzereidah, Yose ben Yochanan of JeruSalem, Rabbi Akiva, Rabbi Yehudah ben Bavah
Zion - alternate name for JeruSalem
הקונה בסוריא כקונה בפרוור ירושלם - acquiring land in Suria is similar to buying land on the outskirts of JeruSalem