365 Results
אין מוקדם ומואחר בתורה - sequence of verses in the Torah is not necessarily the order of events in the Torah
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
‘extra’ words are to be expounded, (Rabbi Akiva), or part of how people speak (Rabbi Yishmael)
175 passages in the Torah about speaking and commanding, corresponding to the life of Abraham
3 places where a verse of the Torah is meant figuratively
480 synagogues, each with a house of study, schools for Torah and mishnah
according to Rabbi Yishmael the word עד in the Torah means 2 witnesses unless otherwise specified
am haaretz trusted for holy things, parah adumah, and susceptibility to impurity, which are major Torah concepts
amount of mistakes that invalidates or allows a Torah to be repaired
analysis of the relevant Torah verses restricts when we proceed with the ‘decapitated calf’ procedure
annulling vows by sages, demonstrating regret in creative ways, using Torah values
annulling vows by sages, demonstrating regret in creative ways, using Torah values
anxiety due to needing to buy grain for the whole year at once, or worse when buying in smaller quantities, of even worse when buying daily from a baker, unable to answer a Torah question
anxiety due to needing to buy grain for the whole year at once, or worse when buying in smaller quantities, of even worse when buying daily from a baker, unable to answer a Torah question
any time the Torah references ‘coming into the land’, it refers to after the first 14 years of conquering and dividing
are recitation of the Torah verses necessary?
are the short readings of the week repeated Shabbos morning?
are the short readings of the week repeated Shabbos morning?
avoiding suspicion from people as well as being pure from viewpoint of God, proof from Torah, Prophets, and Writings
become impure due to Torah study?
blessing before and after eating, blessing for reading Torah
blessing before and after reading Torah and eating
blessing on the Torah with the Torah open or closed?
blessings that the kohen gadol says when he reads the Torah on Yom Kippur
Bnai Chayil - Bror Chayil - Rabbi Yehoshua and his students went there to study Torah from Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakksi
built an altar, plastered them, wrote the Torah on them in 70 languages, brought hem to Gilgal, for the nations of the world to copy, 3 or 4 sets of stones
bull and goat procedures and offerings, read Torah portion either before or after the offering is burned, sources
buying produce with Torah granted rights (eating while working) doesn’t cause an obligation of tithes, parameters of rights to pick and eat while working
Caesarea - studying Torah with Rabbi Hoshayah the Great
Caesarea - Torah study or performance of a mitzvah, which is greater?
called to the Torah
called to the Torah
came prior or post the giving of the Torah, what inspired him to convert
causes face to shine
certain songs in the Bible are written with unique page layouts
changing the order of those who honor the nasi based on a less learned person becoming a Torah scholar
chillul Hashem
comparable to all the commandments in the Torah
compared to fire
correcting mistakes of the reader
court has the obligation to raise the level of Torah observance
created the script and language of the Torah (Targum)
custom to work or not to work on Tisha Bav, Torah scholars
customs related to Torah reading
daughters of Israel wept when he died, supported them when husbands were at war, or supported Torah scholars
day of Sivan that Moshe ascended Mount Sinai for first time preceding revelation? giving of the Torah on the sixth of Sivan
death at 50 is kares, at 52 is death of Samuel, at 60 is death penalty of the Torah, at 70 is old age, at 80 is very old age, living past 80 is painful, length of illness indicates type of death, sources
death at 50 is kares, at 52 is death of Samuel, at 60 is death penalty of the Torah, at 70 is old age, at 80 is very old age, living past 80 is painful, length of illness indicates type of death, sources
death at 50 is kares, at 52 is death of Samuel, at 60 is death penalty of the Torah, at 70 is old age, at 80 is very old age, living past 80 is painful, length of illness indicates type of death, sources
death of a Torah scholar is similar to the burning of a Torah scroll
delays caused by rolling the Torah to the second part of the Torah reading
delve into the depths of Torah and it will uplift you, and between rulers it will seat you
destruction due to neglect of Torah and Torah study, not necessarily due to the three cardinal sins
details of halachic categories are increased in order to sharpen the minds of students
differences between Torah and tefillin or mezuzah
differences between Torah and tefillin/mezuzah
differences between Torah and tefillin/mezuzah
diligent study of Torah can bring the truth, despite not being taught that exact information, examples include 20 percent to be spent on mitzvos, Betzalel, Joshua, Aaron, saves from sin, taxes, fines and demons
dimensions, measurements, amount of tefachim in an amah, contents, tablets, Torah, materials Betzalel used to build it
divided in thirds, one part to kohanim and levied, one third to the temple treasury, one third to the poor and Torah scholars
dividing pesukim when teaching
do the Torah portions with curses require a blessing
does each person called to the Torah need a before and after blessing?
