229 Results
acquiring fruits from one’s own field on Shemittah
acquiring lulav and esrog in Shemittah year
adding a second Adar to make a leap year in a shemttah year or the year after Shemittah, not to increase Shemittah or chadash restrictions
after growths - why Rabbi Shimon treated cabbage strictly, plants that could be recognized as after growths
after growths of mustard in Shemittah year
allowed produce from outside Israel to be imported in a Shemittah year and wasn't concerned about impure soil
Amanah - limit to the north of where Shemittah fruit may be brought
animals in a pen, animals fertilizing field, how to set up the animal pens on Shemittah
ate terumah produce pre Shemittah, must pay kohen with post Shemittah produce
biur for grass, reeds, and vines
biur obligation when produce is finished in fields, certain types of fields may be exceptions, walled, guarded?
border towns - more lenient in regard to Shemittah
border towns with questions related to impurity, maaser, and Shemittah, Chamesa of Pechal, Diklaya D’Bavel, Naveh, Darai, Botzraya, Pardeisa, Botzrah, Ammon, Moab, Ashkelon, Tyre, Yavlonah, Keziv, Amanah, Kiflaria, Egypt, Betzer, Kiflaria,
borrower offered to repay cancelled loan
burying luf or onion plant for later use, which may look like planting
burying turnips or radishes
buying a Shemittah esrog from an am haaretz
calculating agricultural halachic years, needed for different laws for each year of the 7 year agricultural cycle
charms to help a tree which isn’t healthy
Chikuk - Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish saw people eating mustard during Shemittah
clearing stones, sticks, grasses, trees, rabbinic decrees, exceptions to the decrees
consecrated field is subject to Shemittah, eating these fruit
construction projects in the Shemittah year, collecting stones in preparation
construction, bringing large stones, contractor bringing stones
construction, building wall adjacent to public road, to neighbor, what to do with the dirt, Shemittah, Chol hamoed
construction, repairing a wall adjacent to public road, Rabbi Akiva restricts how work of this type is done
contested debt isn’t cancelled by Shemittah unless the loan was confirmed prior to the onset of Shemittah
contracting on Shemittah to rent a plowed field after Shemittah, encouraging non Jews who work their field on Shemittah, helping the non Jew detach his beehive
cooking Shemittah food in terumah oil increases the possibility of it becoming invalidated
cutting grapevines, reeds, beams, how to when permitted, stabilizing cracked trees
debts are cancelled even if the collection date didn’t yet occur
debts due to rape, seduction, defamer, or court decision aren’t cancelled
destroying fruit, at what stage of growth is it forbidden to destroy the tree?
digging new ditch or repairing existing ditch
digging up luf, other plants on Shemittah that had completed their growth prior to Shemittah, type of shovel
does an obligation for a penalty begin when the act is committed, or by the court decision? who receives the penalty payment when if the father dies? the girl or the inheritors of the father’s estate? who gets her earnings and findings? is the fine a debt to the father that is inherited (double to first born) and Shemittah cancels? or is it only the father’s once he actually receives it? who receives penalty for her defamation? depending on her age?
does contested debt that was resolved collect from mid range quality property, as usual, or is it collectible only from low level quality property, as per biblical law? reason
drinking the four cups at once, drinking them slowly, using Shemittah wine, kunditon (spiced honey) wine, diluted, pure wine, red wine, mevushal wine,
dyeing for yourself, dyeing for others even for free
dyes, medical plasters, lamp oil, dye for animal utensils, laundry soap, perfumes fragrant flowers, balsam, subject to Shemittah rules?
each sub-region of Israel does biur based on the plants in that sub-region
eating fruits from a field on which Shemittah was properly observed, thanking the owner
eating vegetables after Shemittah ends, how soon?
Egyptian bean planted in 6th year, picked in 7th, planted in 7th, picked in 8th
Ein Kushin - ate luf there, possibly right after Shemittah
encouraging a non Jew who is working his field on Shemittah
exchanges of Shemittah products can lead to stricter limits on the money or products
fenugreek of terumah, maaser sheni, Shemittah, kilayim of a vineyard, hekdesh that fell into water, different parts of plant
fertilizer placed on a boulder or other non plantable surface
fertilizer, requirement to remove off of field where animals are penned, how quickly?
