35 Results
amount of food for a proper eruv Techumin, ill person, minor, glutton
amount of food for a proper eruv Techumin, ill person, minor, glutton
bringing from outside the Techum, lashes, removing wart, God calls Pesach offering my offering
circle of 2000 amos in all directions or square with corners extending beyond 2000 amos
city boundaries, four sides facing north south east west, how to determine the locations of north south east west
city boundaries, how to set up a city’s square or rectangle Techum, city divided by a wide and long ditch
city of tents and huts
dead buried outside Techum
displaced outside of his Techum on Shabbos, rights of travel in new location, four amos, returns to original location, four tannaim on a boat
eruv chatzeros permitted at twilight due it being a rabbinic halacha and not biblical, eruv Techumin would be prohibited
exited the Techum, re-enter?, night arrived and the person was outside the city Techum, enter?
fell aslee while traveling, didn’t set a Techum as Shabbos entered
how to measure Techum, how to measure city boundaries
intent, buying into an eruv, eruv Techumim, eruv chatzeros, influding a person against their will, Sadducee
karpaf added to towns to be included in the area of a two? karpaf area used to join two or three towns into one Techum?
ledges, walls, courtyards, breached houses, roof removed, counted in the Techum?
left Techum for a proper reason, may return to original Techum
leftover wicks, torch, oil from Shabbos, permitted for use next day which is a holiday? compared to an egg laid on Shabbos, permitted the next day which is a holiday? compared to eruv Techum consumed on Shabbos, still valid for next day which is a holiday? compared to branches that fell off a tree on Shabbos no allowed to be used the next day which is a holiday
measuring Techum, ropes of linen, iron, fifty or four amos, measuring hills, valleys, mountains, gullies, piercing mountains
rabbinic? biblical? 2000 amos? 4000? 12 mil, size of the Israelite encampment in the desert?
rolled beyond the Techum, rubble fell on it, burned, terumah eruv became impure, a doubtful eruv
scope used to measure Techum on a slope
set out to place an eruv Techumim, on the way a friend offered to place the eruv but never did it
setting up an eruv Techumim to run away from a lecture that he doesn’t want to attend
Shichin - set up eruv Techumim to receive figs on Shabbos, followed the sages
slept while traveling, woke up on Shabbos, what is his Techum? Techum for one who converted on Shabbos?, changing one’s mind on Shabbos about which direction Techum should go?
smaller than four amos by amos isn’t considered a house, exempt from mezuzah, fence requirements, contributing to eruv chatzeros, maaser laws, can’t serve as a extension to a town in regard to eruv Techumin, vows regarding enjoying houses, loading and unloading rights by front door, yovel laws, tzoraas of houses, returning during war based on an unused house
survey done by expert, lenient measurement discrepancies accepted, Techum is meant to be a lenient law
Techum - biblical law? 12,000 amos? comparison to laws of mikveh
Techum - biblical law? 12,000 amos? comparison to laws of mikveh
Techum for one who converted on Shabbos
trying to get home, Shabbos began, creating Techum further ahead to be able to get home, creating Techum where he is
walking between neighboring towns, large, small, Tiberias, Chamsah, Migdal, Geder
walking between Tyre and Sidon, Tiberias and Tzippori, Bais Meon to Tiberias, caves and huts