15 Results
husband can’t convene a court to cancel the divorce without his wife or divorce agent present
obligations of support of wives and children aren’t taken from mortgaged property
obligations of support of wives and children aren’t taken from mortgaged property
owner of a ‘half slave’ is compelled to free him totally
people returning lost objects, or admitting to part of a claim of a debt against them which couldn’t have been proven, aren’t forced to swear that they didn’t keep some of what they found or saved
promoting the mitzvah of buying land from non Jews in Israel
prozbul enactment by Hillel
redeeming people who sell themselves or their children to non Jews
remarriage was permitted despite a vow that the husband made
signatures required on a divorce document
we don't overpay for buying Torah scrolls, tefillin, and mezuzos from non Jews, don’t buy from them at all?
we don’t help captives escape because their conditions will worsen
we don’t overpay to redeem captives
witnesses must sign on the divorce document