fertilizer, when and how much can be placed in piles on the field
field of reeds follows stricter halacha of fields of grain
field of saplings, more lenient than mature trees, shape of field
field of trees, amount, type, spacing, quantity of fruit produced, size of tree if not fruit bearing
field of trees, definition for plowing prior to Shemittah, acquiring surrounding land via the purchase of trees
field of trees, fits requirements, but owned by more than one owner
field owned by a non Jew, produce permitted on Shemittah
fixing or building fences, limits on this leniency, further leniency when involving public safety
food, animal feed, dye from plants, which decompose are subject to Shemittah laws
forbidden to use leaves that deer eat, as a cup
forgotten laws of willows, water libations, Shemittah law of ten saplings re-established
fruits which mature over more than one year, how to track which fruit is from which year
Galilee - elders of Galilee, giving Shemittah fruit to one who is suspected of violating Shemittah
gave half shekel that had been designated for someone else, from hekdesh maaser sheni or Shemittah funds, consecrated items misused
gourd hardened, left on vine
gourd leaves not edible for humans but fit for animals, status on Shemittah
government coercion to work fields on Shemittah was removed, does the penalty of working field come back?
grafting branch of fruit bearing tureen to non fruit bearing tree, from when is orlah counted? grafted less than thirty days before Shemittah?
grain or bean field, deadline for plowing the field in year prior to Shemittah
great law of Shabbos, forgot about Shabbos over many weeks, knew about details, or the main idea of Shabbos and violated many times, violated many details within one law of Shabbos, punishment for each of these, great rules of Shabbos, Shemittah, maaser, peah
greeting a Jew, on Shemittah, who works his field
human food, animal food, cosmetics, medicine, firewood, wants to change it’s ordinary use, intent changed
if plants endure in the ground and wouldn’t rot, certain Shemittah laws are lenient
impurity of foreign lands, obligation of maaser, Shemittah, border and beyond border towns, questions, stories
impurity of foreign lands, obligation of maaser, Shemittah, border and beyond border towns, questions, stories
impurity of foreign lands, obligation of maaser, Shemittah, on border, beyond border towns,, questions, stories
ineligible to be a judge or witness if he sells Shemittah fruit, he is still eligible if it isn’t his only job
ineligible to be a judge or witness if he sells Shemittah fruit, he is still eligible if it isn’t his only job
kerem rivai interacting with: Shemittah year, maaser sheni, neta rivai, biur, bikkurim, adding one fifth, holiness, hallel, redemption
Keziv - limit to the north of where Shemittah fruit can be brought
kulkasya leaves, forbidden to use as cup because deer eat them
laborers may use money earned picking Shemittah produce depending on the words used by their employer
laborers may use money earned picking Shemittah produce depending on the words used by their employer
laborers may use money earned picking Shemittah produce depending on the words used by their employer
leap year not declared in years of famine, Shemittah year or the year after Shemittah?
lenient nowadays due to it being a rabbinic decree
lent money on the condition that the loan isn’t cancelled by Shemittah
limitations and guidance on the use of Shemittah money for water, bathing, barber, boat operator
loan denied then confirmed before, during, or after the Shemittah year
loans are cancelled, but liens aren’t cancelled
lowland in mountainous region, mountain in lowland region, treated same as region it is in, Suria, Meron, Gush Chalav, biur times for various regions and produce
luf or onion that grew in parts of years 7 and 8, so part was owned by the poor
luf, how long after Shemittah may one buy? reason
lulav, willow, hallel, rejoicing, sukkah, water libation, playing flute, how many days obligated? sources, plowing a field of ten saplings prior to Shemittah
maaser obligation for a Jew who bought a field from a non Jew in Suria, compared to grain partially grown in Shemittah year, partially grown while ownerless, hekdesh, owned by non Jew, in roofed house,
maaser, Shemittah, challah obligations for sharecroppers of Suria
maaser, Shemittah, challah obligations for sharecroppers of Suria
maaser, Shemittah, challah obligations for sharecroppers of Suria
making an acquisition on one’s own field’s fruit
may use dye for personal use, not for profit
minor change of language causing no Shemittah sanctity on money earned picking vegetables of Shemittah
mixed foods which have different biur dates
moistening wheat with wet thorns, thorns thereby become unusable for animal feed
money earned selling Shemittah fruit, throw into the salty sea
money earned working field on Shemittah, permitted to use? purchasing using vegetables or Shemittah money
more lenient than Chol Hamoed, reasons
more lenient than Chol Hamoed, reasons
obligated to return Shemittah fruit to Israel if it was brought out?
omer requirement overrules the restrictions of Shemittah
omer requirement overrules the restrictions of Shemittah
one may lend kitchen equipment to one suspected of violating sheviis or impurity laws, but may not assist in the forbidden work to not assist a sinner, lending permitted due to peaceful ways, may encourage a non Jew working on Shemittah due to peaceful ways
one who lent or rented a measure container isn’t required to demand it back, even if misused on Shemittah
onions of the 6th year which may have also grown in the 7th year, 7th year which may have grown in 8th year
paying workers who work with Shemittah produce, limitations
penalties on a field that was wrongly worked on during Shemittah
penalties on a field that was wrongly worked on during Shemittah was rescinded
penalties on a field that was wrongly worked on during Shemittah was rescinded and never reinstated
permitted bringing Shemittah fruit to Suria
permitted eating vegetables immediately after Shemittah
person who avoided eating bread without challah removed, but didn’t care about Shemittah rules
planted a tree on Shemittah, on purpose, inadvertly, uproot?