dots above letters in the Torah, how we understand and expound them
eating in a marketplace is not dignified for a Torah scholar
Egypt - forbidden for Jews to return there, stated three times in the Torah
eighty three signators (found in chapter 10 of Nechemiah) agree to live by the Torah, this number corresponds to the amount of times the name of God is mentioned in certain biblical books
enacted by Moshe and Ezra
enacted by Moshe and Ezra
enacted Torah readings
entered paradise, abandoned Torah, killed or had a bad influence on rabbinic students, betrayed the Jews to the Romans, expounds Torah verses with his student Rabbi Meir, story that happened at the party celebrating his circumcision, why he didn't return to Torah, reasons why he left Torah, on his deathbed, his grave burning, rescued by Rabbi Meir?, his daughters request charity from Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
exempt from all Torah commandments?
exert themselves in Torah study, therefore only obligated to marital relations once a week, Friday night
faces of Rabbi Yehudah bar Ilai and Rabbi Abahu shone as a result of learning Torah
five books joined to make a Torah, or a Torah divided into five books
for various days and holidays
forbidden to learn Torah in the presence of a dead person
forbidden to teach a Torah concept in front of one’s Torah teacher unless it was learned from him
four or more mistakes in each column
from an incomplete Torah
funds from shekalim or funds for the upkeep of the Temple used for Torah teachers who taught kohanim, teachers who taught about blemishes, scribes who corrected the Torah of the Temple courtyard, judges of Jerusalem, women who weaved for the Temple, incense, altars, vessels, chambers, courtyards, walls of the Temple and Jerusalem,
future Torah learning were all already given to Moshe at Sinai
general Torah prohibition followed by one or two singled out specific prohibitions
given by God to Moshe had black fire (ink) on white fire (parchment)
groupings of pesukim and how the reader and translator interact
had Torah thoughts in the bathhouse
halacha can change due to a change in circumstance, emergence of Torah scholars outside Israel
halacha of writing
hand towels, Torah covers, bath towels, barber’s apron, prohibited due to shatnez?
hearing grandson reading Torah is like hearing from Mount Sinai, source
Helene the Queen made a gold tablet of the Torah verses related to the sotah procedure
Helene the Queen made a gold tablet of the Torah verses related to the sotah procedure
Hillel forgot the law, he said ‘leave the people of Israel, if they are not prophets they are sons of prophets’, he observed the deed then recalled and said ‘thus I heard from Shemayah and Avtalyon, any Torah that does not have tradition is not Torah
Holiday we call up five, Yom Kippur six, Shabbos seven
holidays and Shabbos are for eating and drinking, and Torah study, divide day between both
holy assembly before the sages, divided their time between Torah study and work
holy books written in Greek
holy books, saving from a fire on Shabbos, whether or not we read from them, written in any language, scrolls making hands impure, neglect of the Torah lecture
honor by going to where the Torah is, not bringing it to the person, Torah may be brought to Torah scholar
honor by going to where the Torah is, not bringing it to the person, Torah may be brought to Torah scholar
honor to Torah teacher is a form of honoring God, Moshe, Elijah, Achiyah, Elisha, Samuel, Eli
ignoring a summons to bais din, desecrating God’s name, preventing performance of a mitzvah, causing eating of sacrificial food out of the proper place, disparaging a matter of halacha (washing hands), disparaging a Torah scholar, these are some of the twenty four reasons to be excommunicated
importance of not missing any days of Torah study
importance of staying within a group of colleagues
importance of working with and serving experienced scholars so as not to make halachic mistakes
incantations of biblical verses over a wound to calm a child’s fear, placing a Torah or tefillin on a child to help him fall asleep
incantations of biblical verses, placing a Torah or tefillin on a child to help him fall asleep
inquiries about the time prior to man’s creation, what is above heavens and below earth
interpreter required when transmitting Torah
interpreting language of a vow follows common language or Torah language? Shemini Atzeres part of Sukkos? is fruit considered ‘sustenance?’, can one who made a vow not to eat ‘sustenance’ have water or salt?
interpreting language of a vow follows common language or Torah language? Shemini Atzeres part of Sukkos? is fruit considered ‘sustenance?’, can one who made a vow not to eat ‘sustenance’ have water or salt?
