48 Results
Ariach - Trees were grafted there, and later chopped down
bought one tree with its land or two Trees or sharecropping on another’s land, is bikkurim declaration read?
clearing stones, sticks, grasses, Trees, rabbinic decrees, exceptions to the decrees
clearing stones, sticks, grasses, Trees, rabbinic decrees, exceptions to the decrees
consecrated the Trees but not the branches, residents of Jericho
cutting grapevines, reeds, beams, how to when permitted, stabilizing cracked Trees
esrog tree has halachic similarities to both Trees and vegetables
field of saplings, more lenient than mature Trees, shape of field
field of Trees, amount, type, spacing, quantity of fruit produced, size of tree if not fruit bearing
field of Trees, definition for plowing prior to shemittah, acquiring surrounding land via the purchase of Trees
field of Trees, fits requirements, but owned by more than one owner
fruit Trees exempt from orlah even if planted for their fruits
fruit Trees not planted for their fruit, obligated in maaser?
fruit Trees planted not for their fruits, is one liable for stealing fruit from these Trees?
gold fruit Trees in Temple of Solomon, miraculously produced fruit until king Menashe brought idols into the Temple
grafting Trees, vegetables, planting seeds together
is bikkurim declaration read? bought two Trees, spring dried up, tree was cut down, brought between Sukkos and Chanukah
Migdal Tzevayah - place where shittim Trees were planted by Jacob
parts of plants or Trees that are either forbidden or permitted in regard to orlah, neta revai, nazir, asheirah
parts of plants or Trees that are either forbidden or permitted in regard to orlah, neta revai, nazir, asheirah
parts of plants or Trees that are either forbidden or permitted in regard to orlah, neta revai, nazir, asheirah
parts of plants or Trees that are either forbidden or permitted in regard to orlah, neta revai, nazir, asheirah
planted Trees close to shemittah, required to uproot? fruit forbidden? son inherited tree required to uproot?
planted Trees inadvertently or on purpose, must be uprooted
planted Trees within 30 days of shemittah, partial year won’t count towards orlah, forbidden to upkeep in shemittah year, fourth year fruits are forbidden until 15th of Shevat, planted before 30 days prior to shemittah, partial year counts to shemittah, may upkeep during shemittah, as fourth year begins new fruits are permitted
planted Trees within 30 days of shemittah, partial year won’t count towards orlah, forbidden to upkeep in shemittah year, fourth year fruits are forbidden until 15th of Shevat, planted before 30 days prior to shemittah, partial year counts to shemittah, may upkeep during shemittah, as fourth year begins new fruits are permitted
planting non fruit bearing Trees
planting Trees less than thirty days before Shemittah? less then thirty days before the eighth year?
planting Trees, work
planting Trees, work
pollinating Trees
selling ‘vineyard’ or ‘orchard’ doesn’t mean that there are vines or Trees, it may just be the name of the property
Shabbos lights wicks, flax, linen, products of Trees
six practices of the people of Jericho, three the sages opposed, three they didn’t oppose, grafting dates Trees on erev Pesach, wrapping shema, reaping stacking omer, benefit from hekdesh branches, eating fruit fallen from Trees, peas from vegetables
statements about olive Trees, Trees in the messianic era, Gog U’Magog war, scholars in times of messiah
thinning a grove of Trees, cutting firewood, burning an area of reeds, cutting wood
Trees as walls of the sukkah
Trees grow from the trunk, vegetables grow from its roots
Trees, mountain region - gallnut, valley - date palms, rivers - reeds, lowlands - sycamore
Trees, olives presses, partially inside and outside the city walls, is it considered in or out of Jerusalem?
types of Erez Trees
Tzippori - Trees that were grafted and later chopped down by students of Bais Shamai
various types of Trees and vegetables
watering entire field or just tree to tree? depending on density of Trees
watering entire field or just tree to tree? depending on density of Trees, ten Trees per bais seah
watering white (grain) field not comparable to watering between Trees on Chol Hamoed
woman who inherited non productive olive Trees or vineyards