347 Results
a minor or a non Jew separating Terumah, designating an offering or other holy things
a minor separates Terumah, becomes Terumah upon his father’s demonstrated approval
agent not given instructions should give one in fifty and may deviate somewhat, but not against owner’s instructions
Akko - consuming Terumah in Akko
anoint with maaser sheni oil in Jerusalem? situations where maaser sheni is more strict than Terumah
at what point in a planned divorce must the wife of a kohen stop eating Terumah? reason
ate inedible kilai kerem, raw wheat or vinegar of Terumah, liable
ate Terumah produce pre shemittah, must pay kohen with post shemittah produce
barrels filled with Terumah wine that got lost among many barrels filled with chullin wine
became ineligible to eat Terumah while eating Terumah
bikkurim and Terumah are the property of the kohen
bikkurim compared to Terumah or offerings
bikkurim more sanctified than Terumah
bikkurim more sanctified than Terumah
bikkurim, Terumah, maaser sheni, halachic similarities and differences
bikkurim, Terumah, maaser sheni, halachic similarities and differences
bikkurim, Terumah, maaser sheni, halachic similarities and differences
bitter chate melon considered edible? with regards to all matters or only with regards to Terumah?
born circumcised (redo on Shabbos?) circumcised prior to becoming Jewish, one who reverses the appearance of being circumcised, permitted to eat Terumah? is a redo necessary? circumcision is a two step process (including drawing covenantal blood in certain cases), safe to redo circumcision after drawing skin to hide his prior circumcision?
bread placed at the opening of a barrel of Terumah wine
burning impure Terumah foods together despite them being different levels of impurity, tevul yom, biblical, rabbinic
burning impure Terumah or bikkurim
burning impure Terumah or bikkurim
burning of disqualified sacred offerings, impure Terumah, chametz, on erev Shabbos or erev of holiday that will continue burning into Shabbos and holiday? burning sacrifices on holiday, holiday that falls on Friday night?
burning pure Pesach ">chametz of Terumah with impure Terumah on Pesach, Pesach eve, rabbinic laws, biblical laws
burning pure Pesach ">chametz of Terumah with impure Terumah on Pesach, Pesach eve, rabbinic laws, biblical laws
burning pure Pesach ">chametz of Terumah with impure Terumah on Pesach, Pesach eve, rabbinic laws, biblical laws
burning pure Pesach ">chametz of Terumah with impure Terumah on Pesach, Pesach eve, rabbinic laws, biblical laws
burning Terumah that may have become impure rabbinically, biblically
buying bikkurim or Terumah with maaser sheni funds
can a woman prohibited to a kohen or a kohen gadol who marries her (kiddushin or marriage) eat Terumah?
carrying muktzah indirectly, holding child who is holding a stone, basket of food with a stone, pure Terumah with impure
cases where ignorant people are trusted with holy things, and trusted (to a lesser degree) with Terumah, differences in trust between people from Galilee and Yehudah, and various seasons, the ramifications of vessel’s purity status changing
catching spilled Terumah wine in an impure container to prevent it falling into a vat of chulllin wine
catching spilled Terumah wine in an impure container, compared to bloodletting to save a first born, thereby invalidating it, burning Terumah chametz
challah obligation after it was designated as Terumah? Terumah obligation after it was designated as challah?
chullin dough, leavened by Terumah, which then leavens another Terumah dough
consequences of marriages which are forbidden on a rabbinic or biblical level, has rights to a kesubah? no rights to fruits, sustenance for the wife, husband inherits wife, kohen husband becomes impure upon her burial, slaves eating Terumah, forcing a divorce
consuming Terumah in Israel that was brought from outside Israel
continuing to eat a cluster of grapes not tithed when going from the field to the courtyard or as Shabbos enters
cooking shemittah food in Terumah oil increases the possibility of it becoming invalidated
crushed apple (or juice of apple) of Terumah mixed inchullin dough leavened, true leavening?
crushed apple of Terumah which leavened dough
daughter of kohen marries a yisrael, or someone forbidden to her, eats Terumah or commits adultery, penalty? punishment?
daughter of kohen marries a yisrael, or someone forbidden to her, eats Terumah or commits adultery, penalty? punishment?
daughter of kohen marries a yisrael, or someone forbidden to her, eats Terumah or commits adultery, penalty? punishment?
daughter of yisrael ate Terumah, married kohen, became dovorced, owes compensation for Terumah, pay herself?
