Shemittah - Cancellation of Debts

11 Results
  • borrower offered to repay cancelled loan

  • contested debt isn’t cancelled by shemittah unless the loan was confirmed prior to the onset of shemittah

  • debts are cancelled even if the collection date didn’t yet occur

  • debts due to rape, seduction, defamer, or court decision aren’t cancelled

  • does contested debt that was resolved collect from mid range quality property, as usual, or is it collectible only from low level quality property, as per biblical law? reason

  • loans are cancelled, but liens aren’t cancelled

  • salary owed can become a debt and therefore cancelled if the work came to an end due to shemittah

  • shemittah cancels loans between Jews, unless arrangement isn’t set up in format of a loan, such as payment to a worker

  • shemittah cancels the debt of someone who divided meat on Rosh Hashanah and gave it to others on credit, reason

  • store credit extended turns previous store credit (even if done on yom tov) into debt which is then cancelled by shemittah

  • wife’s kesubah cancelled by shemittah in certain situations