37 Results
Betza'ananim - non Walled City, tribe of Naftali
Chadir - Walled City
Chamas, Chamsa, Chamsi - near Tiberias, Walled City, tribe of Naftali, reads Megillah on fifteenth of Adar
Chamas, Chamsa, Chamsi - near Tiberias, Walled City, tribe of Naftali, reads Megillah on fifteenth of Adar
Cheilef - non Walled City, tribe of Naftali
Eilon (Ayalin) - non Walled City in tribe of Naftali
Gamla - Walled City
Gedod - Walled City
Gei HaCharashim - Walled City in tribe of Binyamin
Hanekev - non Walled City, tribe of Naftali
honor for cities to read a different day than villagers
house within
husband unaware of his right to cancel wife’s vow, or unaware that a certain statement was a vow
Joshua bin Nun
Lakum - non Walled City, tribe of Naftali
Lod - Walled City, tribe of Binyamin, destroyed during pilegesh bigivah and rebuilt, part of Gei Hacharashim, near Kfar Luddim
Lod - Walled City, tribe of Binyamin, destroyed during pilegesh bigivah and rebuilt, part of Gei Hacharashim, near Kfar Luddim
near or seen from Walled City
Ono - Walled City, destroyed during pilegesh bigivah, rebuilt, part of Gei Hacharashim, tribe of Binyamin
read Megillah on forteenth or fifteenth of Adar?, Walled City?
reading Megillah in a possibly Walled City as compared to the halachah of selling a house in a possibly Walled City
status of Tiberias, fourteenth or fifteenth?
Tiberias - fortress/ Walled City, tribe of Naftali
trunk inside city and branches outside, or the opposite
types of cities and their proper reading days - close or visible to a Walled City
types of cities and their proper reading days - destroyed or formerly Jewish Walled City
types of cities and their proper reading days - Walled City without ten batlanim
Tzeir - fortress/Walled City, near Tzidim, tribe of Naftali
Tzidim - fortress/Walled City, also called Kfar Chitaya, tribe of Naftali, near Tzeir
Walled City
Walled City resident read megillah on the 14th of Adar, read again on 15th?
Walled City without ten batlanim
walled, then destroyed or became non Jewish
what is included in this law? fields? trenches? olive presses? bathhouses? cisterns? house built into the city wall?
Yavne’el (Kfar Yama) - non Walled City, tribe of Naftali
Yidalah (Chiraya) - Walled City