deaf mute, insane, minor, have legally significant action but not legally significant intention, when action demonstrates validity of actions, when preparing fruits for impurity? Writing divorce document? separating Terumah?
deaf mute, minor doing or having chalitzah done, reiyah, hakhel, separating Terumah
deaf mute, minor, insane, separating from what is not his, non Jew, excluded from separating Terumah, sources and reasons,
deaf person excluded from separating Terumah but can be relied on for safeguarding pure food, pure foods do not require thought Terumah requires thought
deaf person excluded from separating Terumah but can be relied on for safeguarding pure foods, pure foods do not require thought Terumah requires thought
deaf person not permitted to separate Terumah, trusted to guard pure foods
deaf person who can speak and not hear separating Terumah?
deaf person who speaks, may not separate Terumah, however if done it is acceptable
deaf person whom can speak and not hear separating Terumah?
declared part of a pile to be Terumah, without specifying exactly which part of the pile
deliberately ate Terumah, repayment? lashes? both? can a person receive 2 penalties for one act?
demai of terumas maasar or uncertain Terumah, designating it from pure on impure, on behalf of dough not in close proximity
demai, maaser whose Terumah was separated, maaser sheni or hekdesh that were redeemed
demai, maaser, maaser sheni, hekdesh, challah, Terumah, tevel?
designated as hekdesh or Terumah in the fifth hour
designating higher quality for similar or lower level, produce that wouldn’t be crossbreeding can be Terumah as long as the Terumah part is equal or better quality, mevushal or non mevushal wine? chate melon and muskmelon are 2 different species
designating olives as Terumah on behalf of olive oil, grapes on behalf of wine, results of these or similar designations
designating Terumah during the week to take effect on Shabbos, designating on Shabbos to take effect after Shabbos
designating Terumah during the week to take effect on Shabbos, designating on Shabbos to take effect after Shabbos
designating Terumah requires assigning a specific place in the grain pile?
difference between accepting bikkurim from Suria but not Terumah
discovered that he (the kohen) or the Terumah was invalid, or bug in the food, while it was in his mouth, spit out?
disqualified Terumah compared to disqualified offerings, yet disqualified Terumah may be burned at night
does premature deduction of Terumah trigger restrictions or further tithing obligations on the produce?
doing business with something, forbidden to him, first born, Terumah, non kosher animal, permitted in some cases
doubt about whether in a given situation Terumah is to be burned or suspended
dough became mixed with Terumah or exposed to possible impurity
dough into which chullin sourdough and then sourdough of Terumah or kilai keren fell in, imparted good or bad flavor
dough into which chullin sourdough and then sourdough of Terumah or kilai keren fell in, imparted good or bad flavor
doughs exempted from challah (rice, Terumah, medumah, belonging to no Jew) connecting other doughs which are obligated but are too small, do not combine to obligate in challah, doughs which are exempt (other species, belongs to another, new flour dough whose challah is taken) combining obligated doughs? kav of hekdesh combines, kav of challah does not combine
dried Terumah figs into fish sauce, Terumah wine into fish sauce, spicing Terumah oil or wine, cooking Terumah wine, cooked dill, Terumah benefit from wine in fish sauce compared to wine of idolators in fish sauce, cooking out Terumah wine
dry foods transmit impurity in Terumah or holy foods?
each species has Terumah taken only from the same species, expansion and shriveling of produce
feeding animal feed of Terumah to animals of a kohen, animal borrowed by, or lent to, a kohen
feeding Terumah to non kohanim children, slaves, eating outside Israel, less than an olive size, repayment doesn’t include the one fifth penalty, repayment isn’t sacred, kohen may forgive, penalty payment of one fifth indicated sacredness
fenugreek of maaser sheni preparation treated more strictly than fenugreek of Terumah
fenugreek of Terumah, maaser sheni, shemittah, kilayim of a vineyard, hekdesh that fell into water, different parts of plant
fig stems, dried fig stems, stems of carobs of Terumah is also Terumah and therefore forbidden to non kohanim
figs grapes that are impure, juices can be Terumah, if they were already Terumah, impurity invalidates them
flour intermixed with Terumah, tevel for challah? obligated in challah?