interpreting language of a vow follows common language or Torah language? Shemini Atzeres part of Sukkos? is fruit considered ‘sustenance?’, can one who made a vow not to eat ‘sustenance’ have water or salt?
interpreting language of a vow follows common language or Torah language? Shemini Atzeres part of Sukkos? Is fruit considered ‘sustenance?’, can one who made a vow not to eat ‘sustenance’ have water or salt?
interpreting language of a vow follows common language or Torah language? Shemini Atzeres part of Sukkos? Is fruit considered ‘sustenance?’, can one who made a vow not to eat ‘sustenance’ have water or salt?
interrupt Torah study to say shema, shemonah esrei, ordinary person, one always studying Torah, scribe
interrupt Torah study to say shema, shemonah esrei, ordinary person, one always studying Torah, scribe
is translation required?
items that the Torah declares forbidden to eat also forbidden for benefit unless the Torah states otherwise? flesh of a living animal? neveilah? cheilev? blood? gid hanashah? bread roasted kernels plump kernels? sheratzim? condemned ox? Pesach ">chametz owned by a Jew on Pesach? kilayiim of the vineyard? orlah? tereifah?
items that the Torah declares forbidden to eat also forbidden for benefit unless the Torah states otherwise? flesh of a living animal? neveilah? cheilev? blood? gid hanashah? bread roasted kernels plump kernels? sheratzim? condemned ox? Pesach ">chametz owned by a Jew on Pesach? kilayiim of the vineyard? orlah? tereifah?
Ivri script / Ra’atz - has a language, but no respectable script, original script of the Torah?
Ivri script / Ra’atz - has a language, but no respectable script, original script of the Torah?
kesubah of Rabbi Yehoshua the son of Rabbi Akiva provided that his wife support him so that he can study Torah
king who read the Torah and cried, improperly flattered by the Jews, tragedy that followed
knowledge of Torah decreased in the time of the Talmud
kohen becoming impure for a nasi, the wife of a nasi, Torah teacher
kohen called first, then levi, yisrael to make ‘Peaceful Ways’, biblical or rabbinic law?
kohen gadol preparation for Yom Kippur, reading Torah portion, identifying animals, reviewing halachos, mikveh immersions
kohen gadol reading Torah and the burning of the bull and goat are done at the same time
kohen gadol reads Torah, choice of clothes, procedures of taking out the Torah, Torah portion, blessings, source
kohen reads Torah first, eruv chatzeros kept in original house, priority of water rights for upstream cisterns, finding of minor or deaf mute protected, prey in traps are protected, olives on the ground while picking, poor idolators who pick leket, shikchah and peah
laws of each holiday studied 30 days prior to holiday
learning Torah, teaching him Torah
learning Torah, teaching him Torah
learning with colleagues better than learning alone
leaving home to study Torah for an extended period of time
leaving home to study Torah for an extended period of time
leaving section at top and bottom unsewn is either Halacha LeMoshe MiSinai or logical so that it doesn’t tear
leniency for someone wearing shatnez while studying Torah in a house of study
leniency of corpse impurity for a kohen studying Torah in a house of study
listening is like reading
Lod - Torah study or performance of a mitzvah, which is greater?
love your fellow as yourself, a great Torah principle, Ben Azzai, this is the book of the descendants of Adam
made a gold tablet of the Torah verses related to the sotah procedure
mamzer Torah scholar takes precedence in honor over an ignorant kohen gadol
mamzer Torah scholar takes precedence in honor over an ignorant kohen gadol
mamzer, Torah scholar who abandons the Torah
may be written in Greek
monetary law, sacrificial law, laws of purification and contamination, forbidden relationships, have many scriptural sources and are the main body of Torah law
more dear to God as compared to written Torah
Moshe received scripture, mishnah, talmud, aggadah, and even what a student will innovate to his teacher
must be read from a written text, exception
must be read from a written text, exception
no learning of Torah laws from prior to Sinai
no pauses in reading by the Torah portions of the curses, readings begin and end with positive passages
no portion in world to come, desecrates sacred property, disgraces holidays, negates bris of Abraham, disregards Torah
numerical count of covenants related to mitzvah and the giving of the Torah
obligation to teach daughter
offers a reward of konditon (alcoholic beverage) to a student who can answer a question
one exempt from a Torah obligation who does it anyway is considered ignorant
one of three explicit verses in the Torah
one of three explicit verses in the Torah
one of three explicit verses in the Torah
one of three explicit verses in the Torah
one or two people reading and/or translating
one the way to do a mitzvah, sick people (even mildly sick) and their attendants,, exempt from sukkah obligation, sanctifying new moon, members of wedding party, guards, visiting one’s Torah teacher, Torah scholar shouldn’t travel, eating prior to massif
one who knows all of Torah is called Sinai
one who writes aggadah has no portion in the world to come, one who expounds on it will be scorched, one who listens will not receive reward for Torah study
oral Torah move dear to God?
