256 Results
a worm that was used to cut the Temple stones, or they were cut with a metal file
accidentally or on purpose used maaser sheni funds to buy an animal, if no Temple animal left to die, buried with hide
accidentally or on purpose used maaser sheni funds to buy produce, if no Temple produce should rot
administrator of the Temple Pesachyah was Mordechai, spoke seventy languages, stories of understanding people who couldn’t speak normally
administrators of various jobs in the Temple, most memorable administrators or all served at the same time?
after Temple destruction chadash is forbidden the full day of the 16th of Nissan, decree of Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai
amount of administrators and officers required for the Temple
amount of days lulav is taken, in Temple, outside Temple, after destruction of Temple, decree of Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai
amount of trumpet blasts in the Temple each day, special days, holidays
any generation in which Temple isn’t rebuilt, it is as if they destroyed it
Ashkelon - within original borders of Israel, not recaptured during second Temple, therefore considered outside Israel
attempted repair to the Shiloach water spring
avodah in the Temple done by one, receiving blood done by non kohen, onen, tevul yom, lacks proper kohen garments, mechusar kapparah, unwashed hands or feet, uncircumcised, impure, sitting, standing on utensils or animals or a person, zav, tzoraas, impure from a corpse, nazir
back should not face the holy of holies
became impure inside Temple, delayed then exited, liable for the time delayed or for the extra time inside Temple
Ben Arzah on the cymbals as flags were waved by the assistant kohen gadol, after the kohen gadol poured the wine
Ben Beivai took care of the wicks, Rabbi Yosah used Ben Beivai as an example to the people of Kufrah to take positions of leadership
Bilgah family mishmar was penalized due to a daughter Miriam who married a Greek officer and banged on the Temple altar with her shoe, or because they once didn’t serve when it was their turn
blood of offerings that drained into Kidron valley, subject to laws of consecrated items misused? blood consecrated to Temple, money that the Temple treasury has from selling blood
bringing to Temple prior to Shabbos, mistakes in lulav ownership, giving up ownership, shaking lulav at home
brings tenth of ephah offering upon his first time serving in the Temple, started service prior to bringing tenth of ephah offering, brings two offerings if he is appointed kohen gadol on his first day of service
bull or goat left Temple courtyard prior to before throwing the blood, offering invalid?
calculating the equivalent area of the courtyard of the Temple if it was made into a square
calculation of years, from building Tabernacle until destruction of Temple
can individuals donate wood to the Temple altar?
cancels curses which came after the Temple was destroyed
carrying Pesach offering from outside Jerusalem, from outside Temple courtyard
certain kohen families donated wood to the Temple and retained certain ongoing rights
certain kohen families donated wood to the Temple and retained certain ongoing rights, celebrated as holiday, private property used for public offering
child able to walk from Shiloach Spring to Temple Mount
chosen kohen announces the arrival of dawn to begin the service of Yom Kippur by calling out ‘barkai’
coins found near animal dealers, Temple mount, Jerusalem, are they maaser sheni? chullin?
coins found on the Temple mount assumed to be holy or not? reasons
covering a wound on Shabbos, inside the Temple for a kohen, outside the Temple
curtain of the Temple became impure by various levels of impurity or new curtain that is immersed in the mikveh inside or outside the Temple
David wanted the Temple to be built even if it meant that he first had to die
declaring that certain donated coins can be removed from the Temple collection boxes and determine that they were the coins of the person who died
decrees instituted, later rescinded, by the sages during the Roman wars before, during, and after the destruction
delaying leaving the Temple when one becomes impure, the amount of delay to become liable
denies guilt, brought to Nikanor Gate in the Temple, her garments are torn open, hair unbraided
destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, Sanhedrin came to visit him, he demanded Yehoyachin, Yehoyachin threw Temple keys up to heaven, noble Jews jumped off buildings
destroyed, Temple destroyed beginning of the month of Av
destruction of Temple, the shamir and nofes tzufim stopped, and people of trust ended, produce quality decreased, promiscuity and sorcery ruined everything
different levels of impurity entering the Temple, different levels emanating from the same source
difficulty of keeping hands raised for lengthy blessing in the Temple
divided in thirds, one part to kohanim and levied, one third to the Temple treasury, one third to the poor and Torah scholars
donation to Temple, minimum amount when no size specified
done if majority is impure only includes a majority of those presently at the Temple courtyard
door jambs area of city wall, Temple courtyard, houses considered as inside or outside sanctified Jerusalem? refuge from rain, sun for metzorah, zav
drawing water using a pulley in the Temple, outside the Temple, well that was used when the Jews returned from exile
during second Temple period they accepted upon themselves obligation of maasros voluntarily
earth of the sotah procedure must be taken from the Temple
eastern gate of the Temple had seven names
Elazar was in charge of the makers of the curtains
encircled the Temple altar seven times to commemorate Joshua encircling Jericho seven times and conquering it
entered the Temple impure (prior to the time of the Pesach offering) in a year that the Pesach was brought in a state of impurity, exempt from kares?