flowerpot without a hole, doesn’t create a forbidden mixture
food of chullin and Terumah (and idol worship) that mixed or cooked, imparted good or bad taste
food that nauseates may be spiten out even if it is Terumah
for delivering a divorce, or other laws may assume that the sender is still alive, however a kohen husband who says ‘you are divorced one hour before my death’ his wife can’t eat Terumah immediately, kohen or levi who borrow and arrange that the lender will keep their crops as repayment of loan are assumed to still be alive as repayments are ongoing
for delivering a divorce, or other laws may assume that the sender is still alive, however a kohen husband who says ‘you are divorced one hour before my death’ his wife can’t eat Terumah immediately, kohen or levi who borrow and arrange that the lender will keep their crops as repayment of loan are assumed to still be alive as repayments are ongoing
forbidden to muzzle, yet animal may not eat Terumah produce, hang basket on neck of animal so it can eat while threshing
fruit forbidden to be juiced except olives and grapes
fruits set aside for Terumah or money for maaser sheini can be assumed to still exist until you know otherwise, wine set aside needs to be checked that it didn’t become sour
fulfill matzah obligation by using Terumah, challah, bikkurim, maaser sheni, todah loaves , or nazir wafers
fulfill matzah obligation by using wheat, barley, spelt, oats, rye, demai, maaser whose Terumah was taken, redeemed maaser sheni, redeemed hekdesh, kohanim can use challah or Terumah but not bikkurim, may not use tevel, maaser whose Terumah wasn’t taken, unredeemed maaser sheni, unredeemed hekdesh, todah loaves, nazir wafers, grains used for challah
grain must be processed
grain shells, bran, remains of siftings, remaining kernels in storage room, drops of oil or wine left in a barrel, trimmings of vegetables
grapes and olives preferred as food or wine and oil?
grew Terumah plant, thresh with sticks rather than animals
grown one third attains Terumah sanctity
growths from Terumah, growths of growths, halachic status, tevel, maaser, after growths, Terumah from outside Israel, mixture of chullin and Terumah, bikkurim, hekdesh, maaser sheni, redeeming growths of hekdesh and maaser sheni
healing on Shabbos, eating, drinking various items, ailments from the lips and inward, danger to life, uttering incantations, applying oil, in a different way than during the week, comparison to using wine, maaser sheni, or Terumah
holy meat that left its designated place, defiles hands, Terumah, or other holy meats?
holy sacrificial food is holier than Terumah
how often wine needs to be checked to be assumed that it didn’t become sour (not valid for Terumah)
how to separate Terumah from wine that is pure on wine that is impure while fulfilling the law of proximity?
idolator threatened to defile many loaves of Terumah unless one is given to him voluntarily, how to react
ignorant person is believed about the status of kodesh and Terumah only when all tribes are assembling in Jerusalem (holidays)
impure produce is inherently unimpaired retains identity as food, punctured food regarded as earth therefore incapable of serving as Terumah
impure Terumah mixed with less than 100 times of non Terumah
impure Terumah mixed with more than 100 times of non Terumah
impure Terumah mixed with more than 100 times of non Terumah, made into loaves of bread
impure Terumah mixed with more than 100 times of pure Terumah, is impurity nullified? Bais Shamai concedes to Bais Hillel
impure Terumah owned by kohen mixed with more than 100 times of chullin, what value is owed to kohen?
impure Terumah replanted, new growth doesn’t transmit impurity, but must be cut away (and replanted again?), impure replanted non Terumah can become pure Terumah?
inadvertently ate Terumah, pay back with equal of better produce
inedible seeds not subject to maaser, may be bought from anyone, even if seeds that produced these plants were Terumah
inedible Terumah can combine with chullin to nullify Terumah
infant kohen with a delayed circumcision or even on the eighth day itself may not eat Terumah
intended to separate Terumah, but said maaser, or opposite, olah shelamim, not to enter house of someone or benefit from a person but named the wrong person, improper hekdesh declaration
intended to separate Terumah, but said maaser, or opposite, olah shelamim, not to enter house of someone or benefit from a person but named the wrong person, improper hekdesh declaration
intended to separate Terumah, but said maaser, or opposite, olah shelamim, not to enter house of someone or benefit from a person but named the wrong person, improper hekdesh declaration
intended to separate Terumah, but said maaser, or opposite, olah shelamim, not to enter house of someone or benefit from a person but named the wrong person, improper hekdesh declaration
intended to separate Terumah, but said maaser, or opposite, olah shelamim, not to enter house of someone or benefit from a person but named the wrong person, improper hekdesh declaration
juice of impure grapes can be Terumah and used for libations if less than an olive size is squeezed out
Kilikyah - Terumah brought from Kilikyah (outside Israel) to Akko (inside Israel)
kohanim that are ineligible to eat Terumah and therefore their wives and slaves too
kohen forgiving the one fifth penalty, status of produce set aside for the one fifth penalty payment
kohen not nearby, is it better to take a lower level quality of Terumah that will last longer?
