95 Results
Adami Adam (Damin) - non walled Town located in tribe of Naftali
Afarkurim - border Town, possibly in Israel
an unintentional killer who the Townspeople want to honor, should tell them that he in unworthy due to being a killer
Anasos - Town of Rabbi Chanina of Anasos
Antipatras - Gabus to Antipatras 600,000 small Towns
Antipatras - Town possibly located in Judea
Arav - Town in Galilee
Bais Guvrin - Town of Rabbi Yonasan
Bais Sharai - Town of Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
Bais Yerach - one district within a Town of two districts (Kinneres?)
Bar Delay - Town of Rabbi Yudah ben Pazi
border Towns - more lenient in regard to shemittah
border Towns with questions related to impurity, maaser, and shemittah, Chamesa of Pechal, Diklaya D’Bavel, Naveh, Darai, Botzraya, Pardeisa, Botzrah, Ammon, Moab, Ashkelon, Tyre, Yavlonah, Keziv, Amanah, Kiflaria, Egypt, Betzer, Kiflaria,
border Towns, conquered by those who came from Babylon
border Towns, conquered by those who came from Babylon : Chomas road, Migdal Shid, Shinnah Dror, wall of Akko, fortress of Galilee, Kfar Asah, Bais Zevisah, Kuvaya, Milsah of Kir, Greater Burai, Taffies, Sanpatah, Mecharta of Yatir, road to Abathia, headwaters of Gaaton, Gaaton, Mei Sfar, Marcheshes, Migdal Charuv, greater Ulam, Nukbesa of Iyon, Yukras, Bar Sangara, upper Tarnegola of Caesarea Philippi, Trachon, Melach of Zarkai, Nimrin, Bais Sechel, Kenas, Refiach of Chagra, the great road to the desert, Cheshbon, Yabbok, Zered, Yigar Sahadusa, Rekem of Goah, gardens of Ashkelon
Botzrah - Town of Rabbi Tantrum
Botzrah - Town of Rabbi Yonah
Cappodacia - Town of Rabbi Yudan
Cappodacia - Town of Rabbi Yudan
Cappodacia - Town of Rabbi Yudan
Cartegna - Town of Chinana of Cartegna, Carthage
Cartegna - Town of Chinana of Cartegna, Carthage
Cartegna - Town of Chinana of Cartegna, Carthage
Cartegna - Town of Chinana of Cartegna, Carthage
Chadasha - Town in Judea, referenced in Joshua 15:37
Chamsah, Geder, Migdal, Tiberias, between neighboring Towns, large, small,
deathbed directives, widow remains in his house, no eulogies in certain Towns, who may attend to his burial needs, less shrouds, holes in coffin bottom, residents of Tzippori threatened to kill the person who announced the death of Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi, buried in Bais Shearim, daylight of the day of his funeral which was on a Friday miraculously extended,
deathbed directives, widow remains in his house, no eulogies in certain Towns, who may attend to his burial needs, less shrouds, holes in coffin bottom, residents of Tzippori threatened to kill the person who announced the death of Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi, buried in Bais Shearim, daylight of the day of his funeral which was on a Friday miraculously extended,
Efrasayim - Town of Rabbi Chunya Jacob
Gabus - Gabus to Antipatras 600,000 small Towns, in tribe of Yehudah?
Geder, Migdal, Tiberias, Chamsah, between neighboring Towns, large, small,
Ginosar - Town of Yonasan ben Charsa
Haifa - Town of Rabbi Avudma
Haifa - Town of Yosah of Haifa who served Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
Haifa - Town of Yose of Haifa who served Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
impurity of foreign lands, obligation of maaser, shemittah, border and beyond border Towns, questions, stories
impurity of foreign lands, obligation of maaser, shemittah, border and beyond border Towns, questions, stories
impurity of foreign lands, obligation of maaser, shemittah, on border, beyond border Towns,, questions, stories
Jaffa - Town of Rabbi Adda
karpaf added to Towns to be included in the area of a two? karpaf area used to join two or three Towns into one techum?