enters Temple partially impure, either enters three times but less entry each time, or enters for a larger amount but only once
enters Temple partially impure, either enters three times but less entry each time, or enters for a larger amount but only once
enters Temple partially impure, either enters three times but less entry each time, or enters for a larger amount but only once
exiles of the north will rebuild the Temple in the south (Jerusalem)
exiles of the north will rebuild the Temple in the south (Jerusalem)
exiles of the north will rebuild the Temple in the south (Jerusalem)
exiles of the north will rebuild the Temple in the south (Jerusalem)
Ezra didn’t allow idolators or Cuthi to help build the Temple, source, building or up keeping the Temple
first day of Sukkos fell out on Shabbos, bring lulav to Temple before Shabbos, people recognize and take their own lulav, personal ownership required, forgot to bring it before Shabbos and accidentally brought it on Shabbos no chatas offering is required since he is involved with the performance of a commandment
first shift waited on the Temple mount, second shift in the cheil, third shift remained in their place
first Temple had eighteen kohanim gedolim son after father, second Temple had at least eighty, replaced due to murder, sorcery, and bribes, Shimon Hatzadik was kohen gadol in the second Temple for forty years
four cardinal directions (north south east west) for the Temple, Shilo, and the Tabernacle in the desert, how they were set up
four Temple honors chosen by lottery, to publicize the Temple work, cleaning menorah done by two kohanim to publicize
funded with shekalim collected in the Temple, kohen gadol to be pushed off a rocky sloped hill">azazel, goat ramp and red wool for kohen gadol to be pushed off a rocky sloped hill">azazel goat, red wool of parah adumah, ramp of parah adumah from shekalim or kohen gadol funds?, water canal in the Temple, city wall, towers, needs of city
funds for upkeep of the Temple and funds for communal offerings, may they be used for each other?
funds from shekalim or funds for the upkeep of the Temple used for Torah teachers who taught kohanim, teachers who taught about blemishes, scribes who corrected the Torah of the Temple courtyard, judges of Jerusalem, women who weaved for the Temple, incense, altars, vessels, chambers, courtyards, walls of the Temple and Jerusalem,
gave shekel, died prior to it going to the Temple treasury, what is done with it?
Gevini the crier, a person, or the call of the rooster called the kohanim leviim yisraelim to their stations, voice of Gevini was heard by King Agrippas a distance of eight parsah away
goats of Yom Kippur incorrectly slaughtered outside Temple courtyard before lottery, compared to a Pesach offering slaughtered outside Temple, slaughtered bull of Yom Kippur outside Temple, liable?
gold fruit trees in Temple of Solomon, miraculously produced fruit until king Menashe brought idols into the Temple
gold grapevine at entrance to sanctuary of Temple
gold used to build Temple, seven types, their description, difference in weight between Temple menorah and menorah of Moshe
group of Nazirim came to the Temple to bring their nazir offerings, discover Temple destroyed
Hebron - morning light lit up Temple and Hebron
heichal 20 amos high, ulam 40 amos high
hekdesh for the upkeep of the Temple has different laws than hekdesh consecrated for the altar, general donations are for upkeep of theTemple, source,
Henron - mentioned in regard to sunrise in the Temple to invoke the memory of our forefathers
Hezekiah purified the Temple for eight days, not fully cleansed
Hezekiah removed idolatry from the Temple
holy meat of various offerings, became biblically or rabbinically impure inside or outside Temple, burned inside or outside Temple
holy of holy offerings must be slaughtered in the north part of the Temple, which area of the Temple is considered north?