kohen or levi assisting on the threshing floor to guide the tithes and Terumah to themselves invalidates the gift and causes destruction of the temple due to the corruption
kohen using impure bread and oil to light a fire
laws which apply to bikkurim but not Terumah or maaser sheni, designated while still attached, no limit, responsible to replace, brought together with a offering, song, waving, and staying overnight
laws which apply to bikkurim but not Terumah or maaser sheni, designated while still attached, no limit, responsible to replace, brought together with an offering, song, waving, and staying overnight
laws which apply to bikkurim but not Terumah or maaser sheni, designated while still attached, no limit, responsible to replace, brought together with an offering, song, waving, and staying overnight
laws which apply to maaser sheni and bikkurim but not Terumah, bringing to Jerusalem, confession, and some say they are forbidden to an onen, must do biur, and once it came into and then left Jerusalem mixtures and additional growths are forbidden to eat, sources
laws which apply to maaser sheni and bikkurim but not Terumah, bringing to Jerusalem, confession, and some say they are forbidden to an onen, must do biur, and once it came into and then left Jerusalem mixtures and additional growths are forbidden to eat, sources
laws which apply to maaser sheni and bikkurim but not Terumah, bringing to Jerusalem, confession, and some say they are forbidden to an onen, must do biur, and once it came into and then left Jerusalem mixtures and additional growths are forbidden to eat, sources
laws which apply to Terumah and maaser sheni, but not bikkurim, reaching the threshing floor creates forbidden status on the grain, there is a required amount to be given, all fruits are obligated, even if no Temple sharecroppers and land robbers obligated
laws which apply to Terumah and maaser sheni, but not bikkurim, reaching the threshing floor creates forbidden status on the grain, there is a required amount to be given, all fruits are obligated, even if no Temple, sharecroppers and land robbers obligated
laws which apply to Terumah and maaser sheni, but not bikkurim, reaching the threshing floor creates forbidden status on the grain, there is a required amount to be given, all fruits are obligated, even if no Temple, sharecroppers and land robbers obligated
leek or onion of Terumah added to remove bad flavor to chullin, not add a positive flavor, hekdesh, idol worship stricter
leniencies in the laws of challah, maaser, and Terumah from outside Israel, Terumah and maaser was later abolished
leniencies in the laws of challah, maaser, and Terumah from outside Israel, Terumah and maaser was later abolished
leniencies in the laws of challah, maaser, and Terumah from outside Israel, Terumah and maaser was later abolished
leniencies of Terumah which are strict for holiness
liquids from cooked Terumah vegetables is considered food, yet considered water in regards to the halacha of mikveh
liquids from cooked Terumah vegetables is considered food, yet considered water in regards to the halacha of mikveh
loaf of bread for eruv that one made a vow not to benefit from, loaf of hekdesh, idol worship, wine for a nazir, Terumah for a yisrael, eruv for a kohen in a bais hapras, kohen in a cemetery?
maaser and Terumah biblical or rabbinic obligation in our time?
maaser rishon taken before Terumah grain while still in ears, exempted from Terumah?
maaser sheni advanced ahead of Terumah while grain still in ears exempted from Terumah and maaser?
making an eruv with forbidden items, wine for a nazir, Terumah for a non kohen, in a cemetery or a bais hapras for a kohen
many similar halacha between challah and Terumah
marrying his divorced wife (or her close relative) who was married between his two marriages to her, marrying his chalutzah or a close relative of her, child mamzer? allowed to eat Terumah? child allowed to marry a kohen?
maximum percentage allowed, what is done to the excess above the maximum
may not bring Terumah from outside israel into Israel, from Suria to Israel?
may not bring Terumah from outside Israel into Israel, from Suria to Israel?
minimizing amount of olives becoming impure when separating from pure on to impure,
minor girl married off by her father to a kohen, may eat Terumah
minor separating Terumah, consecrating, bring offerings, being appointed an agent for these tasks, bring bikkurim, bring chagigah, bring Pesach offering, maaser beheimah, temurah, liable for bringing an offering outside the temple?