original text in Ivri or Ashuri script?
pairs of verses from the Torah which God stated simultaneously and we miraculously understood, meant to convey nuanced halachic points, zachor shamor
people called to Torah, Torah usually not brought to them, exceptions, king, kohen gadol, assistant kohen gadol, Reish Galusa
people who trust that God will provide while they teach Torah without interruption
permitted for writing a Torah, use for song, special status of Greek language
permitted for writing a Torah, use for song, special status of Greek language
pious fool, hypocrite, self-righteous woman, use Torah knowledge to harm others, fasting ‘virgin’, troubled widow, mature minor
placed inside, or next to, the holy ark?
Ptolemy translation of Torah
Ptolemy translation of Torah
public Torah reading not allowed, read on rooftops
queen Heleni donated a gold tablet with the sotah passage of the Torah written on it, is this permitted?
questions related to disformed letters
quoting a mishnah accurately despite the fact that the halacha doesn’t follow that mishnah
quoting accurately, naming the sources of who said it, imagining they are standing there
quoting in the name of teacher who taught a halacha, lips move in grave, compared to the lingering taste of wine
Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai lived in Arav for eighteen years and only two halachic inquiries were asked to him, he declared ‘Galilee Galilee how you despise Torah you will eventually become occupied with bandits’
Rabbi Liezer refuses a answer a noblewoman’s Torah question causing a financial loss to his own son
Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai at Mount Sinai would have requested 2 mouths, one for mundane issues and the other for Torah, but reconsidered due to the problem of then having two mouths speaking slander
Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi would listen to the Torah portion being read by his grandson every erev Shabbos
Rabbi Yochanan and Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish worked on the seventh chapter of tractate Shabbos for three and a half years, the children of Rabbi Chiya worked on it for six months
Rabbi Yochanan was offended that Rabbi Elazar didn’t greet him, people realize that the Torah of Rabbi Elazar came from Rabbi Yochanan therefore he was appeased
Rabbi Yonasan didn’t want to teach aggadah to Rabbi Simla because he was from Babylon and the south of Israel
Rabbi Zeira criticized aggadah interpretations, calls them ‘scholarship of divination’
raise Torah scroll for the congregation to see
reader unable to complete his portion
reading of the Torah by the king
reason why cities in Israel weaken and collapse, neglecting Torah
reasons for destruction of Tabernacle of Shilo, first Temple, second Temple, idol worship, illicit relations, murder, disgracing holidays and offerings, love of money and baseless hatred despite meticulous observance of mitzvos and study of Torah
remains in force even after the arrival of Messiah
remains in force even after the arrival of Messiah
repeating Torah in someone else’s name if heard directly from them
repeating Torah in the name of the teacher who taught it
restoring Torah from memory if it would be forgotten
reward given to those who bring children to hakhel (Torah study)
reworking letters or words within a bible verse to derive a Torah law
Rosh Chodesh and Chol Hamoed
saves from death
saving a Torah or tefillin from a fire with its cover and money pouch into an open mavoi
saving a Torah or tefillin from a fire with its cover and money pouch into an open mavoi
saving a Torah or tefillin from a fire with its cover and money pouch into an open mavoi
scripts of blessings and amulets (even those which include verses from the Torah) may not be saved from a fire on Shabbos
seems foreign to Jews due to their non observance
selling a Torah inherited from his father, benefit of keeping a Torah in one’s house
selling a Torah to be able to study Torah, marry, support himself?