honor of burning incense and carrying shovel of coals brought prosperity, therefore the honor was only given to each kohen once, done by lottery, source
how the various kohen mishmaros shared the Temple work and the offerings on the holidays
how the various kohen mishmaros shared the Temple work and the offerings on the holidays
Hugdas the levi, singer, powerful voice, made unusual sounds by putting his thumb in his mouth
idolator, Cuthi, half shekel, bird offerings of zav or zavah, sin offering, guilt offering, not accepted, vowed or donated offerings accepted, olah offering, erech vow, construction or upkeep of the Temple
impure person only gets lashes for entering the holy area of 185 amos by 135 amos
impurity from a corpse, permitted on the Temple Mount
impurity of the hands, impurity of leaving the Temple, stayed in Temple overnight, hands sanctified at night for the next day’s service, hand purification for the next day done before dawn for the removal of the ashes which is done before dawn, does the tzitz negate the need to purify again? water of kiyor invalidated at nightfall
incense in the morning offered between blood service and burning limbs of tamid offering, wood burning before incense, source
items donated to the Temple including incense or animals or wine, oil, birds without instructions whether it is for offerings or upkeep of the Temple
jelled wine and white glass ceased after the destruction of the Temple
kings of the dynasty of King David, permitted to sit in the Temple courtyard?
kohanim gedolim of the first Temple were learned, in the second Temple they were ignorant
kohanim, leviim, yisraelim participate, song and music required for atonement
kohen gadol confession of sins over bull offering, leaning on bull, where in Temple this takes place
kohen gadol may not wear his usual (shatnez) garments while uninvolved with his Temple work
kohen gadol may not wear his usual (shatnez) garments while uninvolved with his Temple work
kohen or levi assisting on the threshing floor to guide the tithes and terumah to themselves invalidates the gift and causes destruction of the Temple due to the corruption
kohen or levi assisting on the threshing floor to guide the tithes and terunah to themselves invalidates the gift and causes destruction of the Temple due to the corruption
kohen outside the Temple or non kohen in the Temple burns sacrificial parts, throws sacrificial blood, libation of water or wine
laws which apply to terumah and maaser sheni, but not bikkurim, reaching the threshing floor creates forbidden status on the grain, there is a required amount to be given, all fruits are obligated, even if no Temple sharecroppers and land robbers obligated
laws which apply to terumah and maaser sheni, but not bikkurim, reaching the threshing floor creates forbidden status on the grain, there is a required amount to be given, all fruits are obligated, even if no Temple, sharecroppers and land robbers obligated
laws which apply to terumah and maaser sheni, but not bikkurim, reaching the threshing floor creates forbidden status on the grain, there is a required amount to be given, all fruits are obligated, even if no Temple, sharecroppers and land robbers obligated
liable for each opportunity he could have left the cemetery, similar to impure person not leaving the Temple
lighting the Temple fires just before Shabbos, fires of olive refuse, fertilizer, fats, dried date pits
limbs of tamid, mussaf, and Rosh Chodesh, designated places on the Temple altar
liquids of the butchering place in the Temple
loaves displayed on Temple roof to signal final eating and benefit times of chametz, cows, lamps, curtains also used as signals, trumpets not used as signals
location of celebration called bais hashoevah (drawing), due to drawing divine inspiration from being in a state of happiness
lottery for jobs in the Temple, slaughtering, throw blood, clear ash from inner altar, clear ash from menorah, bring limbs of tamid offering to the altar, carrying flour of mincha offering, carrying chavitin offering, carrying wine for libations
maaser sheni money deconsecrated onto produce while Temple stood, then it was destroyed, produce should be left to rot
maaser sheni that enters Jerusalem after the destruction of the Temple
made the incense for the Temple
made the incense for the Temple, smoke raising plant, didn’t want to reveal their secrets, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Avtinas at very high wages, kept secret to prevent it being used for idol worship, praised for their women not wearing perfume to be above suspicion, stories about Avtinas family, sages remove censure of Avtinas family
made the incense for the Temple, smoke raising plant, didn’t want to reveal their secrets, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Avtinas at very high wages, kept secret to prevent it being used for idol worship, praised for their women not wearing perfume to be above suspicion, stories about Avtinas family, sages remove censure of Avtinas family
made the show bread for the Temple
made the show bread for the Temple, wouldn’t share the secret, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Garmu at very high wages, kept secret to prevent it being used for idol worship, praised for not eating white bread to be above suspicion
made the show bread for the Temple, wouldn’t share the secret, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Garmu at very high wages, kept secret to prevent it being used for idol worship, praised for not eating white bread to be above suspicion
meat found in Temple courtyard or in Jerusalem, are they assumed to be olos, sin offerings, shelamim, neveilah? are they burned, forbidden, or permitted to eat?
