35 Results
cleared area within Vineyard, size needed to be considered a separate field to be planted with other plants
closeness of vines, when it is considered a Vineyard, when planting between rows would be permitted
consecrated Vineyard before oleilos emerged, owned by hekdesh, if they already emerged they are owned by the poor
crowded Vineyard compared to crowded graves
crowded Vineyard compared to crowded graves
ditch, winepress, lookout tower, crevice, house, planting in these within a Vineyard
evidence of a virgin marrying and therefore a 200 kesubah is her wearing a veil, wearing hair down at the Yom Kippur festivity in the Vineyards, distribution of grains and sealed wine barrels at her wedding,
excessively crowded considered a proper Vineyard? intended to remove some vines later?
exemption from serving based upon having planted a Vineyard, details about when exemption applies
fenugreek of terumah, maaser sheni, shemittah, kilayim of a Vineyard, hekdesh that fell into water, different parts of plant
flowerpot with a hole that passes vines or a Vineyard, would ie become kilayim?
found a grave, how much is he required to search for other graves? comparison to finding a Vineyard
found a grave, how much is he required to search for other graves? comparison to finding a Vineyard
items that the Torah declares forbidden to eat also forbidden for benefit unless the Torah states otherwise? flesh of a living animal? neveilah? cheilev? blood? gid hanashah? bread roasted kernels plump kernels? sheratzim? condemned ox? Pesach ">chametz owned by a Jew on Pesach? kilayiim of the Vineyard? orlah? tereifah?
items that the Torah declares forbidden to eat also forbidden for benefit unless the Torah states otherwise? flesh of a living animal? neveilah? cheilev? blood? gid hanashah? bread roasted kernels plump kernels? sheratzim? condemned ox? Pesach ">chametz owned by a Jew on Pesach? kilayiim of the Vineyard? orlah? tereifah?
layered vines, do they enlarged the legal size of the Vineyard?
many vines growing in flowerpots without holes, do they together form a Vineyard?
minimum size, where we learn this halacha from, configuration of surrounding work area, no other plants there
partially destroyed aris Vineyard
planted something foreign within a Vineyard, how many surrounding vines become forbidden?
planting grain in a Vineyard, or the opposite, obligation to remove the fold plants, weeding out kilayim plants
planting near an aris set of vines which is less than a Vineyard
Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri burned kilayim produce from an aris Vineyard
removing kilayim from one’s Vineyard which had been stolen, planted with grain, repossessed on chol hamoed
restrictions for planting area, within an aris type Vineyard
restrictions for planting area, within an aris type Vineyard
restrictions for planting within an aris type Vineyard that had section in the middle cleared
rules of halachic separation between Vineyards and other plants
seeds planted near a Vineyard, how many vines will become forbidden? various scenarios
selling ‘Vineyard’ or ‘orchard’ doesn’t mean that there are vines or trees, it may just be the name of the property
two adjacent fields, planting on the common boundary, do the two edges combine to become a Vineyard?
unorderly with areas missing on the perimeter or interior, do laws about Vineyards apply?
Vineyard - forbidden to plant, keep, enjoy, sources
woman who inherited non productive olive trees or Vineyards