planted areas marked every year, or only during a Shemittah year
planted areas marked every year, or only during a Shemittah year
planted in a box or took root in an attic, laws of impurity, Shemittah, maaser, shabbos
planted in a box or took root in an attic, laws of impurity, Shemittah, maaser, shabbos
planted in a box or took root in an attic, laws of impurity, Shemittah, maaser, Shabbos
planted in a box or took root in an attic, laws of impurity, Shemittah, maaser, shabbos
planted in an unperforated flower pot or in a house, laws of orlah, maaser, Shemittah
planted in an unperforated flower pot or in a house, laws of orlah, maaser, Shemittah
planted in an unperforated flower pot or in a house, laws of orlah, maaser, Shemittah
planted trees close to Shemittah, required to uproot? fruit forbidden? son inherited tree required to uproot?
planted trees inadvertently or on purpose, must be uprooted
planted trees within 30 days of Shemittah, partial year won’t count towards orlah, forbidden to upkeep in Shemittah year, fourth year fruits are forbidden until 15th of Shevat, planted before 30 days prior to Shemittah, partial year counts to Shemittah, may upkeep during Shemittah, as fourth year begins new fruits are permitted
planted trees within 30 days of Shemittah, partial year won’t count towards orlah, forbidden to upkeep in Shemittah year, fourth year fruits are forbidden until 15th of Shevat, planted before 30 days prior to Shemittah, partial year counts to Shemittah, may upkeep during Shemittah, as fourth year begins new fruits are permitted
planting and pruning on Shabbos and Shemittah
planting and pruning on Shabbos and Shemittah
planting non fruit bearing trees
planting trees less than thirty days before Shemittah? less then thirty days before the eighth year?
plants not in the earth are exempt from Shemittah laws
plants that can become edible if sweetened
plants that grow wild, therefore can be bought from an am haaretz without concern about Shemittah
plants, various, Shemittah applies? money exchanged for them acquires Shemittah sanctity? biur? mixtures?
plowing forbidden for a period of time prior to Shemittah
plowing in Shemittah, lashes? digging ditches for other purposes?
pollinating trees
produce grown in overseas soil from that was brought into Israel, obligated in maaser, Shemittah, challah?
produce grown in overseas soil from that was brought into Israel, obligated in maaser, Shemittah, challah?
produce grown in overseas soil from that was brought into Israel, obligated in maaser, Shemittah, challah?
quarrying or using stones from an existing fence, which looks like plowing, depends on intent
Rabbi Chizkiyah refused to assist a person inappropriately sell Shemittah fruit
Rabbi Chizkiyah refused to assist a person inappropriately sell Shemittah fruit
rabbinic law (not biblical) in out day and even dating back to when the first tribes were exiled (first Temple era)
reacquiring ownership for produce that was ownerless at the time of biur
Rebbi permitted bringing vegetables into Israel from outside Israel in a Shemittah year
removing stones from a field, situations where removal of stones is permitted
rice, millet, poppy, sesame, Egyptian bean calculating which year it is counted for based on stages of growth
ripeness, at what stage do Shemittah fruit become permitted?
rose petals soaked in oil, one has Shemittah status, the other doesn’t
saffron crocus, flax, salt, water, vetch, seed of luf, leek, seed onion, turnips, radishes, inedible seeds, woad, madder
sages are pleased when someone repays a debt which was cancelled by Shemittah
salary owed can become a debt and therefore cancelled if the work came to an end due to Shemittah
sap of balsam tree in regard to Shemittah compared to sap of orlah tree
sap of balsam tree in regard to Shemittah compared to sap of orlah tree
sapling - until what size or age?
