16 Results
funds from shekalim or funds for the upkeep of the Temple used for Torah Teachers who taught kohanim, teachers who taught about blemishes, scribes who corrected the Torah of the Temple courtyard, judges of Jerusalem, women who weaved for the Temple, incense, altars, vessels, chambers, courtyards, walls of the Temple and Jerusalem,
honor to Torah Teacher is a form of honoring God, Moshe, Elijah, Achiyah, Elisha, Samuel, Eli
kohen becoming impure for a nasi, the wife of a nasi, Torah Teacher
offers a reward of konditon (alcoholic beverage) to a student who can answer a question
one the way to do a mitzvah, sick people (even mildly sick) and their attendants,, exempt from sukkah obligation, sanctifying new moon, members of wedding party, guards, visiting one’s Torah Teacher, Torah scholar shouldn’t travel, eating prior to massif
quoting in the name of teacher who taught a halacha, lips move in grave, compared to the lingering taste of wine
repeating Torah in someone else’s name if heard directly from them
students of R Lazar ben Shamuah refused to allow Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi to hear certain halacha from their Torah Teacher
Tarbenas (in Israel?) - Torah Teacher dividing pesukim
teaching Torah greater than studying Torah
teaching Torah greater than studying Torah
Torah laws, statutes, oral Torah must be taught for free, a teacher can charge for teaching scripture and translation
visualize one’s Torah Teacher when quoting him
was a nazir, a Torah Teacher in Yavneh
what would qualify one for the status of ‘Torah Teacher?’