22 Results
Chaggai, Zechariah, Malachi died and ruach hakodesh ceased, but the heavenly Voice continued
declared Hillel, Shmuel Hakatan, and Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus worthy of the divine spirit
first Pesach Moshe’s powerful Voice explained Pesach procedures, Pharaoh’s Voice proclaimed freedom
first Pesach Moshe’s powerful Voice explained Pesach procedures, Pharaoh’s Voice proclaimed freedom
following a heavenly Voice
Gevini the crier, a person, or the call of the rooster called the kohanim leviim yisraelim to their stations, Voice of Gevini was heard by King Agrippas a distance of eight parsah away
healing by gazing at or hearing the Voice of a married or single woman
Hugdas the levi, singer, powerful Voice, made unusual sounds by putting his thumb in his mouth
Moshe had to lead the Jews in prayers of thanks at the Red Sea, all Jews raised their Voices and wept after hearing the slanderous report of the spies
ruling in favor of Bais Hillel against Bais Shamai
stories of Shimon Hatzadik, Yochanan kohen gadol, Hillel, Shmuel Hakatan, Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus
stories of Shimon Hatzadik, Yochanan kohen gadol, Hillel, Shmuel Hakatan, Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus
the Voice of a woman
Voice from a pit says ‘whoever hears my Voice should write a divorce for my wife’, demon or person?
Voice of God merged with Voices of Levites, medium level sound
Voices instructing to give a divorce
Voices instructing to give a divorce
what types of comments, unidentified Voices, or testimony is acceptable to allow a woman to remarry, Jew, non Jew
Yavneh - where a heavenly Voice declared that the halacha follows Bais Hillel against Bais Shamai
Yavneh - where a heavenly Voice declared that the halacha follows Bais Hillel against Bais Shamai
אין שני קולות נכנסין באוזן אחת - two simultaneous Voices aren’t understood by one ear