hall leading into the Temple

2 Results
  • border towns, conquered by those who came from Babylon : Chomas road, Migdal Shid, Shinnah Dror, wall of Akko, fortress of Galilee, Kfar Asah, Bais Zevisah, Kuvaya, Milsah of Kir, Greater Burai, Taffies, Sanpatah, Mecharta of Yatir, road to Abathia, headwaters of Gaaton, Gaaton, Mei Sfar, Marcheshes, Migdal Charuv, greater Ulam, Nukbesa of Iyon, Yukras, Bar Sangara, upper Tarnegola of Caesarea Philippi, Trachon, Melach of Zarkai, Nimrin, Bais Sechel, Kenas, Refiach of Chagra, the great road to the desert, Cheshbon, Yabbok, Zered, Yigar Sahadusa, Rekem of Goah, gardens of Ashkelon