45 Results
an ignorant potter is trusted on purity of his small Vessels if he is located between Modiis (Modiin?) and Jerusalem, limits to this rule
artificial limbs becoming impure due to being considered Vessels
Ben Katin made twelve spouts for the kiyor, is it a Vessel? using drawn water? valid to sanctify hands and feet?
bringing Vessels from a craftsman
brought in a state of impurity, people impure, kohanim impure, Vessels impure, hands impure, knives impure
cases where ignorant people are trusted with holy things, and trusted (to a lesser degree) with terumah, differences in trust between people from Galilee and Yehudah, and various seasons, the ramifications of Vessel’s purity status changing
completing and using Vessels that are needed to prepare for food needed for Chol Hamoed or Holiday
evaluation and future obligation of the groom on real estate, Vessels, money, jewelry, and cosmetics that the bride brings into the marriage
extra shekalim or libations, gold sheets for the holy of holies, ‘dessert or the altar’, service Vessels
found coins, Vessels or barrel with writing indicating holiness, items of deceased father, doves, what status do we assume?
funds from shekalim or funds for the upkeep of the Temple used for Torah teachers who taught kohanim, teachers who taught about blemishes, scribes who corrected the Torah of the Temple courtyard, judges of Jerusalem, women who weaved for the Temple, incense, altars, Vessels, chambers, courtyards, walls of the Temple and Jerusalem,
kohen gadol who took incense with his hands, are his hands considered holy Vessels? can someone else scoop up the incense? use Vessel the same size as hands? use Vessel same size as another person’s hands? kohen gadol dies, just after taking hands full of incense, must replacement kohen gadol do his own hands full of incense or use the incense measured by the first kohen gadol?
moving a Vessel that has a muktzah item inside or attached to it, child holding a stone
multiple items in one Vessel combines for holiness
natron - earthenware or submersible utensil?
ninety three Vessels removed corresponding to amount of offerings on the first day of Sukkos
not using a sanctified Vessel for water libation
placing a Vessel under a burning oil lamp to catch dripping oil before or during Shabbos, benefitting from the oil, muktzah, not aware that the light went out before Shabbos began or during the previous Shabbos, kernels in ground and eggs under hens are muktzah despite being usable, sukkah fruit decorations, fruit that dried but owner unaware
placing shutters in a window, shutters tied to the window opening, placing door bolt, bolt tied to door, dragging on the floor, handling Vessel covers
preparation of the Vessel, earth, and water
preparation of the Vessel, earth, and water requires intent
procedure when it falls out on Shabbos, not using a sanctified Vessel, reasons
purifying Vessels in a mikveh in certain situations on Shabbos
purifying Vessels in a mikveh in certain situations on Shabbos
setting up a wall of water filled Vessels which would burst and extinguish the fire, as compared to a line of ice or snow into which sparks will fall which would more directly extinguish sparks
shovel from where the incense is scooped, is it a holy Vessel?
spit, Vessels, knife found in Jerusalem, impure? depending where and when it was found, reasons, blood of a neveilah or sheretz impure?
Temple Vessel table displayed to the public on holidays
Temple Vessels cleaned after holiday, process of cleaning
thieves and tax collectors are believed to say which Vessels they touched, and are further believed on kodesh items in Jerusalem, and even for terumah at holiday times, limitations on this rule
thirteen shekel collection boxes, new shekalim, old shekalim, bird pairs, young olah birds, wood, incense, gold for Vessels, six for voluntary communal offerings minimum donations for vows of wood, incense and gold, purpose of the six boxes
three things in preparation for Shabbos, tithes completed, eruv set up, lighting Shabbos lights, during twilight no tithing of tevel, no immersing Vessels in mikveh, no lighting lamps, but may tithe demai, make an eruv, and insulate how water
transferred blood from one holy Vessel to another holy Vessel, is offering still valid?
type of Vessel used
using a broken piece of pottery for the purification of the water, is it a Vessel?
value of the shekalim can’t be converted to pearls or Vessels for transport
Vessel with or without water beneath a lamp to catch and extinguish sparks, compared to a Vessel catching oil from a lamp
Vessels for Temple, bowls, knives
Vessels for Temple, intent required when it is made? owned privately then designated for Temple? manufactured with Temple owned material?
Vessels sanctified orally or by using them, in time of Moshe by anointing oil, Temple of Solomon by pouring from Vessels of Moshe, second Temple by pouring from Solomon’s Vessels into the new Vessels, or Vessels sanctified with their first usage
Vessels that had impure and pure oil rubbed on them, status of Vessel
vital to the validity of an offering? table, menorah, altar, curtain, band around altar, horn of altar, placement of altar or Vessels
while drawing water on Shabbos, a Vessel is purified, while washing dishes, dust on a floor is contained
written on Vessel but excluding the Vessel, torn parchment, written on olive leaves