meat found in Temple courtyard or in Jerusalem, attention diverted from meat, appearance of meat changed, meat burned
meat found outside Jerusalem, permitted? lashes? meat bought in store some kosher some not, found outside store, found in the hand of an idolater, stories
method of paying Temple funds for the omer, guardians of after growths, and stone cutters
mikveh or washing hands required for kohen who left Temple, defecated, urinated, slept, dozed off, leaned on a wall
minor separating terumah, consecrating, bring offerings, being appointed an agent for these tasks, bring bikkurim, bring chagigah, bring Pesach offering, maaser beheimah, temurah, liable for bringing an offering outside the Temple?
minor separating terumah, consecrating, bring offerings, being appointed an agent for these tasks, bring bikkurim, bring chagigah, bring Pesach offering, maaser beheimah, temurah, liable for bringing an offering outside the Temple?
miracles were common in the Temple while Shimon Hatzadik was kohen gadol, only happened sometimes after he died
music instruments used in the Temple, some old ones broke and repairs were attempted, origin of the names of the instruments
new curtains were displayed to the public because of their beauty, details, size and description of curtains, many people needed to dip it in the mikveh, lion eagle images
Nikanor donated copper doors that were miraculously saved while transporting the doors to Israel
ninety three vessels removed corresponding to amount of offerings on the first day of Sukkos
no personal honor is recognized when a seemingly menial task is needed in the Temple
non kohen who served in Temple on Shabbos or an impure blemished kohen who served, one or two liabilities?
non kohen who served in Temple on Shabbos or an impure blemished kohen who served, one or two liabilities?
non kohen who set up or lit the fire on the Temple altar, penalty
north part of the Temple courtyard, place where holy of holy offerings are slaughtered, what areas are included?
not to have benefit, payment given to Temple treasury
not to have benefit, payment given to Temple treasury
obligation is to enter courtyard, not just the Temple Mount
obligation of offering or dedicating money for a future Temple offering cancelled in our day, what to do if money or animal was consecrated
obligation to clean the ash of the inner altar, sources, forbidden to have benefit from the ash, sources
officers of Temple listed in mishnah Shekalim 5:1, most upright who held each post and therefore blessed, or a list from one time period and therefore cursed?
oil made by Moshe was a miracle, used for many years and will still remain for the third Temple
ominous signs that happened in the last forty years of the Temple, indicated its destruction
one amah between the curtains separation the holy and the holy of holies, is it part of the holy or the holy of holies?
one or two curtains separated the holy and the holy of holies? sources
one or two donation boxes were made with left over money from the restoration of the Temple
one or two witnesses who say that someone accepted to be a nazir, became impure, ate forbidden fat, entered Temple while impure, he denies, claims to have done it on purpose, or is silent
one who gives bikkurim is only responsible until it is brought to the Temple Mount
one witness trusted to say that the sun rose, Temple service can begin, one witness or woman believed when child was born
outside the walls, does this term mean outside the Temple courtyard or outside of the city walls?
palhedrin chamber also know as bulvatim chamber, parirsin, reasons
parvaim gold in the Temple produced fruit
people likely to be confused an not correctly remember what work was done inside or outside the azarah, Rabbi Tarfon was also confused
people who burn the bull and goat become impure as they leave the Temple courtyard or when fiire engulfes the limbs
people who were blessed due to their Temple donations, Ben Gamla, Ben Katin, King Monbaz, Queen Helena, Nikanor
Pinchas was in charge of dressing the kohen gadol, story of kohen who was paid well after dressing a military officer
pivot of cabinet door, reinserting, top, bottom, inside or outside the Temple
placement of the table, menorah, and golden altar in the Temple
prices set for thirty days to supply flour, oil, wine to Temple, price fluctuations or spoilage after the sale benefits the Temple or the seller?
procedure of handing the bikurim baskets to the kohen in the Temple
procedure of how it is done outside and inside the Temple
procedure to buy tokens to buy offerings, nesech, nesachim from officials in the Temple, reconciliation between tokens sold and money brought in
procreation is more dear than building the Temple
qualifies as a witness? considered a male in regard to Temple service? counted as a male for zimun?
