46 Results
delays saving a drowning child to remove his Tefillin, giving away a fig to the next person he meets, refuses to kill a rapist or a killer to save the victim
differences and similarities
differences between Torah and Tefillin or mezuzah
differences between Torah and Tefillin/mezuzah
differences between Torah and Tefillin/mezuzah
explanation of open and closed paragraphs (pesucha and stuma)
forgot to write God’s name then wants to insert it
halacha LeMoshe MiSinai and other halacha related to the writing and constructing of seforim, tefilin, and mezuzos
halacha of writing
hand to hand passing without walking four amos on Shabbos, Tefillin, newborn baby, barrel of water
incantations of biblical verses over a wound to calm a child’s fear, placing a Torah or Tefillin on a child to help him fall asleep
incantations of biblical verses, placing a Torah or Tefillin on a child to help him fall asleep
knots, square, and black are Halacha LeMoshe MiSinai
knots, square, and black are Halacha LeMoshe MiSinai
letters written over a hole in the parchment
limits to erasing then inserting, missing, or torn text
man may not go out with hobnailed sandals, Tefillin, non expert amulet, armor, helmet, iron leggings, details about the hobnailed sandals
proper placement of Tefillin, chicken pecked and killed a baby by pecking the soft spot on its head
putting Tefillin in the wrong order makes a person ineligible to say viduy maaser
putting Tefillin in the wrong order makes a person ineligible to say viduy maaser
saving a Torah or Tefillin from a fire with its cover and money pouch into an open mavoi
saving a Torah or Tefillin from a fire with its cover and money pouch into an open mavoi
saving a Torah or Tefillin from a fire with its cover and money pouch into an open mavoi
second degree relatives; obligation to tear clothing and mourn?, say shema, wear Tefillin
second degree relatives; obligation to tear clothing and mourn?, say shema, wear Tefillin
sefer when not in use should be turned over with the writing facing down
story of ostrich almost eating a pair of Tefillin is comparable to a Torah scroll being burnt
straps that are torn or tied or sewn together
Tavi, slave of Rabban Gamliel slept (under a bed) in a sukkah, wore Tefillin, learned Torah
Tefillin during shivah
Tefillin or mezuzah, which takes precedence? reason
Tefillin or mezuzah? which takes precedence? reason
Tefillin, pressed clothing, covering face, eating at a different house the yours, washing, wearing shoes, cutting hair, doing laundry, reading Torah, midrash, halacha, aggadah, greeting people, working
Tefillin, Torah, found outside eruv on Shabbos, bringing them to a safe place
Tefillin, Torah, found outside eruv on Shabbos, bringing them to a safe place
we don't overpay for buying Torah scrolls, Tefillin, and mezuzos from non Jews, don’t buy from them at all?
wearing Tefillin at night
wearing Tefillin on Friday close to nightfall
wearing Tefillin on Shabbos
wearing Tefillin on Shabbos
wearing two pairs at once
women wearing Tefillin
writing God’s name with a prefix
writing loan documents, seforim, Tefillin, mezuzos, fixing a Torah, making tzitzis, appraisals, work contracts
written with faded ink