minor separating Terumah, consecrating, bring offerings, being appointed an agent for these tasks, bring bikkurim, bring chagigah, bring Pesach offering, maaser beheimah, temurah, liable for bringing an offering outside the Temple?
minor who hasn’t grown two hairs, before reached age of vows, reached age of vows, separating Terumah, valid?
minor who hasn’t grown two hairs, hasn’t or has reached age of vows, separated Terumah, is it valid?
mixed up with first born animals, participants of Pesach offering are as diligent as those who Terumah or bechor
mixtures of foods which can leaven, spice, or impart taste aren’t necessarily nullified, chullin added to mixture and Terumah no longer imparts flavor, permitted, amount needed to permit mixture increases over entire mixture or only against what is forbidden?
mixtures of kilay kerem, kilayim, orlah and Terumah can cancel each other out when mixed with chullin
mixtures of kilay kerem, orlah and Terumah can cancel each other out when mixed with chullin
mixtures of kilay kerem, orlah and Terumah can cancel each other out when mixed with chullin
mixtures of kilay kerem, orlah and Terumah can cancel each other out when mixed with chullin
mixtures of mostly Terumah and some chullin, obligated in challah?
mixtures of Terumah, chullin, maaser, maaser sheni, hekdesh, tevel, after growths, pure, impure
moving pure Terumah, demai, maaser whose Terumah was taken or not taken, maaser sheni or hekdesh that was or wasn’t redeemed, dried lupines, tevel, luf, mustard, dimua
no double portion of Terumah in Suria according to Rabban Gamliel who requires double portion of challah
no lashes and monetary punishment for two transgressions in one act, Terumah chametz, Terumah wine nazir, Terumah Yom Kippur
non Jew brings out produce from his home and says that it is Terumah, maaser, or maaser sheni
non Jew may not separate Terumah, agent separating, Jew separating for a non Jew who chooses to give Terumah
non kohen ate Terumah of Pesach ">chametz on Pesach, on purpose, by accident, who gets the penalty payment?
non kohen eating Terumah in abnormal way or when it is impure
non kohen inadvertently eats Terumah, payment monetary or penalty? receives lashes and pays?
non kohen using the impure Terumah oil of a kohen, penalty was rescinded due to need for lamps because of wolves and other leniencies
non kohen who anointed himself with Terumah oil
non kohen who ate Terumah kernels or sipped Terumah vinegar, punishment?
non kohen who ate Terumah, what is his punishment?
non kohen who fed his child or slave Terumah, who pays and how much?
not eligible to separate Terumah, but acceptable if done, because unable to say blessing or to properly choose
not eligible to separate Terumah, deaf, insane, minor, non owner, non Jew, sources, reasons, exceptions, marriage, divorce
not permitted to separate Terumah, trusted to guard pure foods
nullified in a mixture of 100 to 1, 99 and a bit to 1, or 99 to 1?
nullified in a mixture of 100 to 1, then 1 is given to the kohen, is it a halachic separation or merely giving a kohen his property?
nullified Terumah still needs to be paid to the kohen, undesirable Terumah does not, orlah and kilai kerem does not
object created in a holy state but not specifically guarded for holiness needs to be immersed in a mikveh to be used for holiness, but mikveh isn't needed to use for Terumah, stories about this rule
obligated in challah and exempt from maaser, leket, shikchah, peah, hevker, maaser that Terumah of maaser was removed, redeemed maaser sheni or hekdesh, leftover of the omer offering, sources, grain that didn’t grow one third?
oil or wine of Terumah absorbed into the walls of an earthenware pot
one may bring Terumah from Suria to Israel, but not from outside Israel into Israel
one sixtieth of impure, undesirable Terumah is designated
one who carries a midras object may also carry Terumah, but not kodesh
one who is pure for Terumah is the same as one pure for holy offerings
onen and mechusar kippurim require immersion in mikveh to enable eating holy things, but not required for Terumah
onion of Terumah cooked with chullin lentils or the opposite, if flavors won’t transfer, the chullin remains chullin, may be eaten by a non kohen
onion of Terumah that was replanted and the new growth exceeds the existing onion
originally competent and later deaf-mute separating Terumah or divorcing his wife? through writing or indication?