sequence of verses in the Torah is not necessarily the order of events in the Torah
Shabbos and Holiday are for eating and drinking, and Torah study, divide day between both
Shmuel reviewed halacha forty times in order to remember
size and construction of the ark, how the tablets and the Torah fit inside
skipping from place to place
skipping from place to place
skipping from place to place, Torah, prophets, reasons
soferim (ones who count), early generations made Torah more accessible by organizing it into counted lists
Sovnaya - synagogue, mistake in Torah reading
speaks in ordinary language of how people speak, or in Torah language
speaks in ordinary language of how people speak, or in Torah language
speaks in ordinary language of how people speak, or in Torah language
speaks in ordinary language of how people speak, or in Torah language
standing in the presence of a Torah
standing while reading
stands in merit of Torah, avodah, gemilus chasadim
stitching halacha LeMoshe MiSinai
story of ostrich almost eating a pair of tefillin is comparable to a Torah scroll being burnt
students of R Lazar ben Shamuah refused to allow Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi to hear certain halacha from their Torah teacher
study of Mishnah takes precedence over study of Talmud and scripture
study of scripture has the same value as mishnah
support of Torah scholars greater than building synagogues
support of Torah study and its reward
swear or vow against the Torah
swear or vow against the Torah
Tarbenas (in Israel?) - Torah teacher dividing pesukim
Tavi, slave of Rabban Gamliel slept (under a bed) in a sukkah, wore tefillin, learned Torah
teaching a woman Torah will inform her that she was saved from sotah death due to her Torah learning merits, or teaching her Torah will lead her to further sin
teaching a woman Torah will inform her that she was saved from sotah death due to her Torah learning merits, or teaching her Torah will lead her to further sin, she must know basic laws, no specific mitzvah to study Torah, specific reasons to never teach a woman Torah
teaching topics of forbidden relationships, creation of the world, maaseh merkavah, in certain sized groups, or sometimes not at all
teaching Torah greater than studying Torah
teaching Torah greater than studying Torah
teaching Torah greater than studying Torah
teachings allude to many Torah concepts, reward is given for its study, not meant to teach halacha
tefillin, pressed clothing, covering face, eating at a different house the yours, washing, wearing shoes, cutting hair, doing laundry, reading Torah, midrash, halacha, aggadah, greeting people, working
tefillin, Torah, found outside eruv on Shabbos, bringing them to a safe place
tefillin, Torah, found outside eruv on Shabbos, bringing them to a safe place
temporary addition to an existing structure, pitching a tent, opening and closing curtain for the Torah ark
ten situations of obligation to tear garments (which may not be repaired), required upon death of sages or students, what status of Torah knowledge would trigger this obligation, upon death of Nasi, head of Bais Din, bad news, upon hearing one curse God or a secondary name of God, burning of a Torah (requires two tearings) , seeing the ruins of Jerusalem, and the Temple
ten verse minimum for Torah, twenty one for Prophets
tenth of ephah, wearing kohen pants garment, reciting Torah miluim passages essential for the miluim service? leaning, pouring blood not essential
that do or don't require blessings before and after
the Torah’s references to the husband’s showing a non bloody sheet and the father of the bride disproving his claims by showing a bloody sheet are merely graphic hints to both sides bringing witnesses to their claim
the word וחמשים, found in Exodus 13:18 hints to five weapons worn by the Jews who left Egypt
the words את and גם add on, אך and רק exclude, את used describing fear of God includes God’s Torah
thirty nine forbidden work categories, subcategories, word ‘melachah’ 39 times in Torah, sources
three places where a verse of the Torah is meant figuratively
Tiberias - Rabbi Abahu visited, face shone from studyingbTorah
Tiberias - Torah study or performance of a mitzvah, which is greater?
Torah in the Temple, kept in the holy ark or outside?
Torah is not an empty thing, deficiency stems from those who think it is empty because they don’t toil over it, it is your life when you toil over it
Torah law not derived from prophets
Torah law suspended due to emergency, feeding forbidden foods to a person with bulmos, terumah to a non kohen, feed dog liver to a person bit by a mad dog, medicine for throat pain on Shabbos,
Torah laws, statutes, oral Torah must be taught for free, a teacher can charge for teaching scripture and translation
Torah may be brought to Reish Galusah of Babylon in honor of his special ancestors
Torah may be brought to Reish Galusah of Babylon in honor of his special ancestors
Torah may be brought to Reish Galusah of Babylon in honor of his special ancestors
Torah measurements correspond to the seven fruits of Israel
Torah measurements which are a whole number plus a small fraction
Torah reading on Yom Kippur followed by 8 blessings
Torah seems empty when no effort is expended in its study, but becomes one’s life when effort is put in
Torah source for seven days of mourning
Torah source for seven days of mourning
Torah study cancelled to read Megillah
Torah study or performance of mitzvah, which takes precedence?
Torah study or performance of mitzvah, which takes precedence?