Keziv - border Town in the north of Israel
Kfar Ammi - Town of Rabbi Yudan, fire broke out on Shabbos
Kfar Amum - Town of Rabbi Shimon ben Yehudah
Kfar Imi - Town of Rabbi Yudan of Kfar Imi
Kfar Ismah - Town of Dostai, student of Shamai
Kfar Nevoraya - Town of Jacob of Kfar Nevoraya
Kfar Nevoraya - Town of Jacob of Kfar Nevoraya
Kfar Tachmin - Town of Rabbi Chiya of Kfar Tachmin
Kfar Tamarta - Town of Rabbi Shila
Kinneres, Kinros, Ginosar - tribe of Naftali, Town that straddled both sides of the Jordan River
Kiryas Yearim - Town where holy ark was kept prior to it being brought to Jerusalem
measuring only took place in a Town that had a Sanhedrin
Migdal, Geder, Tiberias, Chamsah, between neighboring Towns, large, small,
Nefes - Town of Rabbi Yonah, fire broke out on Shabbos, Rabbi Yonah offered to repay losses
Netzivin - Town of Rabbi Yehudah ben Beseirah
Netzivin - Town of Rabbi Yehudah ben Beseirah
Netzivin - Town of Rabbi Yehudah ben Beseirah
number of, population, walled, destroyed, rebuilt, near border, Town vs. village
number of, population, walled, destroyed, rebuilt, near border, Town vs. village
Ono - Town of Chananyah of Ono
Patasah - Town located 3 mil from Tzippori
pledged by individuals, or a group in one Town who want to divert it to their Town
private Town that became public, public that became private, city with one or more entrances, dividing a Town into 2 eruvin
Sennabris - Town of Rabbi Levi
shekel collected in Towns to be transported to Jerusalem, transferred into larger denominations to make transport easier
Shichin - Town of Nechemya
Shichin - Town of Yose ben Simlai near Tzippori
Shichin - Town of Yose ben Simlai near Tzippori
Shichin - Town of Yose ben Simlai near Tzippori, allowed a fire to burn on Shabbos
smaller than four amos by amos isn’t considered a house, exempt from mezuzah, fence requirements, contributing to eruv chatzeros, maaser laws, can’t serve as a extension to a Town in regard to eruv techumin, vows regarding enjoying houses, loading and unloading rights by front door, yovel laws, tzoraas of houses, returning during war based on an unused house
soldiers taking, carrying, and returning with their weapons on Shabbos, border Towns more lenient
soldiers taking, carrying, and returning with their weapons on Shabbos, border Towns more lenient
soldiers taking, carrying, and returning with their weapons on Shabbos, border Towns more lenient
Tiberias, Chamsah, Migdal, Geder, walking between neighboring Towns, large, small,
told son to set up an eruv on the opposite side of the Town where he is or in the extension of the Town, gain on one side results in loss on the other side
Town square
Town’s water rights vs interests of other Towns downstream
Towns of the tribe of Naftali
Towns of the tribe of Zevulon
two Towns equally close to the body of the deceased
Tzinbarai (Tzinabra) - one district within a Town of two districts, near Tiberias (Kinneres?)
Tzippori - Rabbi Chelbo pledged money to a charity in Tzippori and thought to give it in his homeTown (not Tzippori)
Tzippori - Town of Rabbi Avdumi
Tzippori - Town of Rabbi Chananyah of Tzippori
Tzippori - Town of Rabbi Chaninah of Tzippori
Tzippori - Town of Rabbi Chaninah of Tzippori
Tzippori - Town of Rabbi Chiyah of Tzippori
Tzippori - Town of Rabbi Chiyah of Tzippori who was a kohen let his yisrael worker use impure terumah oil
Tzippori - Town of Rabbi Mana
Tzippori - Towns near Tzippori and Akko considered in Israel?
walking between neighboring Towns, large, small, Tiberias, Chamsah, Migdal, Geder
when a Town has ten batlanim it is considered a city
when a Town has ten batlanim it is considered a city
when a Town has ten batlanim it is considered a city