originally competent, later deaf mute separating Terumah or divorcing his wife? through writing or indication?
partners taking off Terumah
partners taking off Terumah, taking Terumah from something one doesn’t own, guardian, ownerless produce
payment of one fifth of Terumah beyond the original value indicates that the repayment is sacred
payment of one fifth of Terumah beyond the original value indicates that the repayment is sacred
payment of Terumah eaten intentionally is chullin and can be forgiven by the Kohen
payments and penalties for a non kohen eating Terumah
pickling Terumah and chullin olives together
piggul and nosar combined together to the size of a kezayis renders hands impure, renders Terumah impure?
piggul and nosar combined together to the size of a kezayis renders hands impure, renders Terumah impure?
planted rabbinic Terumah, penalized?
planted rows of Terumah and chullin that got mixed up, seeds that decompose or remain
planted Terumah, on purpose, by accident, obligation of tithes including Terumah, threshing using animals, may not muzzle, but they must be allowed to eat, planted Terumah of flax
plants which came from inedible Terumah seeds
poor yisrael or kohen may collect from a field that may be Terumah?
poor yisrael or kohen may collect from a field that may be Terumah?
presumption that Terumah is separated on behalf of all of one’s fruits
produce becomes level and therefore obligated in maaser, pickling, cooking, salting, squeezing and collecting oil in one’s hand, skimming wine in a cooked pot, purchased, separating Terumah, Shabbos food, entering a protected courtyard
produce drawing liquids thru barrels
prohibition against separating Terumah from something whose processing is completed on something whose processing is not completed is limited to grapes and olives that have yet to be made in to wine and oil
proper order of tithes, bikkurim, Terumah, maaser, maaser sheni, lashes for deviating from this order?
proper order of tithes, bikkurim, Terumah, maaser, maaser sheni, lashes for deviating from this order?
proper order of tithes, bikkurim, Terumah, maaser, maaser sheni, lashes for deviating from this order?
proper order of tithes, bikkurim, Terumah, maaser, maaser sheni, lashes for deviating from this order?
purchase Terumah with maaser sheni money? reduces likelihood of it being consumed, as compared to buying shelamim with maaser sheni money, Pesach offerings got mixed with first borns
rabbinic Terumah which was planted, therefore not destroyed
rabbis in diaspora would separate terumos and maasros until the rovin came and stopped them
ratios that nullify Terumah, terumas maaser of demai, challah, orlah, kilai kerem or mixtures of these which gets mixed into chullin
ratios that nullify Terumah, terumas maaser of demai, challah, orlah, kilai kerem or mixtures of these which gets mixed into chullin
ratios that nullify Terumah, terumas maaser of demai, challah, orlah, kilai kerem or mixtures of these which gets mixed into chullin
ratios that nullify Terumah, terumas maaser of demai, challah, orlah, kilai kerem or mixtures of these which gets mixed into chullin
ratios that nullify Terumah, terumas maaser of demai, challah, orlah, kilai kerem or mixtures of these which gets mixed into chullin
relationships that enable or disqualify a woman from eating Terumah, maaser, breast, thigh, sacrificial bread
relationships that enable or disqualify a woman from eating Terumah, maaser, breast, thigh, sacrificial bread
relationships that enable or disqualify a woman from eating Terumah, maaser, breast, thigh, sacrificial bread
relationships which disqualify a woman to a kohen or to eat Terumah, source?
removing one measure from a mixture of pure and impure Terumah to make it permissible to eat
repayment to kohen for stolen Terumah from leket, shikchah, peah, ownerless item, maasros, hekdesh?
required amount by percentage
rolled beyond the techum, rubble fell on it, burned, Terumah eruv became impure, a doubtful eruv
rules of eating Terumah inadvertently or deliberately and the difference in regard to the obligation of the sin offering
sanctity of planted Terumah devolves even while attached to ground after it has grown a third
saving maaser sheni or Terumah by making it impure (an impure person takes it out of the fire), or removing more than three meals, doing it in an unusual way
seasonings of various prohibitions or various varieties that fell into food, did or didn’t impart good or bad flavor
seeds of Terumah discarded, bones of offerings discarded are permitted to non kohanim
separated part of terumos or maasros?
separated part of the amount of Terumah, then taking from the same pile a second time
separated Terumah discovered to be rotten, rotten Terumah or what it was separated from mixed with other produce
separated Terumah, it later became chametz, separated non chametz from chametz, chametz from non chametz
separating Terumah from impure produce on to produce that is pure? deliberately or inadvertently?