Torah study or performance of mitzvah, which takes precedence? mitzvah which can be done by others
Torah study partially permitted and partially forbidden
Torah study saves one from demons
Torah study was conducted in the synagogue
translated the Torah, translated words into Greek language
translated the Torah, translated words into Greek language
translated the Torah, translated words into Greek language
translation by Akilas
translation into Aramaic
translation into Greek
translation into Greek
trapping, bruising, eight sheratzim mentioned in the Torah, other crawling things, for purpose, no purpose, domesticated animals and birds, hides of the eight sheratzim, hides of other creatures, of a human, impurity
twice endangered himself to follow the opinion of Bais Shamai, was saved due to his stature as a Torah sage, he regretted being saved for that reason, fasted to repent
Tzinbarai (Tzinabra) - Arsicinas (Roman general) burned the Torah of Tzinabra
unique method as compared to other religions
unreliable mishnah
use in the Torah
use in the Torah
use of the word ‘אמת’ implies that it is a Halacha LeMoshe MiSinai
used in Torah, Prophets, Kesuvim, Syriac language of Yerushalmi, Aramaic language of Bavli
using a Torah scroll
using an incomplete Torah for public reading
verses from the Torah related to Jewish history that were read when giving maaser
visualize one’s Torah teacher when quoting him
vows not to have benefit from his son so that the son can learn Torah, what may the son do for him?
was a nazir, a Torah teacher in Yavneh
we don't overpay for buying Torah scrolls, tefillin, and mezuzos from non Jews, don’t buy from them at all?
what amounts are implied when the Torah uses the terms ‘days’, and ‘many’
what we read on a day when two different readings are mandated
what would qualify one for the status of ‘Torah Teacher?’
when forced in public one may not violate any Torah law, unless forced due to money or self interest
when neglected, cities in Israel are endangered
when reading two Torah portions, if using one Torah it can be rolled to the proper place after the first reading, if using two Torahs put one back, then take out the second
when reading two Torahs, put one back, then take out the second
when reading two Torahs, put one back, then take out the second
when there aren't enough people who know how to read the Torah
when to read - overrides the kohen watches and Torah learning
who forgot his Torah learning
who use their Torah knowledge to harm others
willow ceremony, water libation, shemittah rule ten saplings Halacha LeMoshe MiSinai, enacted by prophets, or restored Torah law?
willow ceremony, water libation, shemittah rule ten saplings Halacha LeMoshe MiSinai, enacted by prophets, or restored Torah law?
women should compel their children to study Torah
women should compel their children to study Torah
worthy to have been great enough to give the Torah
writing amulets or blessings (even ones containing Torah portions) compared to burning the Torah
writing amulets or blessings (even ones containing Torah portions) compared to burning the Torah
writing loan documents, seforim, tefillin, mezuzos, fixing a Torah, making tzitzis, appraisals, work contracts
written chronologically?
written on a cow’s horn then cow given to her, Torah says ‘put divorce document in her hand’, giving reins enough?
written text must be read, oral teachings must be given over orally
written with faded ink
wrote the name of God, but intended to write יהודה, how to fix?
Yehudah Beribi studied a tractate for six months and later couldn’t answer a question about it
אין דברי תורה צריכין חיזוק - biblical Torah laws don’t need strengthening
אין דברי תורה צריכין חיזוק - biblical Torah laws don’t need strengthening
אין דברי תורה צריכין חיזוק - biblical Torah laws don’t need strengthening
אלו ואלו דברי אלהים חיים - both sides of a Torah dispute are the words of the living God
בניה דאוריתא - builder of Torah
דברי סופרין צריכין חיזוק - rabbinic Torah laws need strengthening
דברי סופרין צריכין חיזוק - rabbinic Torah laws need strengthening
דברי סופרין צריכין חיזוק - rabbinic Torah laws need strengthening
דברים שנאמרו בכתב בכתב - written Torah can only be transmitted in written form
דברים שנאמרו בפה בפה - oral Torah can one be transmitted orally
זו תורה וזו שכרה - is this Torah, and is this its reward?
כל מי שהוא פטור מהדבר ועושהו נקרא הדיוט - one exempt from a Torah obligation who does it anyway is considered ignorant
לא בשמים היא - the Torah is not in heaven (people need to make halachic decisions)
ממזר תלמיד חכם קודם לכהן גדול עם הארץ - mamzer Torah scholar takes precedence in honor over an ignorant kohen gadol
תלמוד קודם למעשה - study of Torah takes precedence over performance of mitzvos
תלמיד חכם שאומרין דבר הלכה מפיו בעולם הזה שפתותיו רוחשות בקבר - a deceased Torah scholar whose Torah teaching is quoted, his lips move in the grave