82 Results
‘give me a loaf of bread and i am certain to give you shemittah vegeTables’, permitted?
assets and properties owned or inheriTable by the yevamah
biblically accepTable divorce that is rabbinically problematic, how it would affect biblical law of yibum
building planks on top of house, thresholds, carves rocks, assembling sectional bed, Table, boards of a ship, handle of knife
caper bush a vegeTable and therefore kilayim laws apply, or a tree and therefore kilayim laws don’t apply
caper bush, tree or vegeTable?
challah from outside of Eretz Yisrael may be eaten with non kohen at same Table, may be given to any kohen
cleaning dung from an alley, courtyard, or sTable, reason
cleaning off a Table, muktzah leftovers, use of damp sponge
committed a private sin, everyone was held accounTable, majority of Sanhedrin died in battle
committments of support to a wife’s daughter from a previous marriage, how this was stipulated, how it is treated if he divorces her and she or the daughter remarries, she requests cash instead of food, if the husband dies, how smart people wrote this condition, collecTable from his properties?
deaf person who speaks, may not separate terumah, however if done it is accepTable
death of righteous people is as difficult as the shattering of the Tablets
differing customs on where to pause during hallel at the seder, prayers of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, celebrating Purim on different days are accepTable
dimensions, measurements, amount of tefachim in an amah, contents, Tablets, Torah, materials Betzalel used to build it
eating vegeTables after shemittah ends, how soon?
Egyptian bean, seed or vegeTable?
esrog tree has halachic similarities to both trees and vegeTables
fertilizer placed on a boulder or other non planTable surface
fire maintained while Tabernacle travelled? show bread remained on Table while the Tabernacle travelled? sources
gave yeah from vegeTables, residents of Jericho
grafting trees, vegeTables, planting seeds together
grain shells, bran, remains of siftings, remaining kernels in storage room, drops of oil or wine left in a barrel, trimmings of vegeTables
Helene the Queen made a gold Tablet of the Torah verses related to the sotah procedure
Helene the Queen made a gold Tablet of the Torah verses related to the sotah procedure
how many laws were written on each of the two Tablets? details? explanations?
how many laws were written on each of the two Tablets? details? explanations?
husband directs to write a divorce then become ill, or is ill then directs to write a divorce, becomes mute, insane, unsTable, near death, directs to issue a divorce verbally or with gestures or hints
Ivri script / Ra’atz - has a language, but no respecTable script, original script of the Torah?
Ivri script / Ra’atz - has a language, but no respecTable script, original script of the Torah?
letter ס or ע stood in the Tablets by way of a miracle
liquids from cooked terumah vegeTables is considered food, yet considered water in regards to the halacha of mikveh
liquids from cooked terumah vegeTables is considered food, yet considered water in regards to the halacha of mikveh
made a gold Tablet of the Torah verses related to the sotah procedure
minor change of language causing no shemittah sanctity on money earned picking vegeTables of shemittah
money earned working field on shemittah, permitted to use? purchasing using vegeTables or shemittah money
not eligible to separate terumah, but accepTable if done, because unable to say blessing or to properly choose
not to eat vegeTables, may eat wild vegeTables
offerings missing limbs not accepTable
one who made a fruit blessing on a vegeTable or the opposite
one’s property that was seized to repay another person’s debt, collecTable from debtor? seized by government because the occupier owed money, or confiscated for no reason
one’s property that was seized to repay another person’s debt, collecTable from debtor? seized by government because the occupier owed money, or confiscated for no reason
owner, worker allowed a forbidden vegeTable to continue to grow, at what point does it becomes forbidden?
permitted bringing vegeTables from outside Israel despite the possibility that contaminated earth might be attached
permitted eating vegeTables immediately after shemittah
placement of the Table, menorah, and golden altar in the Temple
planting vegeTables in a small garden, how many varieties are permitted in a small area?
proper blessing for pickled olives and cooked vegeTables
pulling up vegeTables on Shabbos which were stored underground, under straw, coals, dragging furniture across ground
queen Heleni donated a candelabra and a golden Tablet with the sotah text written on it
queen Heleni donated a gold Tablet with the sotah passage of the Torah written on it, is this permitted?
Rebbi permitted bringing vegeTables into Israel from outside Israel in a shemittah year
seder, vegeTables, lettuce, dip twice? once? Pesach seder">charoses dip, Pesach offering bought in
selling vegeTables, son selling for him, 5 selling for each other, partnership, retailer, always available to sell
Sharon - unsTable land causes houses to collapse
show bread must be fully crusted prior to being put on the Temple Table
show bread Tables silver? marble? silver will heat up and spoil bread, miracle in Temple that bread didn’t spoil, don’t rely on miracles
sitting in a sukkah but his Table is inside the house
six practices of the people of Jericho, three the sages opposed, three they didn’t oppose, grafting dates trees on erev Pesach, wrapping shema, reaping stacking omer, benefit from hekdesh branches, eating fruit fallen from trees, peas from vegeTables
size and construction of the ark, how the Tablets and the Torah fit inside
Solomon made ten Tables for the Temple, where were they placed, were they all used for the show bread
source of his wealth, pieces cut from second Tablets, precious stones found by his tent
squeezing, fish, vegeTables, onions, salting radish
taking bread from a baker on shemittah in exchange for ‘when i pick vegeTables in the field, i will give you some’
taking bread from a baker on shemittah in exchange for ‘when i pick vegeTables in the field, i will give you some’
taking bread from a baker on shemittah in exchange for ‘when i pick vegeTables in the field, i will give you some’
taking bread from a baker on shemittah in exchange for ‘when i pick vegeTables in the field, i will give you some’
Temple vessel Table displayed to the public on holidays
thirteen collection boxes, narrow openings to prevent theft, thirteen Tables, thirteen or fourteen places to bow, wood chamber
thirteen Tables in the Temple made, some marble, some silver, gold, used for various purposes, show bread
tree or vegeTable, halachic definition, how to classify
trees grow from the trunk, vegeTables grow from its roots
various types of trees and vegeTables
vegeTables and fruit which are subject to maaser either early and or late in their growth
vegeTables being sold near a field of kikai kerem and may have come from there, in Israel, Suria, outside Israel
vegeTables count based on the year they are picked
vegeTables which can be used or combined to an olive size on Pesach for Pesach seder">maror, not cooked
vital to the validity of an offering? Table, menorah, altar, curtain, band around altar, horn of altar, placement of altar or vessels
vow against various items allows items with similar but more descriptive names, wine - apple wine, honey - date honey, vegeTables - wild vegeTables
washing, pickling vegeTables on Yom Kippur, asking non Jewish baker on Yom Kippur to bake loaves, preparation for breaking fast
what types of comments, unidentified voices, or testimony is accepTable to allow a woman to remarry, Jew, non Jew