separating Terumah on condition that "I drew it up in safety" means safe from breakage and spilling or from impurity?
separation of Terumah for produce whose process is completed or not completed one on the other?
sexual relations finalizes yibum, accidental, forced, partial, halachic effect of ‘partial relations’, eating Terumah
sexual relations finalizes yibum, accidental, forced, partial, halachic effect of ‘partial relations’, eating Terumah
shemittah products only used for their proper usage, eating, drinking, anointing, same as Terumah and maaser, shemittah more lenient may use oil for a lamp
six cases of doubtful impurity which upon contact, Terumah must be burned
six cases of doubtful impurity which upon contact, Terumah must be burned
slaves brought into a marriage of a kohen and his proper or improper wife, may the slaves eat Terumah?
smeared, soaked, roasted with Terumah oil, group of kohanim, yisraelim, cooked hen in impure Terumah oil that must be burned
sometimes an improper designation of Terumah needs to be redone due to a rabbinic decree which encourages using the purifying waters, sometimes an improper designation needs to be redone to ensure that the kohen tribe doesn’t get shortchanged, which value prevails when the two contradict?
sourdough of chullin and Terumah which fell into a dough of chullin
sourdough of combinations of Terumah and kilai kerem that fell into dough or spices into a pot of food, wasn’t enough of each to accomplish leavening or spicing on their own
sourdough of combinations of Terumah and kilai kerem that fell into dough or spices into a pot of food, wasn’t enough of each to accomplish leavening or spicing on their own
sourdough of combinations of Terumah and sheviis that fell into dough, neither is enough to leaven on its own
sourdough of combinations of Terumah and sheviis that fell into dough, neither is enough to leaven on its own
stack of grain intermixed with Terumah? considered tevel?
status of produce designated for paying a penalty to a kohen for eating Terumah
stolen from am haaretz, must repay, but also avoid giving Terumah to an am haaretz
stolen land, neither the thief nor the owner can take Terumah
stolen Terumah from a kohen, repayment
stolen Terumah, kohen forgave thief, thief ate the Terumah, stole Terumah from kohen grandfather, later inherited it
stolen, dried out, from an asheirah tree, from an ir hanidachas, orlah, Terumah, demai, maaser sheni
suspected sotah can only eat Terumah by being cleared of suspicion by drinking sotah water
swallowing chewed Terumah which shouldn’t be eaten, due to it once having been permitted (wife or slave, but not a chalal), or due to chewed being considered already eaten
taking challah from a pure dough to include the obligation on a impure dough as well, pure and impure Terumah
taking Terumah done without measuring
taking Terumah from oil for edible olives, calculation of olives by potential oil content, or edible parts of the olives?
taking Terumah from oil, wine for unfinished olives or grapes
taking Terumah from olives or grapes for produce that will be crushed for oil or wine, Terumah will need to be taken again, when reconsidering to crush them, when not reconsidering Terumah valid but must separate again
taking Terumah from pure for impure or the opposite
taking Terumah from pure for impure, not having one contaminate the other, also be in close proximity
taking Terumah from pure part of something for its impure part
temed, when more liquid extracted than the water which created the temed, subject to maasros, but not Terumah
Terumah and chullin pickled together, cooked together, with meat or liver, eggs with Terumah spices, water from cooking Terumah
Terumah fell into 100 times chullin, ground it together, did ratios change? Fell into less than 100 times and more chullin added later to make it more than 100 times more chullin than Terumah, extra impurities in the mixture
Terumah fell into boxes which contained Terumah, chullin, these boxes then fell into other boxes, seeds planted
Terumah fell into chullin of less than or more than 100 times as much, some of that mixture fell into chullin, multiple times
Terumah fell into chullin, another fell in prior to owner removing a measure of the mixture as required
Terumah growths and nullified mixtures compared and learned from each other
Terumah of non Jew renders mixture medumah
Terumah separated from wine, later discovered to be vinegar, unsure when that occurred, procedure to resolve problem
Terumah status nullified when mixed with large amounts of ordinary produce
Terumah taken from produce involved with mitzvos, non full ownership, obligation, age, or location
Terumah that is impure nullified by one hundred times of pure Terumah, dispute of Bais Shamai and Bais Hillel
Terumah that may have become impure, how to treat it, Terumah that is surely going to become impure, how to react
Terumah that mixed into less than 100 times as much pure or impure chullin
Terumah that mixed with various items, amounts, shapes, colors, containers, at what point the Terumah is nullified
Terumah that was possibly exposed to impurity, can’t be eaten, burned?, continue to protect from impurity? Terumah of chametz
Terumah, maaser, hekdesh, kerem rivai separated by a non Jew
Terumah, maaser, hekdesh, kerem rivai separated by a non Jew or a Cuthi
Terumah, maaser, hekdesh, kerem rivai separated by a non Jew or Cuthi
Terumah, maaser, hekdesh, kerem rivai separated by a non Jew or Cuthi
Terumah, maaser, hekdesh, kerem rivai separated by a non Jew or Cuthi
Terumah, tithe obligations and non kohen who eats date honey, apple cider, vinegar of winter grapes, fruit juices
terumas maaser and Terumah have a set required amount and produce forbidden until these amounts are given
terumas maaser and Terumah have a set required amount and produce forbidden until these amounts are given
tevel mixed into greater amount of chullin precluded from separation of Terumah?