saplings and gourd plants can combine to become a ten sapling field which is more lenient
selling farm equipment or a plowing cow during Shemittah to people suspected of farming or a non Jew
selling produce from outside Israel, may not be sold by measure, weight, number
selling produce, forbidden by weight, size, amount, reasons
selling vegetables, son selling for him, 5 selling for each other, partnership, retailer, always available to sell
shemitta produce brought from place that still has produce to a place that doesn’t, or the opposite
Shemittah cancels loans between Jews, unless arrangement isn’t set up in format of a loan, such as payment to a worker
Shemittah cancels the debt of someone who divided meat on Rosh Hashanah and gave it to others on credit, reason
Shemittah fruit or oils that must be burned may not leave Israel
Shemittah produce, when exchanged, still retains its holiness, exchanges with non holy, will transfer Shemittah status to those items, further exchanges will transfer, the second (and further) items in a chain of transfers, will not retain their holy status, except the last
Shemittah products only used for their proper usage, eating, drinking, anointing, same as terumah and maaser, Shemittah more lenient may use oil for a lamp
Shemittah regions and sub-regions, Galilee region - upper Galilee, lower Galilee, the valley, Kfar Chananyah, Tiberias, Judeah region - mountains, lowlands, valley, Lod, Har Melech, Bais Choron, trans-Jordan
sixth year field work permitted until the start of Shemittah, work permitted during Shemittah
size of cup of wine for the seder, measurments, drink all four cups at one time? drink a bit at a time? Shemittah wine, spiced wine, diluted wine, red wine, cooked wine,
son inherited or a buyer bought a field that had been plowed in the Shemittah year, penalty?
sourdough of combinations of terumah and sheviis that fell into dough, neither is enough to leaven on its own
specific period of time, day, Shabbos, week, month year, Shemittah cycle, Rosh Hashanah
store credit extended turns previous store credit (even if done on holiday) into debt which is then cancelled by Shemittah
storekeeper selling but only charging for non sheviis ingredients or his lost work time
storing (or placing for storage) fertilizer on a field
straw, benefit, burn, when permitted? use in plaster, after growths? bran, animal feed
stricter than Shemittah
Suria - rules of Shemittah more lenient
Suria - rules of Shemittah more lenient
Suria - use barley from Suria or Shemittah for the omer?
taking bread from a baker on Shemittah in exchange for ‘when i pick vegetables in the field, i will give you some’
taking bread from a baker on Shemittah in exchange for ‘when i pick vegetables in the field, i will give you some’
taking bread from a baker on Shemittah in exchange for ‘when i pick vegetables in the field, i will give you some’
taking bread from a baker on Shemittah in exchange for ‘when i pick vegetables in the field, i will give you some’
testing seeds in a flowerpot, hydroponics, aloe growing on rooftop
thinning a grove of trees, cutting firewood, burning an area of reeds, cutting wood
three regions for Shemittah laws, Judea, trans-Jordan, Galilee, each region is further divided into 3 each
three regions for Shemittah, regions conquered by those who came from Babylon - strict, conquered by those who came from Egypt - less strict, outside of these areas - no Shemittah at all
three times a year shekalim are removed from the collection boxes, prior to Pesach, Shavuos, and Sukkos, reasons
told student of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi that it was permitted to eat Shemittah fruit from a non Jew’s field
training a cow to plow
transporting Shemittah fruit out of Israel
trapping animals that damage fields
tree planted during Shemittah penalized by uprooting, but not for planted on Shabbos or during the days prior to Shemittah
tree planted during Shemittah penalized by uprooting, but not for planted on Shabbos or during the days prior to Shemittah
turning animal or human food into juice
Tyre - halacha question about Shemittah asked to Rabbi Ba and Rabbi Ila
Tzippori - after growths of mustard in a Shemittah year, Tiberias
Tzippori - residents asked a Shemittah question
use barley from Suria or Shemittah for the omer?
uses forbidden with Shemittah money, consequences
using Shemittah money for mundane purchases
using Shemittah wine for the four cups of the seder, spiced wine, diluted wine, red wine, cooked wine, effects of wine
vegetables count based on the year they are picked
vow against having benefit, entering his field before or during Shemittah, eating fruits hanging outside the field, borrowing, lending items, selling each other items, animals, the one who made the vow doesn’t have food or needs help such as building a house, and the person he vowed not to have benefit from wants to help him
wanted to cancel Shemittah
watering a white (grain) field
watering an irrigated field is permitted (with some exceptions)
watering sometimes permitted in Shemittah, but not on chol hamoed, reason
watering sometimes permitted in Shemittah, but not on chol hamoed, reason
watering white (grain) field not comparable to watering between trees on Chol Hamoed
watering withheld for sterile onions and Egyptian beans for 30 days, year it is counted for changes?
went from Lod to Bais Guvrin to bathe, problem of heating bathhouse with straw of Shemittah
what happens or should be done with produce in one’s possession after the time of biur, who may eat it?
when yovel isn’t in effect, Shemittah is a rabbinic law (not a biblical requirement)
wife’s kesubah cancelled by Shemittah in certain situations
willow ceremony, water libation, Shemittah rule ten saplings Halacha LeMoshe MiSinai, enacted by prophets, or restored Torah law?
willow ceremony, water libation, Shemittah rule ten saplings Halacha LeMoshe MiSinai, enacted by prophets, or restored Torah law?
work permitted with Shemittah produce provided that it is done in an unusual way