70 Results
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
any time the Torah references ‘coming into the land’, it refers to after the first 14 years of conquering and dividing
become impure due to Torah Study?
Caesarea - Torah Study or performance of a mitzvah, which is greater?
causes face to shine
destruction due to neglect of Torah and Torah Study, not necessarily due to the three cardinal sins
details of halachic categories are increased in order to sharpen the minds of students
dots above letters in the Torah, how we understand and expound them
exert themselves in Torah Study, therefore only obligated to marital relations once a week, Friday night
forbidden to teach a Torah concept in front of one’s Torah teacher unless it was learned from him
holidays and Shabbos are for eating and drinking, and Torah Study, divide day between both
holy assembly before the sages, divided their time between Torah Study and work
importance of not missing any days of Torah Study
importance of staying within a group of colleagues
inquiries about the time prior to man’s creation, what is above heavens and below earth
interrupt Torah Study to say shema, shemonah esrei, ordinary person, one always studying Torah, scribe
interrupt Torah Study to say shema, shemonah esrei, ordinary person, one always studying Torah, scribe
knowledge of Torah decreased in the time of the Talmud
laws of each holiday studied 30 days prior to holiday
learning with colleagues better than learning alone
leaving home to study Torah for an extended period of time
Lod - Torah Study or performance of a mitzvah, which is greater?
obligation to teach daughter
one who writes aggadah has no portion in the world to come, one who expounds on it will be scorched, one who listens will not receive reward for Torah Study
quoting a mishnah accurately despite the fact that the halacha doesn’t follow that mishnah
quoting accurately, naming the sources of who said it, imagining they are standing there
Rabbi Yochanan and Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish worked on the seventh chapter of tractate Shabbos for three and a half years, the children of Rabbi Chiya worked on it for six months
Rabbi Yonasan didn’t want to teach aggadah to Rabbi Simla because he was from Babylon and the south of Israel
Rabbi Zeira criticized aggadah interpretations, calls them ‘scholarship of divination’
reward given to those who bring children to hakhel (Torah Study)
reworking letters or words within a bible verse to derive a Torah law
Shabbos and Holiday are for eating and drinking, and Torah Study, divide day between both
Shmuel reviewed halacha forty times in order to remember
study of Mishnah takes precedence over study of Talmud and scripture
study of scripture has the same value as mishnah
support of Torah scholars greater than building synagogues
support of Torah Study and its reward
teaching a woman Torah will inform her that she was saved from sotah death due to her Torah learning merits, or teaching her Torah will lead her to further sin, she must know basic laws, no specific mitzvah to study Torah, specific reasons to never teach a woman Torah
teaching topics of forbidden relationships, creation of the world, maaseh merkavah, in certain sized groups, or sometimes not at all
teaching Torah greater than studying Torah
the word וחמשים, found in Exodus 13:18 hints to five weapons worn by the Jews who left Egypt
three places where a verse of the Torah is meant figuratively
Tiberias - Torah Study or performance of a mitzvah, which is greater?
Torah is not an empty thing, deficiency stems from those who think it is empty because they don’t toil over it, it is your life when you toil over it
Torah seems empty when no effort is expended in its study, but becomes one’s life when effort is put in
Torah Study cancelled to read Megillah
Torah Study or performance of mitzvah, which takes precedence?
Torah Study or performance of mitzvah, which takes precedence?
Torah Study or performance of mitzvah, which takes precedence? mitzvah which can be done by others
Torah Study partially permitted and partially forbidden
Torah Study saves one from demons
Torah Study was conducted in the synagogue
unreliable mishnah
use of the word ‘אמת’ implies that it is a Halacha LeMoshe MiSinai
when neglected, cities in Israel are endangered
women should compel their children to study Torah
Yehudah Beribi studied a tractate for six months and later couldn’t answer a question about it