tevel nullifies Terumah, remove seah from mixture and designate its required tithes, aftergrowths of sheviis nullifies Terumah, given to those who will eat it
tevel rice not rectified before cooking and expanding, judged by current volume?
the sages do not treat an ignorant person as one with impurity of zav, with respect to Terumah
the Terumah and what it is separated from must be in close proximity
thieves and tax collectors are believed to say which vessels they touched, and are further believed on kodesh items in Jerusalem, and even for Terumah at holiday times, limitations on this rule
thought does not effect susceptibility to impurity, for Terumah his thought has legal impact
time needed for bride and groom to prepare for marriage, consequences if not ready, eat Terumah?
time to get rid of Pesach ">chametz in a year that ever Pesach falls out on Shabbos, Pesach ">chametz of Terumah
took Terumah from the same pile twice
Torah law suspended due to emergency, feeding forbidden foods to a person with bulmos, Terumah to a non kohen, feed dog liver to a person bit by a mad dog, medicine for throat pain on Shabbos,
Tzippori - town of Rabbi Chiyah of Tzippori who was a kohen let his yisrael worker use impure Terumah oil
unfinished fruit placed in a basket that had Terumah or maaser taken, is casual eating permitted?
using impure Terumah oil that must be burned, for Chanukah lights
using impure Terumah oil that must be burned, for Chanukah lights
using oil for therapeutic purposes on Shabbos as compared to use of maaser sheni or Terumah
using oil for therapeutic purposes on Shabbos as compared to use of maaser sheni or Terumah
using oil for therapeutic purposes on Shabbos as compared to use of maaser sheni or Terumah
vetch, when it became subject to Terumah, why bikiyah plant never became obligated in Terumah
vows related to circumstances beyond one’s control, untrue vow or swear that property is Terumah or belongs to the king for the purpose of retaining ownership
water poured onto sediments of Terumah, wine?
what to do with Terumah that may have become impure
who had relations with a mamzer, a non Jew, or another androgyne becomes unfit to eat Terumah, his wife can still eat Terumah, his slaves may not
whole cluster of grapes grown in courtyard may be eaten without tithing, because he started in state of permissibility or single food containing a few portions is considered a single portion?
wine designated as Terumah or maaser sheni includes the sealed barrel, oil doesn’t include the barrel
wine designated as Terumah or maaser sheni includes the sealed barrel, oil doesn’t include the barrel
wine drawn from winepress, what remains in the flask not rendered tevel, because destined to return to winepress whose processing is not completed
wine in barrels designated as Terumah as compared to sacks of grains designated as Terumah or maaser
wine in barrels designated as Terumah as compared to sacks of grains designated as Terumah or maaser
wine in barrels designated as Terumah as compared to sacks of grains designated as Terumah or maaser
wine may be separated as Terumah for grapes which will be made into raisins, contradicts, one may not separate Terumah on something that has a completed process on behalf of something not completed
woman eating Terumah who discovers that she is divorced, father accepted her divorce document, she is an arusah
workers have authority to separate Terumah?
workers or guests fed Terumah, repayment
workers separating Terumah for wine and olive oil
yisrael enjoying light from impure Terumah oil that must be burned when a kohen is or could be present
אוכלי תרומה זריזין הן - Terumah eaters (kohanim) are quick