queen Heleni donated a candelabra and a golden tablet with the sotah text written on it
rabbinic law (not biblical) in out day and even dating back to when the first tribes were exiled (first Temple era)
ramp dimensions in the Temple, incline and slope
reapplying dressing to a wound in the Temple or elsewhere on Shabbos
reasons for destruction of Tabernacle of Shilo, first Temple, second Temple, idol worship, illicit relations, murder, disgracing holidays and offerings, love of money and baseless hatred despite meticulous observance of mitzvos and study of Torah
reasons why first exile was much shorter than the second exile, first repented, first exile sinned openly and therefore acknowledged their sins, first were more worthy, first Temple was only partially destroyed
recipe for the Temple forbidden or permitted to be made in our times?
red ribbon tied to the head of the Yom Kippur goats is sent out to the desert by the kohen gadol to be pushed off a rocky sloped hill">azazel goat on Yom Kippur, originally the red ribbons were tied on houses or the Temple, reddening symbolizes sin, whitening symbolizes no sins or repentance, sources
removed idolatry from the Temple
removing a sheretz from the Temple on Shabbos, removing impure dough
removing a sheretz from the Temple on Shabbos, removing impure dough
repairing a string of a musical instrument in the Temple, outside the Temple
required in the Temple chambers? Palhedrin chamber? gates which lead to a residence? roadside inn? bay windows? openings to upper floors?
required prior to entering the Temple, multiple immersions and sanctifications for kohen gadol on Yom Kippur, sources
rooms built open to the holy parts, to the less holy parts, open to both, their roofs, which rooms and roofs are holy?
rules of offerings, maaser sheni, and offerings of lower level holiness from prior to the Tabernacle, thru the periods of Gilgal, Shilo, Nov and Givon until the Jerusalem Temple
sealing Temple money for future use done by treasurer, supervisor, kohen gadol and king, unsealing in reverse order
sent workers to obtain building materials for the Temple for 1 month followed by 2 months at home
sent workers to obtain building materials for the Temple for one month followed by two months at home
service of the two goats, lottery, Temple donations from Ben Gamla, Ben Katin, King Monbaz, Queen Helena, Nikanor
services in the Temple done by the kohen gadol out of proper order
shekalim and bikkurim are only when there is the Temple, what if a person declared these despite no Temple? grain tithe, animal tithe, first born offerings are required even without the Temple
shekel was designated by its owner but he died prior to giving it to the Temple treasury, what is done with the shekel?
show bread must be fully crusted prior to being put on the Temple table
show bread tables silver? marble? silver will heat up and spoil bread, miracle in Temple that bread didn’t spoil, don’t rely on miracles
simchas bais hashoevah candelabras had wicks from worn out pants of kohanim, light into every courtyard, smelling incense and enjoying light from the Temple is permitted, worn out pants of kohen gadol made into wicks for inner menorah
simchas bais hashoevah, balcony built to prevent mingling between men and women, deviated from prophetic architecture of Temple for good reason and with scriptural support
sitting in Temple courtyard, king of Davidic dynasty
sitting in Temple courtyard, king of Davidic dynasty
six houses of kohanim who served in the Temple on rotation
six sounds coming from the Temple were heard in Jericho, smell of incense reached Jericho
size of boxes which may be moved on Shabbos is inferred from the size of the shekel collection boxes which were in the Temple
skull of Ornan (Aravnah) the Jebusite, a non Jew, transmitted impurity from under the altar in the Temple
skull of Ornan (Aravnah) the Jebusite, a non Jew, transmitted impurity from under the altar in the Temple
skull of Ornan (Aravnah) the Jebusite, a non Jew, transmitted impurity from under the altar in the Temple
Solomon made ten menorahs for the Temple, where were they placed, were they all used for lighting? menorah
Solomon made ten tables for the Temple, where were they placed, were they all used for the show bread
sometimes applies in the Temple
spreading salt or straw to prevent slipping in the Temple, outside Temple on Shabbos, doing it with a shinui
spring of water will come from the holy of holies at the end of days, water used to purify niddah and parah adumah?
