23 Results
format of the words ‘holy to God’ written on the tzitz and the Yom Kippur goat lottery cards on two lines, contrary to eyewitness Testimony of Rabbi Elazar the son of Rabbi Yose who saw the tzitz in Rome and said that it was written on one line
litigants and witnesses must stand during Testimony
litigants must be treated the same
litigants of different social status
marrying a woman based on Testimony about her previous husband’s death or divorce
mute giving Testimony by nodding to a series of questions for use in divorce, vows, inheritance, business, gifts
one witness or the wife testifying about her husband’s death, Testimony from a woman, slave, maid, written document, witness to witness, from relatives, non Jewish innkeeper
one witness or the wife testifying about her husband’s death, Testimony from a woman, slave, maid, written document, witness to witness, from relatives, non Jewish innkeeper
Susisah - Testimony about time of day
Testimony needed to declare someone a kohen
Testimony of a minor
the following are said in the language the person understands : sotah, maaser declaration, shema, prayer, blessings after eating, oath of Testimony, oath of a deposit
to what extent we can rely on a wife’s Testimony which would adversely affect her co-wife (even if it adversely affect her as well)
warnings must immediately precede violation
warnings must precede a definite violation
what types of comments, unidentified voices, or Testimony is acceptable to allow a woman to remarry, Jew, non Jew
who is and isn’t believed to give Testimony about the death of a man and why
witnesses who verify their own signatures or relate other halachic information, but claim to have been forced, were minors, or were unfit for Testimony, if others verify their signatures or also relate the same information, the first ones are less likely to be believed to negate the Testimony of the others, cases where the witnesses verify their own signatures but other witnesses do as well, amount and qualification of witnesses needed to verify each signature
witnesses,and judges of different social classes, excluding women and minors, source
women’s and men’s Testimony in cases of one witness, one man’s Testimony against many women, one woman against more than one woman
women’s and men’s Testimony in cases of one witness, one man’s Testimony against many women, one woman against more than one woman
women’s and men’s Testimony in cases of one witness, one man’s Testimony against many women, one woman against more than one woman