24 Results
ark faces the people, the kohanim face the people, the people face the ark
Babylonian synagogue
Babylonian synagogue
Babylonian synagogue in Tzippori
Babylonian synagogue, son of Ulla leader of congregation
Chamas, Rabbi Meir lectured there on a Friday night prior to the meal
coming late, leaving early
imbued with holiness upon construction or upon use
lamp or candelabra donated by individual for another use
Mordassa synagogue of Caesarea
Mordassa synagogue of Caesarea
originally built for mundane uses
permissibility of selling
permissibility of selling
permissibility of using hallway for a shortcut
scholars may use for mundane purposes
selling to build a house of study
synagogues of Lod
Torah study was conducted in the synagogue
treatment when in a state of destruction, fishing nets, anguish
well of Miriam visible in the Sea of Tiberias when climbing Mount Yeshimon opposite the gate of the ancient synagogue of Serungin
well of Miriam visible in the Sea of Tiberias when climbing Mount Yeshimon opposite the gate of the ancient synagogue of Serungin