stopped being in effect once the tribes were no longer all living on their ancestral lands (first Temple era)
Temple bathroom, when door was closed it was assumed someone was inside, door open meant not in use
Temple gate where sotah procedure is done, purification of women who gave birth, purification of metzorah
Temple vessel table displayed to the public on holidays
Temple vessels cleaned after holiday, process of cleaning
Temple will be rebuilt prior to the re-establishment of the Davidic kingship (messiah)
Temple will be rebuilt prior to the re-establishment of the Davidic kingship (messiah)
ten situations of obligation to tear garments (which may not be repaired), required upon death of sages or students, what status of Torah knowledge would trigger this obligation, upon death of Nasi, head of Bais Din, bad news, upon hearing one curse God or a secondary name of God, burning of a Torah (requires two tearings) , seeing the ruins of Jerusalem, and the Temple
the joy, ceremony, celebration and verses read as the bikkurim went from the city of origin to the Temple
thirteen collection boxes, narrow openings to prevent theft, thirteen tables, thirteen or fourteen places to bow, wood chamber
thirteen or seven gates, places of bowing, breaches made by the Greek kings, reasons for the names of water gate and gate of Yechonyah
thirteen shekel collection boxes, new shekalim, old shekalim, bird pairs, young olah birds, wood, incense, gold for vessels, six for voluntary communal offerings minimum donations for vows of wood, incense and gold, purpose of the six boxes
thirteen tables in the Temple made, some marble, some silver, gold, used for various purposes, show bread
three times a year funds are withdrawn from the Temple treasury
tokens bought to buy animals in the Temple had day of week, week, month, and mishmar to avoid cheaters misusing them
Torah in the Temple, kept in the holy ark or outside?
tree planted for a mitzvah such as esrog or oil for the chanukah or Temple menorah obligated in orlah?
twenty fours gifts, ten in the Temple, four in Jerusalem, ten outside Jerusalem, some may not be given to an am haaretz
two chambers for donations, one for poor who were once wealthy, one for donation of utensils for the Temple
two trumpets of the Temple should be similar
Tzofim - north of Jerusalem where Temple Mount is visible, obligation to tear garments begins here
underground fire for warmth, mikveh, bathroom, lamps
upon seeing the king’s fig cutters coming (to take his tree) he declared the tree holy for the Temple
vessels for Temple, bowls, knives
vessels for Temple, intent required when it is made? owned privately then designated for Temple? manufactured with Temple owned material?
vessels sanctified orally or by using them, in time of Moshe by anointing oil, Temple of Solomon by pouring from vessels of Moshe, second Temple by pouring from Solomon’s vessels into the new vessels, or vessels sanctified with their first usage
walk backwards when departing Temple after completion of service
walking in Temple with an artificial leg which can be considered a shoe which is forbidden
warnings and lashes for each moment nazir doesn't leave cemetery, same as impure person delaying leaving the Temple, continuous drinking of wine, kohen delaying leaving cemetery
wart removal in the Temple, outside the Temple, by hand, with an instrument
wart removal in the Temple, outside the Temple, by hand, with an instrument
was happy even when hearing mockery about the Temple being rebuilt quickly by his son Solomon which meant his early death, God promised not to diminish his life span
washing Temple floor Pesach which is Shabbos, blood from floor thrown onto altar, against the will of the sages, knee deep in blood, life blood, draining blood
water causes death unless she has other merits, she is hurried out of the Temple because a dead person defiles
water coming out of the Temple will sweeten the water and increase the amount and species of fish of the seas of Samchu, Tiberias, and the Dead Sea, one part will remain salty, fruits will grow along this stream
wealthy woman who wasn’t satisfied with her marital fragrance allowance, at the time of the Temple destruction the Romans tied her hair to a horse’s tail, forcing her to run
wealthy woman who wasn’t satisfied with her marital wine allowance, at the time of the Temple destruction was picking grains from below the horses hooves due to her poverty
were there collection boxes for bird pair offerings? concerns for mixtures of money for sin offerings that must be left to die and olos offerings which may be brought even if the donor died
what to do with coins that were found between collection boxes
would there be Pesach sheni if Temple rebuilt between Pesach and Pesach sheni? Hezekiah did a large scale Pesach sheni, intercalated an extra month due to widespread impurity
Yavneh - academy there also known as Kerem B’Yavneh, place where Sanhedrin went after Jerusalem in the time of the destruction of the Temple
zav who enters the Temple when Pesach is brought in a state of impurity, exempt from kares, exempt also if he ate the Pesach, source
אין גדולה בפלטין של מלך - there is no personal honor recognized when a menial task needs to be done in the Temple
כל דור שאינו נבנה בימיו, מעלין עליו כאילו הוא החריבו - any generation in which Temple isn’t rebuilt, it is as if they destroyed it